Disclaimer: Twilight belongs to Stephenie Meyer and all the characters except my OC


The night was closing in around me, my feet hit the ground in a thud as I ran. The moonlight cast shadows in the trees, twisting mangled shades on the bark, adrenaline coursed through my veins and my heart was beating a mile a minute. The thing behind me was catching up. It was toying with me. Looking backwards my feet stumbled over a fallen branch and I sprawled onto the forest floor. I heard a sickening snap and a rush of pain as my ankle broke. I lay there in the middle of the clearing whimpering at the pain and breathing heavily. The night was silent: there were no birds or bats, not an insect buzzed and not even the branches moved.

Terror began to rise in me as I tasted blood in my mouth. My leg was useless I couldn't even stand up. Then a noise began to come from the woods, the sound of footsteps. He was coming. So this was it. This was the time for me to die. A single tear rolled down my cheek, I didn't want to die yet. I looked up to the moon, it was full, and the stars which lit up the sky like millions of fireflies. The woods seemed to close in around me and I shivered as the wind whipped at my bare arms, it was beautiful yet sinister.

The footsteps got louder and louder as he got closer. I bit my lip as the hopelessness of my situation crashed down on me. I remembered the question that had been asked of me Would you die for him? As the monster came out of the darkness I closed my eyes and whispered hoarsely "Yes". How long ago was that day, that fateful day when I had gone to visit my dad and sister in Forks? It had been the start of a journey that had led me here: laying in the middle of clearing helpless as an unstoppable creature was about to kill me with my heart ripped in two by another.

Chapter 1

"Bye mum" I said as I wrapped my arms around her skinny frame. She was struggling not to cry but her eyes seemed red. Phil put an arm around her and I let go. Phil was alright as a step-dad and I guess I was going to miss him but mum was expecting and I wanted to give them some apace. I'd return a few months after my brother or sister was born. Mum kept on fussing but eventually Phil was able to convince her to leave so with a final hug and kiss they headed back for our sunny beautiful house and I waited at the departure gate to go to my dads rainy little town of Forks.

Don't get me wrong I love my dad and the only reason I hadn't moved to Forks already was my school and friends were here but I visited when I could. It's just that Forks is so boring! I sighed and waited for my flight to be called. At least Bella was there, she had moved there 2 years ago and had gotten married. I couldn't believe it! My practical, sensible good girl sister had gotten hitched. I had so wanted to go to her wedding but I was on a stupid school trip to Greece. Bells and I had been close even though she was the older sister. We both had to look after Renée for years until Phil came along. I was so sad that she left but according to mum she was very happy and I couldn't wait to see her, again.

My name is Eleanor Swan. I am 18 years old and live in Jacksonville,Florida with my mum and step-dad. (We moved here 1 and a ½ years ago) I am about 5'8 and have size 7 feet. I suppose I am a little pretty but Bella got all the looks and I got what was left. My hair is an ebony colour that falls about half way down my back. Currently it has a pink stripe down the left side but I am always changing it I love dying my hair, though it drives mum and Phil insane. My face is average, not pretty but not ugly either. My nose is a little too big and my ears stick out slightly. My eyes are the best part of me, no-one knows who I got them from, they're mismatched one is a forest green and the other is a deep sea blue. I have slightly tanned skin but I am generally viewed as a pale person here in sunny Florida. The one thing I have over my sister is that I can actually walk in a straight line without falling over. I am a very artsy and creative person :painting, dancing, singing etc. Dad made sure that Bella and I could defend ourselves and I can handle myself in a fight.

Of course I had to use those fighting skills at school a lot. I was the freak of the school, I had a few close friends but thanks to my hair and "attitude" I was the scapegoat. The only subjects I could be bothered with were art, music and history. Bella was an book person I liked to live in the real world. I do love my sis though, she had been my closest friend for ages. Mum didn't mind what I did at school as long I was happy.

I waited for my plane to be called and I was beginning to feel nervous, and when I get nervous I bite my nails. I know, I know it's a filthy habit but I've been doing it since I was 5 and it was hard to quit. Finally, I heard my plane called and I got on-board. I dozed off during the flight and I woke up to a window showing...rain. Typical Forks weather. I was wearing a pair of old ripped jeans and a black top with a white butterfly across the chest. As soon as the doors opened cold air rushed into the cabin. I wrapped my dark purple jacket around me and put the hood up.

Soon I was outside the airport waiting for my dad or Bella to pick me up. I saw a group of people leaving and I did a double take. It was a very large group almost 30 of them. Most of them were wearing some horrible cloak thing and they walked slightly robotically like a machine. 3 of the group were dressed in normal clothes. They were men and they had a dignified almost royal look to them. They were walking away from me so I couldn't see their faces. For some reason my gaze was drawn to one of the men without cloaks. He was slightly taller than the other two and had white hair that was short and stuck up a bit. If that wasn't odd enough his skin seemed almost white too paler even then Bella. As if feeling my eyes on him his back stiffened and turned around. For a fraction of a second I saw his face. My mouth dropped open the guy was perfect his face was flawless but what shocked me the most was the colour of his eyes. A crimson red that seemed to burn into me. Before I had a chance to look at him closer he turned back and walked on with the rest of his party. Something in me wanted to call out but I shook it off. What the hell am I thinking? I don't even know him.

Still my thoughts remained on him he had just the sort of face I loved to draw, hmm maybe I would when I got settled in. I stood outside underneath an umbrella as I searched for a familiar car. And the rain fell down and down.

AN: I know I shouldn't start another story but I wanted to really badly. This idea is not mine it is Lone-angel-1992 who asked me to write it. Hope you like it. I thought it was a really interesting idea and I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it. In the story only Aro has a wife and Renesemee/Nessie isn't there but Edward and Bella are married and Bella is a vampire (they are planning to leave soon) I don't want to give out any spoilers for Breaking Dawn. Please review.

Sneak Preview

I lunged at my dad and hugged him in an iron grip. It had been so long since I had last seen him. I stepped back and grinned at him. He smiled back at me.

"I missed you too kiddo" he said and I frowned at the insinuation that I was still a kid. Someone came out of the kitchen. I turned and met a pair of golden eyes.