Unknown sits in a chair, hands tied behind her back. Facing a bunch of lawyers with a Hiiro like face.

" I will never say it" she states in an emotionless voice.

" Say it or. we will lock you in a small room with.Relena Peacecraft!!"

" Please anything any thing at all, but not that, I have done nothing so horrible to deserve that kind of torture!!" unknown cries.

"Say it, or we will make it happen!" the lawyers smirk to them selves.

" Fine!" unknown looks away from the lawyers then down " I don't own Gundam Wing, or Sailor Moon, now for the sake of all the is good and right in anime let me free!" Unknown cried.

The lawyers untie her and she runs past them, then turning back around she yells " I will soon thought, just like I will soon rule the world! MMAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA *cough!!!!"

The lawyers look at each other then run after the now running defiant author.

(Please don't sue me I own nothing)

AN: there will be a lot of Darin Bashing in the story and some Relena bashing to, if you don't like it don't read it.

****** ( ******** ( ********* ( **********

The night was cold and dark. Down below her people ran to escape not only the night but the storm that was coming. She had never been much of a day person, she hated the people rushing about and there was always so many questions when she went out during the day time.

It will all soon be over she thought to herself. She wouldn't have to wear long sweater and avoid peoples eyes when walking down the street any more. Darin always got angry when she looked at other people and if she wore short sleves and or shorts he acused her of cheating on him and then he beat her. Last time she had to go to the hospital because she was pushed through a glass door and down a set of stairs.

Darin used to be so nice, he used to not drink, he used realy care for her.

She missed he old boy friend hirro he was cold but he never hurt her in fact he never even layed an ill tempterd hand on her. That was why she was going to find him maybe he could help her. Were are you hiiro? Usagi thought Please let me find him, please god let me find him! Usagi couldn't help but feel hope fill her as she left the balcony of her and Darin's apartment. She snuck past the bedroom were Darin was past out. She grabed the backpack packed with clothes food and all the money she had. She packed it while Darin was at the bar. He had hit her when he got home but she steeled it herself aginst it.

Stop thinking about what he did to you and start thinking about how you are going to find hiiro!

Usagi scolded herself. All she had was the adress of his friend Quatre from an old letter he sent her after they broke up. She prayed that he was still there or someone there knew were he was.

Usagi hailed a cab and told him the adress of the house were Hirro last stayed. As they raced down the small tokyo streets she woundered if he would remember her and what it would be like to she him again. She was still thinking when the cabed pulled to a stop. With out even looking outside she payed the driver and steped out. Only to look at the huge house in front of her and sudenly think she got the wrong house. She turned around just as the cab drive ripped away from her and down the long drive way.

Crap, why did I think that this would work? Why? why? usagi still upset from the mistake of the cab driver, decided to ask the occupant of the house if she could use there phone. She walked toward the door then slowly she knocked. knock knock. She waited untill a large man opened the door.

" may I help you miss" asked the man in a deep voice.

" yes, I was woundering if I could use your phone?" usagi asked, in the polites voice she could muster.

A voice from the behind the door said "Rashid it's cold out there let her in to use the phone and give her some hot tea!" the voice said and the large man she had now astablished ad Rashid moved to the side and let her in.

" Miss the phone is over there!" said a blond boy she recognized the voice as the one from before, " My name is Quatre Ribbaba Winner, you are?" he said extending his hand and shaking hers.

" wait you said you name was Quatre?" Usagi asked.


" Do you know Hirro Yui?" Usagi was extatic at the idea that she had found him at last, there was a small pause then from some were beyond quatre she heard his voice.


Usagi looked in the direction of the voice, to see Hiiro standing on the staris about four or fove feet away.

" Hiiro, I need your help, I understand if you don't want to I mean with all the..stuff that has happened between us." Usagi was suddeny cut off by Hiiro.

" Usagi what the matter?" Hiiro asked with more concern then he had ever shown. Usagi didn't relize it but she was cring.

" Darin, he beats me and abuses me, I rememberd you and I knew you could help me, I just need a place to stay for the night then I'm hitch hicking out of here, maybe I will see the world, but I need to start by not sleeping on the street, Can you help me?" Usagi was babbeling on, and she knew it.

Usagi turned to Quatre " I'm sorry, my name is Usagi Tuskino" Usagi stuck her hand out and Quatre again shook her hand. Hiiro slowly moved down the stairs toward his ex-girlfriend.

" Usagi , I'm so sorry I left you alone with him, I knew he couldn't be trusted!" Hiiro was no standing so close to her. He reached out and pulled her into an embrace. (AN: yes hiiro is very very OOC) (AN: if you don't like it you can bite my white butt) (( )

" Hiiro, it's not your fault, it's realy not, I was stupid to belevie I could love any one as much as I loved you." Usagi was now crying hevily onto hiiros loose fiting green tank top.

" sssshhhh, it's ok now Usagi." Hiiro then turned his eyes from Usagi and to Quatre " Quatre can I have some extra blankets brought up to my room, an extra pillow and some hot tea for Usa?"

" Yes, Hiiro I will have a servent bring those items right up."

" Thank you." Hiiro turned his back on Quatre, and slowly lead Usagi up to his room.

(AN: stop thinking nasty thoughts I'm not like that and neither is Hiiro, OK)

When they reached his room he slowly openned the door and entered the dark room.

(AN: I said Stop)

He reached his hand off to the right and turned on the light to his room. Then he lead Usagi in.

(AN: There wasn't even anything nasty in that last sentence so.STOP IT)

He picked up her shaking legs and upper body and placed her gentally on his bed.

(AN: UHHHMM eye contact *grabs readers hand * No *smaks readers hand*)

When she was coverd in his blankets he sat to the side of her and gentally stroked her beautiful sunshine colored hair.

Hiiro noticed the large brusie that showed from under the high collare of her shirt.

I'll kill him, I will freaken kill him. Hiiro though to himself. The servent brought the extra blankets and pillow, but because Uasgi was asleep he sent the tea back down stairs with the servent. He made his bed on the floor turned off the night and slowly driffted to sleep.

**** ( **** In the morning ****

" Hiiro! Help me!" Duo charged into Hiiros room not looking at the sleeping figure on the floor he jumped on to the bed and under the covers, of Hiiro's bed. Suddenly there was a loud high pitched scream and Duo scrambled out of the bed.

" Oh, my god Hiiro turned into a Hot chick over night!" A some what scared Duo hid behind a stunned and disgusted Wufei.

"Maxwell are you on something?" Wufei asked but was silenced when a younge women stuck her head out from under the covers.

"AAAAHHHH" Wufei screamed and ran out of the room, by this time Hiiro was wide wake he stood up and looked over at Usagi.

"Usa, Are you ok? What happened?"

" There was a guy in the bed with me and I didn't known him!" Slowly pointing she lifted a fingure to Duo who stood in the door Wide-eyed, " It was him, he was in bed with me."

Hiiro turned to Duo, " Why were you in bed with her, Duo?"

" I was trying to hide from Wu-man and I jumped into you bed, and well now were here." Duo sweat dropped and scratched the back of his head.

" Duo, I will kill you!" Hiiro raised his gun from the nothingness were he keep it and pointed it at Duo.

" AAAAHHHH!" Duo ran from the room screaming.

" Thank you, Hiiro!" Usagi jumped out of the bed and grabbed Hiiro in a tight embrace.

" Your Welcome, Usa" Hiiro smiled at his beloved. He didn't know it before this be he loved her.

" Hiiro," Usagi slowly pushed out of the embrace and looked uo at him.

" Yes Usa"

" I have to go, I don't want to cause you trouble, you or your friends, ok" Usagi slowly grabbed the back a servent brought up this morning, and started walking toward the door.

" Usagi?"

" Yes, Hiiro"

" Please don't leave.I.I.I"

" you what?"

" I Love you"

" Oh, god Hiiro, I love you to!, so much" Usagi ran forward and huuged Hiiro again then she moved her body closer to his and moved her lips on to his. Hiiro wrapped his arms around her and pulleed her tighter to him. His tounge slipped along her lips seaking entrence. She parted her lips and let his tounge explore the reaches of her mouth. He moved a hand up to her back from her waist were they rested and pulled her firmly closer to him. Usagi pulled away crying.

" Usa, did I do something?" Hiiro asked with pain in his eyes.

" No, Hiiro it wasn't you," She leaned back to him and veery gently planted a kiss on his lips, " My back is pretty beat up from all the shoving and stabbing that Darin Did to me." Usagi forced a weak smile on to her face.

" Usa I will kill him, I will kill him for ever hurting you!" Hiiro said grabbing her and pulling her close to his chest.

" He won't ever, ever hurt you again, if he trys the baka will have to go through me!" Hiiro said into her ear.

" thank you Hiiro!" Usagi said against his chest.

" for what?" Questioned Hiiro raising one eye brow at usagi.

" for loving means caring enough to take care of me," Usagi wispered in an almost inaudible tone.

" I will always love you" said Hiiro as he raised her head by placing his hand on her chin.

Then he kissed her a deep soul pircing kiss that fussed all of his bottled emotion and all of the love he felt for Usagi in to one amazing kiss.