Long tongues danced together violently. Neither cared much for the fangs tearing at their skin.

The taste of blood only took them higher.

One growled low, demanding, questioning, begging. The other growled back, jaw snapping, drawing more blood. Hips ground together almost painfully, uncaring of dark pants, rubbing harder, so much harder.


"If you stop, I'm going to kill you" a hiss that drowned out the sound of the rain. A smirk was his answer, an erotic grind of hips.

"I'd like to see you try, Little Brother."

Pants were thrown to the side. No hesitation. The passion behind their actions was cold, so cold that it burned to touch, so they kept touching. It was the instant gratification they were looking for, the peak, the cliff. And not just anybody could offer it to them.

It had to be them. Together. Like this.

Calloused hands gripped smooth hips. Soft smirk. Open invitation shone in burning silver eyes. It shone behind lust, behind passion, behind pure undiluted hatred. The younger's mouth opened in a roar. God this felt good. He felt every seal he'd ever placed on him self were being torn away, leaving raw over sensitive skin.

Smirk. "The Demon has awakened in you too, Dante." Thrust. Low cry. Thrust. Growl. Thrust. Scream. He leaned down, closer, avoiding the fangs that bitch, ignoring the hardened claws digging into his back. "It's awakened so let me see it." Thrust, scream, pause.

"You fucking bastard." the rain had stopped. "Don't you dare stop." the younger snarled, fighting for movement, for anything that would quench the burning dry thirst of his hatred. Vergil did not oblige him. Complete stillness.

Silver eyes glowed. Abandonment, lust, forgotten things. Hair the was normally done up was plastered to a pale forehead. "Let me see it." let go. Stop tying yourself. Let yourself go with me. Let's drag each other into hell together.

Thrust. Roar. Gasp. Pant. "Please...." an unfamiliar term that needed to be used, other wise he'd never get anywhere. Thrust, crack, growl, claw. it was so painful. There was no pleasure in their movements. It was so painful, but this is what it had tobe. he thrived on it, had to have more. just a litle deeper.

They couldn't stop now. His own Limits had burst. Too many years locked in the darkness. Too many years pining after something that spat at his affections. Silver eyes flashed red, glowed as it started to rain again. Thrust. Tear. Bite. Bleed. Thrust. Groan. Beg. Faster.

It was like a pattern with no rule to follow. Thrust. Scream. "VERGIL!" Bleed. Thrust. And Repeat. Hatred lost it's power as pleasure drowned out other thoughts. Any other restraints were crushed under the force of the Older's thrusts. The clawed at each other, opening old scars, pulled at tearing muscles, licked tears away, bit, fought, thrust harder dear god harder please!

"Dante....let me see it."

Silver eyes Flashed red, another roar at the peak of climax rang so loud it drowned out even the thunder. The kiss afterward was just away to take them down from that so important high. The kiss was to set the hatred back in place. The older moved first. And before the younger could get up again.....

His own sword was run through his chest.