A/N: Sorry for the wait, y'all life gets kinda busy! I wanna thank all the reviewers, the people who alerted, the people who favorite, the people who put this in a C2, oh and the people that are reading right now! You guys keep a procrastinator like myself working! This chapter has a lot of Harry's POV because I had a few complaints about not seeing it his way, so here you are! You can't say I've never done anything for ya :)
Disclaimer: 'Fraid I don't own it, sorry for all those who thought I did.
Chapter 5
There are worse things that Harry could have been thinking about, much worse. However, what he was thinking about wasn't very nice. It was true that for a long time he hadn't thought too highly of Severus Snape, he was always around when it seemed like he wasn't welcome. At least, that's how it felt to Harry. When his father hadn't returned, Severus popped out of nowhere just to be a shoulder to cry on. Harry knew that Severus must be deviously plotting to get into the family, to make them think he was innocent and not a Death Eater. Harry knew otherwise, he knew what the sadistic man was capable of. His mother, however, was completely clueless. She'd always be so happy to see him, so loving, so…wrong. She was still married! This is not how it was supposed to be, nor would it be this way for very long. At least, if he could help it…which so far he couldn't. He had tried everything when he was younger to stop the relationship; from crying to kicking him in the shin to calling him a nickname his father had used. Nothing seemed to work!
So this chanced meeting at Diagon Alley, Harry figured, was no coincidence. Perhaps he was stalking them. He watched warily as his brother got to his feet. After a quick apology the adults began to speak to each other. At first, Steven and Artemis stood silent listening, however their conversation seemed dull to them and they soon turned into their own conversation…something about houses that turned into an argument about Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. Harry, on the other hand, continued to listen. Nothing new, at first that is, just the same talk of the weather, politics, Quidditch, but then Remus brought up something interesting,
"Artemis saw a black dog this morning; you don't think it could be…?"
"Remus, Sirius Black has been missing for almost a decade; he's more than likely dead." Severus said bluntly.
"Severus is right; there is no way Sirius would have left his family like that. That's unlike him." Lily put in,
"That's true…completely true, but he was also finding his friend." Remus replied, "Sirius would do anything for his fellow Marauder."
"Look, we should talk about this another time," Severus eyed Harry with an eyebrow raised. Harry's heart jumped,
"Yes, perhaps your right." Lily sighed looking at Harry offering him a sly smile and a wink, "See you soon, Severus."
"Yes, soon…" He trailed off staring at the boy once again; Harry felt chills go down his spine as his emerald eyes met his future professor's ebony irises. "Goodbye."
With that, he turned and left.
Good riddance. Harry thought looking back at the other children with a sigh, sometimes fitting in was just plain boring. It was hard to concentrate when all he had were people pestering him to do this or do that. He had to figure out how he could defeat Voldemort his first year and save Steven the trouble, crazy but he knew it had to be done. It was sort of his responsibility after all since they did wrongly name him the marked one. Maybe there was a way to get rid of the horcrux in Steven…
"Harry!" Artemis exclaimed, "Do I have to get a megaphone for you to hear what I'm saying?"
"Hm?" Harry raised an eyebrow. He found it hard not to like Artemis, although she was hardheaded and high-spirited.
"What's a megaphone?" Steven asked curiously.
"You don't get out much do you?" Artemis rolled her eyes and then turned to Harry, "I asked if you were excited for Olivander's."
"Yeah, sure." He responded with a bit of fake enthusiasm. He found Olivander creepy no matter what world he was in.
"I get out a lot; I'm out with you now aren't I?" Steven grumbled. Truth was they didn't get out much. After James went missing, they went into a permanent hiding more to escape paparazzi than anything. Also everything magic reminded her of her husband so she used as little magic as possible. Sometimes Harry caught her sitting in her room holding an old shirt just sitting there, tears in her eyes. However, she wasn't a bad mother, she was in fact something of a wonder to most who knew her, especially to Harry.
The only mother Harry had previously ever known was Mrs. Weasley, and although Mrs. Weasley was a fantastic woman, but Lily blew her out of the water. She did everything; cooking, cleaning, effective child rearing, and she even ended up going back to work as a muggle librarian. However, it was hard, keeping the old place her parents lived at required much more work than she ever expected. Harry sometimes, as soon as he got back into the swing of walking, helped her with housework but Lily didn't much like it and she refused to get a house elf leaving her with so much work that now her once vivid red hair was streaked with grey.
Harry was snapped out of his thoughts as he heard the clinking bell of the door to Olivander's shop. Each excited child entered with Harry trailing who was not looking as impressed as his brother and friend. Who could blame him? The second time around not many things seem to be to the same magnitude as the first.
"Well, well, well." Olivander, still creepy, peered at the three through thick dusty glasses. "I've been expecting you."
"Really? That's a little weird." Artemis said offhandedly.
"Artemis!" Remus said in a scolding tone.
Harry was also fascinated at this other side of Remus Lupin; in his old life, he had merely been a mentor nothing like what he is now…a grieving father trying to control a rather wild child.
Yet, he did a good job considering the difficulty in finding a job with his condition and raising a child with his condition. It involved Lily a lot of the time, she always took Artemis in during the full moons…Artemis didn't even know about it until a few years ago when she had gotten in a small argument with Steven and wanted to go home and there her father was fully transformed.
It was only the Wolfsbane potion that saved her. After that, Artemis remained with the Potter's during the full moon every single time without a single complaint. Although most would think it was because she was afraid of the other form of her father, but Harry had a feeling that there was another reason.
"Alright, Ms. Lupin, audible as your mother I can see." He chuckled taking out a long measuring tape, "Which is your wand arm?"
"Left." Artemis responded without a pause,
"That is rare you know." He murmured taking his strange measurements then began looking through his boxes, "You know, it took me seventeen wands to find hers and she kept calling me something along the lines to…oh what was it? Ah yes, 'blast-ended screwball'." Artemis couldn't help but smile at the comment. Unlike Steven who hated any mention of their father, Artemis loved hearing anything she could about the mother she never knew. "Alright, try this one, size eight and a half inches, yew, with a feather from a hippogriff. It will work wonders for charms."
"How do you get all that into there?" She asked amazed taking the wand in her left hand.
"That is a secret, Ms. Lupin." Olivander winked, this made a chill go down Harry's back. As soon as the wand made contact silver and purple sparks ignited. "Well, that was easy, take after your father then. Alright which one of you would like to go first?"
Steven looked at Harry, then back at Olivander,
"I'll go." Harry stepped forward, "My wand hand's my right." It was much like the first time; Harry was rather curious what wand he would get this time. After going through eight or nine boxes of wands, Olivander pulled out a familiar dusty box. "I wonder…alright; eleven inches, holly, and the rare tail feather of a phoenix." It surprised Harry as Olivander handed him his wand. Instantly, gold and silver sparks shot out from the end. The sparks were so bright they lit up the entire room like he had let off silent fireworks from where he stood.
This, Harry thought, has to be a sign.