Disclaimer: I do not own twilight, otherwise the story would be all about Edward and I making out! Woo Hoo!

One day when dreaming out of the blue, I wondered what would happen if the characters of the Twilight Series, by Stephenie Meyer, we to play a game of 20 bucks in 20 seconds… In which, you have to anwser as many questions as you can in twenty seconds in order to win tewnty dollars. And the the final question of the game is always, who would you turn gay for?

I wondered to myself...Who would get the twenty dollars? Who Wouldn't? What questions would they be asked?

And who, in the name of everything holy, would Edward Cullen turn gay for?!?!

Well, I suppose you'll have to read on to find out!!!

Welcome one and all to my NEW fanfiction story. Yes, did say that i was going to put up "A Synonym For Edward Cullen" soon, and definitely before another story, but ASFEC is coming to me in bits and pieces, so it could be a while before i can upload it.

This story was inspired wth a stroke of genius partly from kellinw who's amazing fanfiction story reminded me about an idea that I had a while ago for this story. Go check out her story if you already haven't, its really good!

Hope you like it, dont forget to review!!!!!

FWWBH (Fuzzy Wuzzy With Bad Haircut)