I'm sorry to inform you all that this will be the last chapter. Well, maybe it won't be if I come up with enough ideas for another character, but this is more of a burden than anything nowadays. So keep reviewing with ideas, because you never know how many I have for a character.

Disclaimer: I don't own Ichimaru Gin or Bleach. Or anything else that is copyrighted.

Warning: Do not attempt. No one knows what would happen to you if you tried this, since everyone who has tried was never seen again. -Insert evil laughter here-

Fifty Or More Ways To Annoy Bleach Characters

By Kouzumi93

Chapter Eight: Ichimaru Gin

- Tape his eyes open.

- Ask him how many Espada he scares in a day by doing so.

- Ask him if he likes to drink gin just because it's funny.

- Tell him that his never-changing expression would probably be very helpful if he played poker.

- Ask him if he was supposed to be named Grin, but it didn't sound cool enough, so the 'r' was dropped.

- Or maybe his parents were drunk at the time and named him after what they had been drinking.

- Ask him if Matsumoto's favourite alcoholic drink is gin.

- Ask him if his bankai allows him to extend his extremities. (hint hint)

- Stand him next to Lau (from Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler) and compare them.

- Note all of their similarities out loud. (:D They have the same voice actor)

- Make sure to say that Lau opens his eyes more often.

- Ask him if he's just on Aizen's side for the lulz.

- Ask him if his favourite saying is, 'Smile. It makes them wonder what you're up to.'

- Have someone call him fox face repeatedly.

- Jump in and say, 'No, he doesn't look anything like Komamura.'

- Make sure you are not within earshot of Komamura when doing this.

- Ask him how often he manages to get the Espada lost in the hallways by manipulating them.

- Get back at him in the name of the Espada. Sneak into the control room and start pressing lots of buttons, set off traps and lead him to dead end after dead end.

- Tell him what's really in the tea of Las Noches.

- Or at least, what you think is in the tea. He'll be grossed out either way.

- Tell him that he has a pedo-smile.

- Say that you might call him a paedophile or a pervert, but you can never quite tell where he's looking.

- Tell him that it is really hard to recreate his face in the Sims.

- Ignore him when he asks what 'The Sims' is.

- Tell him that as long as his face remains as it is, you are unable to take him seriously.

- Tell him that his accent makes him sound funny.

- Tell him that Matsumoto regrets having ever met him. (exiledDatenshi)

- Also comment that she would have rather starved. (exiledDatenshi)

- Ask him why there are cameras in the showers of Hueco Mundo.

- Ask him if he's the reason that Matsumoto drinks so much.

- And Kira, too.

- Replace all of his underwear with pink, frilly and laced panties.

- It's even better if they belong to a seated female officer.

- Particularly Unohana.

- Tell him that he will probably die soon in the manga.

- When he looks surprised, tell him that it'll probably be Ichigo with a hint of plotkai.

- Ask him what he would do if Aizen were to become the King.

- Of course, this is saying that he survives the war.

- Dye his hair a different colour.

- Tell him that his name can't be 'Gin' anymore.

- Ask him if he also has a hollow mask.

- If he says yes, ask him if it's a fox.

- Then comment that you wouldn't be able to tell the difference.

- If he says no, yell, 'Lies! Lies and a cup of pudding!'

- When he gives you a look of confusion, say that the Pudding Gods made you do it.

- Whenever you are around him, close your eyes and grin as widely as you can.

- After walking into [more than] a few walls, turn to him and say, 'Damn, I don't know how you can do that all the time!'

- Then ask him how he does do it.

- Tell him that while he may have been a genius at one point, he has surely been replaced.

- Ask him if he left the Soul Society in the pursuit of Cake, since there is none there.

- Tell him that he would make a very comedic 'happy flasher.'

- Convince him that he's invisible.

- Lead him into a women's bathroom and run away.

- Laugh and keep running as you hear him screaming.

Sorry 'bout all of the 'gin' jokes, I just find it funny about his name being the same as an alcoholic beverage. And the whole 'pudding' thing in there is because of my friend and her obsession with it. She said something about Pudding Gods the day I was writing this up, and it slowly made it's way in.

I do hope all of these are at least remotely funny. I was (am) suffering from sleep deprivation when I came up with them and my sense of humour is odd, so I dunno. Let me know what you think! I'll still accept ideas for other characters (as well as ones past, as I can go back and add stuff in), but maybe don't expect anything for a while.

If you don't get any of the references, watch the Shinigami Golden segments at the end of each episode. If you're still confused, send me a message and I'll explain it.

Review please!