A/N: Wow! The final chapter. I just want to thank everyone for the awesome reviews they've sent me. They've really made my day. I hope everyone enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it! This chapter is quite long compared to the others and I was going to split it in two but I couldn't figure out where I should do it, so have fun and lets see how the craziness ends!

Disclaimer: See chapter one.

Summary: After Vince sends all three brands to the chocolate capital of the US for a show, Hunter has to form a surveillance team to keep Shawn from getting any form of chocolate that could cause him to get sugar high and cause more trouble than even DX could imagine. Will the game succeed or will the crafty showstopper outsmart him?

John and Chris raced through the parking lot. They had found Vince tied up and gagged in one of the empty dressing rooms. He'd told them that Jeff had stolen the keys to one of the production trucks and was hiding in there. After they put the gag back on him they went out searching for the truck.

"Come on! We don't have that much time left. I just saw Hunter come out his dressing room before we came out here!" John shouted.

"I know! I know! Let's just think, Matt said he saw some kind of hose coming from one of the trucks, but where is it?" Chris thought aloud.

"It's that one right over there." Matt said as he came out from his hiding place in another truck. "I saw Glen leave out of there a few minutes ago. I was waiting for you to get here before I did anything, but as long you two were taking, I was gonna go raid the place myself."

Chris glared at him, "Shut up Hardy!" He turned back to John, "Matt and I will go inside. You'll stay out here in case we don't catch him." John nodded and hid back in the truck Matt had came out of.

Chris stood on side of the door while Matt stood on the other. "Ready?" he whispered.


Both Matt and Chris started banging on the door. They knew Jeff was inside because they had heard his voice, but the door wouldn't budge.

"Damn!" Matt shouted. "He must have locked it."

Chris snorted and stood in front of the door, "So what? Breaking a door down shouldn't be two hard for us. I mean we are wrestlers after all, well I am anyway."

"Now is not the time for your ego to get out of line. As far as we know, Shawn has been feeding my brother a steady supply of skittles, so who knows what he's capable of."

"Fine. Let's break this thing down on three. 1...2...3!" The two superstars ran toward the door with as much force as they could, knocking the door completely off its hinges.

"...Oh Shit! They found me!" A shocked Jeff said into his headset.

He tried to make a run for it, but Matt caught him and speared him to the ground. Jeff kicked his brother in the stomach and went after Chris, slamming his head into the the side of truck. Matt had gotten back up and grabbed Jeff from behind in an attempt to pull him off Chris. In all of the commotion of the fight Jeff still heard Shawn's voice say, "Hit my music!" So in attempt to follow his bosses command, Jeff slammed Matt's head into the console that controlled the music.

Since Matt was dazed after Jeff used his head to start playing Sexy Boy, Chris was the only obstacle keeping him from the door. He solved this problem with one simple move...a knee to the groin. As Chris crumpled to the ground in pain Jeff sped out of the production truck.

"See ya after the show guys!" Jeff shouted as he ran out of the truck with Matt and Chris staggering out behind him.

John heard the footsteps as Jeff got closer to the truck, he grabbed the latch of the door preparing to open it, but when he tried it the door wouldn't open. "Shit! Somebody's locked me in here!" He started pounding on the door in an attempt to get help, "Matt! Chris! Let me out of here!"

When Jeff passed the noisy truck he had to snicker, 'I knew it would pay off to have Rey follow them out here!' he thought. Jeff sprinted away from the two other superstars who seemed to be running off a some kind of sugar high or it could have been desperation, he didn't know. When he finally made it back into arena he headed straight for the ring. He had to get to Shawn before the others tried anything.

Chris and Matt leaned against the truck John was trapped in as they watched Jeff get away. "Damn! We almost had him!"

"That's the same thing Hunter said before Shawn blew out the wall of the chocolate safe." Matt pointed out.

"Matt do you not understand the words shut up?!" Chris shouted. "Hunter's going to kill us! Where the hell is John anyway?!" The banging of the truck caught their attention and Matt hesitantly opened the door and one very angry John Cena fell out.

"What the hell took you so long to open the door?!"

"How the hell did you get locked in?!" Chris countered.

"I'm not sure. I heard Jeff running past and I tried to open the door and it was locked. One of Shawn's minions must have been out here too and locked me inside."

"We need to radio Mark. We said we'd contact him if anything happened." Matt explained.

Chris and John nodded, "Matt, I saw the controls for the hose back in the truck. I'll go cut it off and you and John radio the others and get to the ring."

"Got it." John said as he and Matt ran back inside the arena, "You think Mark's got everyone ready?"

"I hope so. If not, we're gonna have some problems on our hands."

"Yeah. Let's just hope Shawn doesn't think like we do."

"John, this is Shawn we're talking about here. I don't think it's possible for him to think like most people.

Shawn could hear the cheers intensify when the audience realized it was him sliding down from the ceiling. He had rigged the cable so that this time he would end up right in the center of the ring. As he spun around in the ring he hit the switch on the hose spraying chocolate on the audience throughout the arena.

Hunter just stared at him in disbelief, 'Wow. Only Shawn would think of something this crazy.' When the audience realized it was only chocolate they began cheering even louder. All Hunter could do was stand there and shake his head.

When the referee entered the ring he had to do a quick double take at Shawn. He had to make sure he wasn't seeing things and that there really was a chocolate firing hose in the Showstopper's hands. Sighing, and wondering why the wrestlers he worked with were so crazy he had the bell rung and jumped to the side of the ring. This was a good thing because as soon as Shawn heard the bell ring he fired a blast of chocolate at Hunter which the game barely dodged.

"Shawn what the hell is the matter with you?!" Hunter shouted as he dodged another blast of chocolate.

"This is a no DQ match remember? I can do whatever I want and tonight my mode of attack involves this hose! Once you taste this chocolate Hunter you'll be as addicted as I am!"

Hunter glared at Shawn before a blast of chocolate hit him in the face, covering him from his head to his waist. "Oh hell no! You're in for it now Shawny!" Hunter slid out of the ring grabbing his sledgehammer from underneath it. 'Those guys better put that hose out of commission before I start having flashbacks from Kev's birthday and try to strangle him again!'

"Hunter! Get back in here!" Shawn shouted as he pointed the hose at Hunter again, but this time nothing worked. He hit the button a few more times, but no chocolate came out. "Oh this sucks! I couldn't have ran out already!"

Hunter grinned as he got back into the ring. He tackled Shawn to the ground, knocking the hose from his hands. He quickly stood up, slamming his sledgehammer into the hose repeatedly to make sure it was destroyed. Shawn glared at him and speared him to the mat. They began rolling around the ring. Hunter was throwing punches left and right. Though not too hard because he needed Shawn conscious to finish his plan. Shawn had finally had enough and kneed him him the stomach to throw him off.

"Alright. If you want to get serious then we'll do it your way!" Shawn charged toward Hunter, chopping him in the chest. "That's for waiting so long to say hi to me when we first got here!!" Another chop. "That's for trying to trap me in the hotel!" Another chop. "And that's for trying to keep me away from my chocolate!"

Hunter was pissed off. He was now gonna have a bunch of red hand prints on his chest, he was covered in chocolate, and when he was fighting Shawn his sledgehammer had mysteriously disappeared. Shawn had finally gotten tired of chopping him and ran into the ropes, hitting his flying shoulder, which knocked him to the floor. Instead of going up to the top rope to drop the elbow like he usually did, Shawn once again slid out of the ring and crawled under it.

Hunter got up slowly. His chest was killing him. When this was all over he was definitely gonna make Shawn pay. When he got out the ring to find his opponent he was unprepared for what he saw.

Shawn had come back from under the ring dragging a rocket, a rocket nearly three times as big and three times as powerful as his old one. "Holy shit! Where did that come from?!"

"It's part of my new pyro! Do you like it?"

"You're not really gonna light that up in here, are you?" Hunter asked nervously.

Shawn began hitting some buttons on the the rocket, but shook his head. "Not yet. After I beat you I'm gonna use this to celebrate with the fans!" Shawn said happily as he patted his rocket. "I set it to go off in about 45 minutes. This way everyone else in the back can enjoy it too!" Before Hunter could say anything else Shawn disappeared under the ring again and this time pulled out a steel chair with him. "Sorry Hunter, but I'll have to clock you with this chair now. If I don't, my plan won't work!"

"Well your plan may not work...but mine will. Guys Now!" As soon as Hunter shouted his teammates suddenly started appearing. Mark and Dave ran out from the crowd and Adam and Randy came out from behind to announcing table. All four of them surrounded Shawn and Hunter, waiting for his signal to move in. "Shawn I've made sure that this time you aren't going to escape."

"Well Hunter...Nice job but you forgot about one thing..." He paused and whistled. Jeff, Rey, Glen, and the two guard dogs from the factory appeared from under the ring. Shawn turned to Jeff and threw him a bag of skittles, "That's your reward for warning me about this part of his plan."

Hunter stared at him quizzically, "Why was everyone hiding under the ring?"

"Well how else do you think I got to keep my rocket under there? It did help after Jeff told me you were planning to attack me!"

"Shawn this is between you and me so let's just settle this without the others."

Shawn shook his head, "I don't think so. Guys...and dogs... get them!"

No one in the audience was quite sure about what was going on, but they had to admit it was funny watching all of them beat the hell out of each other. Glen had Mark in a headlock, punching him hard in the face as revenge for hitting him in the head with a beer bottle earlier. "Come on Glen! Is a flamethrower really worth all this?!" He shouted.

Glen released him and started shaking him roughly, "It cooks people and burgers! Don't you understand that! I can save so much time by grilling everyone and everything."

Mark couldn't help but laugh even though he was sure he was missing some brain cells after all that shaking, "What's so funny?" Glen asked.

"You. Shawn said after he got his chocolate he'd deliver you your flamethrower right?"

Glen nodded and released Mark, "Yeah why?"

"Well he has his chocolate and you still don't have a flamethrower, do you?"

Glen shook his head. "No...I don't." It was like a light bulb came on inside Glen's head. He turned away from Mark and stalked over to Shawn, who was busy fending off Hunter's attacks. He picked Shawn up by his neck and was dangling him in the air. "Where the hell is my flamethrower heartbreaker?!"

Shawn froze and gasped out, "Uhh...what flamethrower would that be again?"

Glen glared at him and dropped him to the ground, "You know damn well what I'm talking about. That flamethrower is my reward for helping you out and I have yet to see it!"

"Well you see...what happened was..." Shawn stuttered out as he began backing away from him, trying to avoid a chokeslam.

"Well?" Glen said menacingly.

"Look you'll get your flamethrower alright! I've delivered everything else, haven't I?" Shawn said.

Rey's ears tuned into the last part of the conversation and he stopped kicking Dave. "No you haven't! You said I would have the 619 by now, but I called home earlier and I got someone else's house!"

"Well did you dial your number Rey?" Dave asked.

"No. Shawn told me that when I got the 619, whatever number I put in after it should come back to my house."

"I told you that when you get some brick mail with the transfer papers, then you would own the 619. You really should pay more attention little man." Shawn's eyes widened when he realized what he said and quickly raised his hands in apology. "Come on Rey...you know I didn't mean that."

Rey stalked toward Shawn, an icy glare in his and looking like he was ready to strangle somebody. "Shawn...did you just call me little?" he asked in an eerily calm voice.

Shawn looked around frantically before his eyes settled on Adam, "No he did it!" Shawn shouted as he pointed at Adam.

"What?!" Before Adam could get out of the way Rey ran charged toward him and dropkicked him. While he was blocking Rey's anger charged kicks all he could think was, 'I'm never doing Hunter any kind of favors again!'

Hunter couldn't believe this. "Why would he believe you and he was standing right in front of you when you said it?"

Shawn grinned, "Rey will believe anything when he's angry." Shawn got up and began making his way back up the ramp, completely free of interference. Mark and Dave had their hands full trying to break Rey away from Adam and the dogs had started chasing Hunter and Glen was chasing the dogs. "Jeff let's go!"

Jeff turned to Randy sadly and pouted, "Sorry Randy, Shawn said we can't play no more, but as a parting gift..." He pulled the confused Randy into position and quickly gave him a twist of fate before running after Shawn.

Shawn paused at the top of the ramp to gaze at his handiwork. He couldn't wait until his rocket went off. After all had been working on it for months. He knew the crowd would love it. "Jeff we did a good job. We got my chocolate, your skittles, and we put Hunter's team out of commission."

"Not his whole team..." A familiar voice said from behind him.

Shawn turned around in shock as he saw John, Matt, and Chris standing in front of them. "Sorry Shawn, but your little minion over there didn't get rid of us." John said smugly.

Shawn glared at them, "Oh you're no fun."

Matt and Chris ignored Shawn and instead turned to Jeff, "Hey little brother. You know Chris and I have a little something we want to give you after what you did to us earlier."

Jeff started back away slowly. He could tell he was in for it now. "What is it Matty?"

Chris and Matt grinned evilly before saying, "PAYBACK!" Matt speared Jeff off the side of the stage and as soon as Matt got up Chris did a moonsault off of the side of the stage, landing squarely on top of Jeff. Shawn looked at John nervously. For the first time since his plan started Shawn didn't have his second in command and realized this might be a problem.

John smiled, "Now it's just you and me Shawn."

Shawn's face turned from anger to nervousness to cockiness when he saw the shadow of someone behind him. "No it's you, me, and...Punk" he said gesturing behind John.

Punk smiled at Shawn as stepped out from the curtain and stood next to John, "You know I wouldn't be relaxing just yet my friend." he said to Shawn.

Shawn quirked his eyebrows at the two, "What are you talking about?"

"I was hoping you'd ask me that." Punk said as he walked toward Shawn. "You see, I was looking around your hotel room after we came back from the chocolate factory and I saw something very interesting. Would you like to know what that was?"

Shawn shook his head, "Not really."

"Too bad cause I'm gonna tell you anyway. You see I found a couple empty cases of Pepsi in your room. Which is odd because I sill haven't seen any of my lifetime supply of soda yet. In fact, the only person you've actually paid is Jeff." By now Punk had slid behind Shawn, sandwiching him between John and himself.

"So after a long set of negotiations we've brought Punk over to our side and he was more than happy to set you up for the trap."

"What trap? I mean all you've done is surround me. How is this a trap?!"

"Well allow Punk to explain that." John nodded at him, "Go ahead Punk."

Punk quickly spun Shawn around and pulled him into position for the G.T.S, holding him tightly even as he struggled frantically. "Let me go Punk!" Shawn tried everything. He punched, kicked, and even pulled hair, but Punk to let him go.

"Sorry Shawn. This is gonna hurt you a lot more than it's gonna hurt me." Punk dropped Shawn from his shoulders, delivering the knee to his head and knocking him out cold. The force from the kick cause him to fall neatly into John's arms.

John smirked at the unconscious heartbreaker in his arms and carried him backstage,"This was just perfect!We've caught him and now it's time for the most important part of the plan...breaking the habit."

Shawn awoke with a headache, a really bad headache. 'Stupid Punk and his stupid knee!' He winced as bright light filled the room, but when he tried to cover his eyes he found that he couldn't move his arms. In fact, he couldn't move anything. He looked down and realized that he'd been tied, duct taped, and handcuffed to a chair. "Hunter you asshole! Let me out of here!"

"I told you we should have duct taped his mouth too." John said.

Hunter walked over to Shawn stood in front of him, "Well it's too late now. We got him and now with the help of television and our amazing acting skills we will finally end your crazy chocolate addiction."

Shawn glared at him as he struggled violently to get loose from the chain, "Your plan will never work Hunter! Jeff and the others will find me!"

Hunter smirked, "By the time they wake up after the beatings we gave them, it'll be all over." Hunter pulled a remote out of his jacket and hit a button, a TV screen descended out of a hole in the ceiling. "Randy. John. The curlers please."

"Curlers? What are you gonna do with curlers?" Randy and John stood on opposite sides of him, each of them holding a small eye lash curler. They attached the curlers on his eyes and locked them so they wouldn't close and would keep his eyes open. "Nooo! You can't do this to me!"

Randy patted him on the shoulder, "Don't worry Shawn. If your eyes get dry we'll be standing by with some eye drops for you. Roll the film Hunter!"

Hunter nodded and hit another button on the remote, "You got it."

The screen turned on and the DX logo flashed on the screen. "You're gonna break my habit by showing me our old DX promos?" Shawn asked jokingly.

"Just keep watching Shawn. Keep watching." Hunter said.

Hunter's face appeared on screen with his trademark grin. "Shawn if you're watching this then we've captured you and we're getting ready to break your habit." The camera zoomed out to show Hunter was holding his sledgehammer and was surrounded by chocolate.

"Now Shawn, these pieces of chocolate represent your brain on an average day." Then without warning Hunter began breaking the chocolate into small pieces with his sledgehammer. "This is what happens to your brain after you eat chocolate. Do you really want your brain to be smashed into tiny little pieces Shawn?!"

"NOOOO! HUNTER HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?" Shawn screamed. He couldn't believe that Hunter had destroyed all of that precious chocolate right in front of his eyes. "This is just cruel and unusual punishment!" Shawn tried to close his eyes, but then remembered they were pried open.

The Hunter in the video started speaking, "Now Shawn, I really don't understand you sometimes. You go insane when people call you fat, yet you can eat twice your weight in chocolate."

A video of him dancing in the ring a few years ago was suddenly playing on screen and Hunter continued talking. "This is you now..." Then another video began to play. This time of Randy in a fat suit, so that it looked like he weighted 500 pounds. He had on a blond wig and cowboy hat and was wearing Shawn's black and red chaps. He was dancing around singing Sexy boy. "...And this is you in about 5 years. Give or take 1 or 2."

If Shawn's eyes weren't pried open he'd be twitching uncontrollably right now. That was just a little too disturbing, even for him."This..." he started shakily, "Isn't gonna...work. With all the exercise I get, I'd definitely work off that chocolate."

"Wow Shawn you've really impressed me. I didn't think you'd be this hard to break. I hate to do this to you buddy, but desperate times call for desperate measures."

Randy stared at him in shock, "Hunter you're not thinking what I think you're thinking, are you?"

Hunter grinned evilly, "Yeah. It's time to show him...the clips!"

"Are you sure we should do that Hunter? Who knows what those could do to his mind?"

"John we have no other choice. I thought for sure the whole fat suit thing would break him down."

John sighed, "Fine."

"Gentlemen, please put on your shades and earplugs please." Hunter ordered.

Shawn looked around nervously as John, Hunter, and Randy put on a set of dark shades. "What are you guys doing?"

"I'm sorry Shawn." John said as he put his earplugs in, "But after this you should feel fine in a few hours."

Hunter pulled his shades down, "Shawn you're about to see a bunch of clips showing why chocolate is bad for you. These images and sounds will be imprinted into your brain, so that every time you think of chocolate these you'll see these in your mind. Only problem is we haven't tested it yet, but I do know it won't kill you!" He slapped Shawn on the shoulder. "Randy! Start the video."

Randy nodded and hit another button on the remote. Shawn stared at the screen in horror as a bunch of movie clips started flashing across the screen. He saw cavities, needles, dentists, and that clip of Randy in a fat suit again. Even though he was sure that some of the clips in the video had nothing to do with chocolate, like the clips of bald people. He was sure that was just Hunter teasing him about losing his hair again. The clips were getting worse by the minute and Shawn wasn't sure how much more he could take. Then finally the torture was over.

Hunter looked down at Shawn and removed the eye curlers. Even after he did that his eyes were wide open. He seemed like he was in some kind of hypnotic daze and every so often he would start twitching and screaming. 'hmm. Maybe we should have tested it on somebody else first. I might have fried his brain.'

Randy inched over to Shawn and untied him from the chair. "Hunter I told you we shouldn't have did that! Now he looks crazier than he was before."

"Randy has a point Hunter. We might have traumatized him for life." John pointed out.

"Oh come on! He isn't that bad!" Hunter said.

A sudden scream of "The chocolate has betrayed me!" From Shawn caught of all their attention. The three superstars stared nervously at each other. Vince was going to kill them all after he found out what they did to Shawn.

"Okay...maybe we should do something." He walked back in front of Shawn. "Come on buddy snap out of it!" When Shawn wouldn't screaming about chocolate Hunter had to resort to slapping him. "Shawn it's just chocolate! You'll be fine!" Hunter shouted between slaps.

Shawn started blinking wildly, "What the hell did you guys do to me!"

Randy decided this was the perfect time to see if their plan worked, "Shawn...would you like some chocolate?"

Shawn's eyes lit up and and a dreamy smile was instantly on his face. Randy sighed. "I guess the plan didn't work after all." He looked back at Shawn and gasped. The dreamy look on his face had disappeared and a look of horror had replaced it.

"No...no...no!" He shouted. "Hunter you asshole! Give me my happy thoughts of chocolate back!

Hunter shook his head, "I'm sorry, but I can't do that. You're much too dangerous when you have happy thoughts about chocolate, so we'll try it this way for a while."

Shawn jumped out of the chair and made a dash for the door, "If that video you showed me was supposed to make me hate chocolate it didn't work. I'm going to get me some chocolate and get my brain back to normal!" As Shawn ran out the door Hunter couldn't help but laugh. As a result of the video Shawn had gained a particularity bad twitch whenever someone says the word chocolate.

Hunter, Randy, and John began chasing after him. "Come on! He's on his way back to the ring. He had some bars of chocolate attached to his rocket for 'emergency use'. I guess this is the emergency he was talking about."

John's eyes widened as he remembered something, "The rocket! How long have we been in there with him?"

Randy looked down at his watch, "About 35 minutes. We have 10 minutes to catch Shawn and get everyone out of here. I guess it's a good thing the show just ended."

"Yeah." Hunter said. "But everyone else is still here. Radio the others and tell them to clear this place out now! In 3 minutes I want the only people in here to be us and Shawn." When they got to the entrance to ring Hunter said, "I want you two to go wait at the exit. It'll be easier to catch him if it's just the two of us."

"Right." John and Randy said as they ran toward the exit.

Shawn raced back to ring hoping that no one had taken his rocket. He was in luck. The big firework based rocket still sat at the side of the ring and right on the side sat Shawn's emergency pack of chocolate. When he got closer to the rocket he smelt the strong scent of alcohol which had also been split around his rocket. 'I guess they haven't cleaned up yet. Oh well it's not my problem. Now to get my hands on this chocolate!'

As Shawn reached for the chocolate, a water bottle struck him in the head. "Damn it! I missed!" The two degenerates stared at each other and Hunter could have sworn he saw a tumbleweed blow by. He walked over to where Shawn was standing and holding his head. "Shawn you idiot! You've done it again! Now disarm this thing and let's get out of here!"

Shawn pouted at him, "That hurt Hunter. I don't know why you had to hit me in the head. I'm not leaving here until you let me eat my chocolate!"

"Your willing to get blown up for a couple of Hershey bars?" Hunter asked.

"This one has almonds in it."

"That's not the point!" Hunter glanced at the timer on the rocket. He saw the chocolate bars on the ground and grabbed them, waving them in front of Shawn. "If we stay in here any longer we'll end up melted chocolate. If you disarm the rocket you can have this and leftovers you stole from the factory."

"That's not gonna work this time Hunter. You're gonna have to do better than that." Shawn said.

Hunter sighed. He didn't want to say this, but he had no other choice. "If you disarm this thing i'll back off and let you eat your chocolate in peace."

Shawn's face lit up and he hugged him, "Thank you Hunt!"

"You can thank me later. Now disarm this stupid thing already!"

Shawn's face suddenly turned sheepish. "Well you see...I kinda can't disarm it."

Hunter stared at him in disbelief, "Please tell me you did not just say you can't disarm that rocket."

"I would but I can't. You see I never expected I'd be able to use my rocket, so I didn't build anything to disarm it."

Hunter grabbed his water bottle from the ground and he popped him in the head with it again before grabbing Shawn's hand and running from the ring. "Shawn if we make it out of here alive I'm gonna drown you in a pool of chocolate!"

They could hear the loud ticking of the timer on the rocket throughout the arena. Finally they made it back to exit where John and Randy were waiting, "Come on let's go! We only have a minute left!"

The four managed to get out to the parking lot before they heard the loud explosion. The combination of the alcohol many of the fans had and the many other combustible things in the arena caused the rocket's explosion to be extremely strong. Though the arena didn't explode, in the state it was in now it could be used to cook a lot of hot dogs.

"Are you guys ok?" Mark said as he walked over to them. "We weren't sure if you made it out alright."

"We're fine. I can't say the same for the arena though." Hunter said. "Everyone else did get out, right?"

Mark nodded, "After we knocked Jeff and the others out we made sure to bring them out here."

"Great! Now we can..." Hunter stopped when he felt someone tugging on his arm. "What is it Shawn?"

"Our deal remember?"

"Sorry Shawn, but I can't help you." Hunter said smugly.

"Why not?!"

"Our deal was if you disarmed the rocket I would leave you in peace, but since you didn't..." Hunter pulled out the pack of chocolate he'd stolen from Shawn in the arena, "This stays with me!"

Shawn growled and tackled Hunter, doing his best to get the chocolate away from him. "Give me that back big nose!"

"Big Nose?!" Hunter shouted back. "There's no way I'm giving you this now. Get your ass off me!"

Shawn smiled and stopped trying to grab the chocolate, "Ok Hunter...If you won't give me that chocolate I'll have to go raid the leftovers from the truck!" He jumped off Hunter and started running toward the truck.

Hunter stayed on the ground before he had realized what Shawn had just said. "I don't think so Shawn!" He chased after him until he remembered the quickest way to stop him, "Shawn imagine that wonderful land of chocolate that you wouldn't stop telling me about! Remember there was chocolate cars, chocolate hats, and chocolate sledgehammers!"

Shawn froze in his tracks. Instead of making Shawn incredibly happy, they made him drop to the ground and start twitching. "Damn you Hunter! Are you ever gonna fix my brain?"

Hunter walked over to him and helped him up, "Probably not, but hopefully you'll be back to normal by the time we leave here." He turned to Randy and John, "Grab the handcuffs guys! We have to take the rest of that chocolate back to the factory."

John handcuffed Shawn and put him in the truck with all the chocolate and walked back over to the others. "Are you sure we should leave him in there alone Hunter?"

"Yeah he'll be fine. Those handcuffs are heartbreaker proof."

Mark glanced over at the truck and his eyes widened, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Because Shawn just escaped and is about to drive out of the parking lot." Dave said.

The slamming of a truck door caught everyone's attention. They turned around slowly and their worst fears were confirmed. Shawn had escaped and was now desperately trying to start to start the truck. "Missing something Shawn?" Hunter said as he waved the keys in front of his face.

Shawn glared at him, "Hunter! Give me those now!"

Hunter just shook his head as he went to get Shawn out of the truck, "This time I'll lock him up guys."

"So how ya feeling Shawn?" Hunter asked. "I told you I would drown you in a pool of chocolate if we survived."

Hunter had taped Shawn to the inside of the vat of melted chocolate, but made sure that none of it came anywhere near his face or mouth. He wanted his payback on Shawn, but he wasn't crazy enough to actually give him some chocolate. "This is more of that cruel and unusual punishment! Come on Hunter! Let me go."

Hunter patted his head, "Sorry Shawny. I'll let you go when we get back to the factory. I heard they finally got those heartbreak attack dogs now."

"Yeah. Mark actually made the right order this time." John added.

"Why you...! As soon as I get out of here you guys are gonna pay for this!" Shawn shouted angrily.

"Just calm down Shawn. I'm sure that by the time we get to the factory in an hour you'll be over the fact that we duct taped you in a vat of chocolate."John said chuckling.

Hunter couldn't help but laugh. He knew that as soon as they let Shawn out of that vat he was gonna get back at them in some way. He could only hope that in the time it took to get to the factory Shawn would realize one great rule of life... That heartbreakers aren't meant to have chocolate...or fireworks for that matter.