Unknown: *crying* I love this story I don't want it to end.

Wufei: * smacks her upside the head* you can write more or a sequel if you want.

Unknown: * smiles* your right I can! Guys did you hear that?

Trowa: O-o.....

Hiiro: .....

Quatre: You are so ..GRRRRRR * walks away shaking head*

Duo: Hey that's coo!!!! Can I help you write what ever you choose to write?

Unknown: * lean over and whispers in duos ear* only if you help me get wufei for hitting me on the head. * rubs back of head as she speaks* it hurt!

Duo: HUMMMMM * scratches head, then chin, then stomach, then toes, then head. .*

Unknown: tell me after this chapter is done ok!!!


Unknown: * sigh* I'll take that as a yes

**** For you my lovely reviewers**** (an: I hope you like)

The months flew past with wedding preparations. The world was quiet as if in a blanket of blissful sleep, as the Ex-perfect solider and the former champion of justice stood in front of the alter. The priest was happy to see two people so young and so in love. The ceremony it's self was beautiful, all paid by an inheritance of 20 million dollars that appeared in Hiiro's bank account with a note that said ' You've earned this'

Duo smiled though it all but tears could be seen in his eyes, even though he denied it. Quatre smiled and hugged Mary closer. Trowa seemed indifferent but in his eyes, you could see the joy. Wufei was happy that Hiiro was marring a woman who wasn't weak. The girls were overjoyed but they still shed tears onto their boyfriend's shoulders. At the reception, everyone dance late into the night and left early in the morning, though the bride and groom had left many hours earlier. The pilots now had no reason to stay together so with one last goodbye they went their separate ways.

They kept in touch through a few letter once and a while.

Last, they heard Usagi was pregnant with twins one boy and one girl, to be named Serenity and Hiiro, and they had moved into a house in the woods and were blissfully happy.

Trowa and Ami were off traveling the world with the circus, as it turns out Ami made a great acrobat and they were living it up together in the big top.

Wufei and Lita opened a martial arts dojo, were the best and brightest in the fighting world were trained. They had one child named Miriam and had yet to get married.

Duo and Hotaru ran away and eloped at the Elvis chapel in Las Vegas. They were living in a studio apartment in New York when they weren't on tour with their band. The band was doing very well and they were scheduled to be on TRL at an undisclosed time.

Everyone received one letter from Quatre and Mary, Saying that they were fine. That they were going to travel the world for a couple of years then maybe settle down on some remote island but that was all.

Thus the destruction done by the Gundam's faded into shadow, as had their pilots, the Doctors were arrested when they tried to blow up a colony. In the end the pilots were almost normal and were planning to live the rest of their lives as such.

*That is all* I hope you liked this story as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please if you want a sequel Email me at [email protected]

Thank you, Unknown Hacker