Chapter 1: Wow

Note from author: Hi, this is my first fanfic. I'm a really big fan of Naruto and admit I'm a narutard.
* Words I'm not sure how to spell

One day I was walking home from school with my two best friends, Autumn and Bethany.

"Hey, Alicia, what's that?" asked Autumn, the smallest of team thirteen as we called it. She was short with long dark brunette hair and small dark eyes. She had a round slender face. Autumn stood pointing to a big circle with strange writing and candles all around. I freaked. I knew what language it was, Kanji.I thought to myself as we approached it.

"It's some sort of tetra gram seal."

"What's that?" asked my sister, the tallest of us she was a little dark. She had long pale brown hair about waist length. She was clad in a dark long sleeved shirt and slim blue jeans.

"It's something used for teleportation and summoning." I replied.

Just as we reached it the world around us spun out of control in a hot flash of white light, and we were floating in space. Finally, we landed at a familiar gate. It was tall, red, green, and gold. The symbol for fire was at the top dead center. I looked down; our clothes had changed as well as our hair!

I wore a pair of kacky* shorts like Sasuke-san's, a slim pale purple tank top with the kanji for cat. The familiar blue zori were covering my feet, the Konahoa tree leaf on my head.

Beth wore a dress like Sakura-Chan's, but it was strapless with a flaming heart where her family crest would be. She also had zori, and a headband.

Autumn was like me, but being one who loved flames, she had a shirt that was as orange as the sun that bore the fire kanji in red.

We smiled, we knew where we were. We strutted toward the gate fully aware of where it led. As we walked through, I said hello to the chuninguards, Kotetsu and Izumo. They looked at us oddly then shook their heads, as I fiddled with my short spiky blond hair. It looked like Sakura's in Naruto Shippuden, except for lavender bangs.

Beth's shone long and golden with hot pink tips and bangs; it was styled the same as Naruto's ninja centerfold, and was just as long. Autumn's was long and as brown as Neji's,but it was now worn like that of Hokutofrom the Hidden Star Village.

I began to search my pockets, and came across the money I was saving up to buy a small special effects fogger. During our journey into this world, it had turned to ryo, the currency for this land. I didn't need those thousand dollars now. I smiled as I directed my team to the armory shop to get some new weapons, but Beth stopped me to show everyone that our origami throwing stars were now very real, and deadly shuriken and even our origami claws were real and poisonous. We then decide to go to the dangoshop.

Once there we met Anko-sempai, who after a long talk agreed to be our sensei. She then led us to training area 7 to train with Kakashi- samma and his students, our mouths full of poky.