Title: Island's Passion
Summary: After a heavy storm destroys their cruise ship, Miguel and Kai strand on an unknown island and now they need to find a way back home.
Pairings: Miguel/Kai
Side Pairings: /
Warnings: Yaoi, swearing, OOC, ...
Disclaimer: Don't own!
Hey everyone! I'm back, yeah I know it's been a while since I updated or posted but I have exams right now so it's really hard to update but on a happier note my exams will finish on Tuesday which means I'll update more often.
Anyway this is a story I've had in my mind for quite some time but never really wrote it down. So here's the first chappie. X3
Revised: 2011/09/22
Chapter 1
Kai sighed for what seemed like the billionth time that day when he saw Tyson and Daichi getting in to trouble with the crew of the ship … yet again.
"I don't get why we're not allowed in the kitchens, I mean we're the ones eating the food. So why can't we get it when we want to." Tyson whined to one of the security guards of the ship. The two men looked about ready to toss Tyson and Daichi into the ocean by the time Kai reached them.
"Is there a problem, gentlemen?" Kai asked the two guards ignoring the fact that Tyson and Daichi started nagging and whining to him.
"Kai they won't let us in the kitchens!" Daichi whined.
"Yes, these two have been sneaking into the kitchen driving our cooks mad. So we would appreciate it greatly if you kept them on a leash." one of the guards said.
Kai nodded, "I'll do what I can. I'm sorry for the trouble they caused." Kai said before adding a whispered. "…again."
The two guards felt a little bit pity for the captain of G-rev. The enigma didn't have it very easy with his team and by now everyone on the ship knew that. "It's nothing." one guard said and they left both needing a drink after dealing with Tyson and Daichi for only half an hour.
As soon as they were gone Kai turned to his two teammates, who were still whining. They both shut up immediately after seeing Kai's glare. "You two …. are …. impossible!" he said.
"But we just…" Tyson tried but didn't go any further as Kai turned his famous Glare of Death on him.
Kai grabbed one of their ears and dragged them towards the rooms. "Ouch!" both teens shouted as they were dragged by their ears towards their room.
Kai was tense, frustrated and annoyed as hell, he shouldn't have ever agreed to go on a cruise with G-rev and all the other teams. This was supposed to be a cruise where everyone could relax and get to know each other better. He was supposed to be able to just calm down and read some books, but nooooo his stupid teammates just had to ruin everything all the goddamn time!
Why the hell didn't he accept Tala's proposal to return to the Blitz Boys when he had the chance? Oh right, G-rev needed him. Yeah right, to get their asses out of trouble, god how could he have been so incredibly stupid and naïve to think G-rev would change?
They'll always be the spoilt, lazy little brats they've turned into after winning the an World championship. Thinking that now they've won three worldchampionships they're invincible, while they, clearly, are not.
Kai stormed into the large training room with beydishes specially made for the bladers to train if they wanted too. Kai didn't pay attention to the fact a lot of the others teams were there too as he shoved his two teammates in front of him and glared at them.
"Kai what….?" Ray started but quickly shut up when he saw Kai's angry glare. The small Russian was practically shaking in anger. Enough was enough it seemed and today seemed to be the last straw for the enigma.
"Kai we…" Tyson tried to but was cut off by Kai himself.
"I don't give a damn about your supposed explanation, Granger! I wonder why I even bother staying with you guys if the only thing you guys ever do is laze about and ignore everything I even try to teach. I'm sick and tired of always having to practically beg or threaten you to get some training done!" Kai shouted.
"Kai calm down." Hiro said gently as he tried to approach the angry Russian.
But Kai just turned his anger on him. "Don't you start telling me to calm down. I've been calm and patient enough. I've had it, I don't care anymore. You and the rest of the team can go to hell for all I care because I quit!" Kai shouted, his eyes glistening with tears of frustration, anger and also sadness.
He had been thinking about retiring from beyblade for a while now, but he never seemed to be able to pull through with it, but now today he realised it was over for him. He had done everything there could be done to become a great blader and he realised he had succeeded in being a great blader for years and he had tried to help others become even greater bladers. Tyson being the biggest example he could think off, the boy may be an annoying little pig but he was always a great blader if a little bit bigheaded.
Kai's statement however shocked everyone present.
"You can't quit!"
"Kai, please rethink this."
Those were only a few of the exclamations. "Kai you can't mean that." to everyone's surprise this came from Lee. The All Starz and White Tiger X may have not gotten along with Kai but they respected him, he was an amazing blader, he was the best, no matter what anyone else said even Tyson and Brooklyn had admitted that at some point in time.
"My mind is made up. I quit, retire call it whatever you want and I won't ever even think about competing again. I'm through with everyone's bullshit, I'm through with trying and never getting anywhere, I … I just … I'm just through with it all." Kai said.
The enigma looked at everyone. "Now if you will excuse I'm going to enjoy the rest of this cruise and once we reach Japan, I'm gone. Good day!" Kai said and he stormed out of the training room.
"I can't believe he's really going to quit." Tala said in disbelief.
"Yeah, I've never seen him so dead serious about it. He's really going to pull through with it, this time." Bryan said.
"But he can't quit. Beyblading without Kai is like beyblading without a blade!" Max said.
"I can't even imagine a tournament without Kai and Dranzer." Michael said.
"This is all your fault!" Tala said glaring at G-rev.
"What?" Tyson said.
"If you guys had just stopped being such spoilt, lazy brats Kai wouldn't be pushed to this. You guys pushed him over the edge!" the redhead fumed.
G-rev at least had the decency to look deeply ashamed at the accusation, it was true after all. They had just taken everything Kai had done for granted and all his advices and trainings were always pushed aside because they thought they didn't need it.
And now Kai had just quit because of them and they felt guilty.
Kai was leaning against the railing at the back of the ship enjoying the fresh salty air and the view of a perfectly calm sea. He had calmed down considerably since his little outburst and he felt a bit guilty for blowing up like that even if it had felt really good to get everything off his chest, he still felt guilty.
"Kai?" a voice came from behind. Kai turned his head a bit and saw Miguel standing there, the blonde was wearing a red shirt and some nice sand brown pants and brown flip flops. He looked quite handsome. Kai blushed as the thought came into his head.
Where the hell did that come from?
Maybe it was because he had a crush on the handsome blonde. Not that he would ever tell the blonde that, he didn't think Miguel would be interested in someone like him.
"Hey Miguel." Kai said softly.
"I … I just heard what happened in the training room." the blonde said, biting his lip and feeling nervous. Well who wouldn't be nervous talking to their crush?
"Oh." Was Kai's reply and he sighed.
"Are you really retiring?" Miguel asked.
Miguel felt disappointment filling him because if Kai retired that meant he would probably never see the enigma again at tournaments, they wouldn't have any of the small conversations they had had and there would be no chance to ever tell the enigma his feelings.
"Why?" Miguel asked sadly.
Kai turned to him and he could see those sapphire eyes filled with sadness and it made him feel horrible. "I just want to have a normal life, some peace and quiet. Is that so much to ask for." Kai whispered but Miguel heard him. The blonde came closer and stood besides Kai, looking at the sea. A few dark clouds were starting to cover the sky.
"I don't want you to quit." Miguel said, he didn't care if he sounded selfish at the moment. If Kai really pulled through with this he would never have another chance at telling him how he felt about him.
Kai looked at him shocked. "Why?" he asked.
Miguel looked at him. "Because I- …" but whatever Miguel wanted to say was lost when the ship suddenly tipped deeply to the right. Making Kai fall right into Miguel, in turn making both of them crash on the hard deck floor.
"What the hell!" Kai said as he tried to stand up. Kai looked at the sky and his eyes widened when he saw nothing but dark clouds coming their way. Kai turned to the blonde. "Miguel we need to warn everyone, there's a storm coming!" Kai shouted.
"What!" Miguel said as he looked at the sky himself. "Jesus Christ!"
"Come on!" Kai said as he dragged Miguel back inside the ship. The alarm horn went off and they heard the captain's voice announce for everyone to try and stay calm. But of course chaos erupted as the ship was attacked by waves left to right.
"C'mon we've got to find the others." Kai said as they ran through the small halls of the ship.
Miguel and Kai turned around to see the Blitz Boys. "Tala, are you guys okay? Where are the others?" Kai asked.
"Everyone's on the upper deck, I do- ….aaah!" Through a sudden deep tip to the right the teens were thrown against the wall.
"What the hell was that!" Spencer asked.
"I don't know, c'mon we better get to the upper deck too." Kai suggested. With much difficulty they reached the upper deck and it was then they saw that everyone was there, the crew, passengers and all the bladers were getting in the life boats.
Kai stopped one of the crew members. "What happened?" he asked.
"We hit an unknown object, the ship's sinking." the crew member said. "Get yourself in a life boat and off of this ship!"
All of them ran over to the life boats. It was complete chaos as the waves banged into the ship causing it to wobble dangerously. Everyone was panicking and when they were all about to lower the life boats Lee shouted: "Where's Kevin!"
"What do you mean isn't he on any of the other boats?" Rick asked.
"No I didn't see him anywhere." Lee said.
"Oh my god, he went back to the room to get his blade!" Mariah shouted worried out of her mind for her younger teammate.
"That stupid boy!" Robert shouted. "He's going to get himself killed!"
"We have to get him!" Mariah shouted.
"It's too late, we're lowering the boats!" a crew member said.
Kai gritted his teeth as Mariah became hysterical and everyone was shouting Kevin's name even as the boat was lowered. Kai stood up and everybody was too late to realise what he was about to do. "Kai no!" Miguel shouted standing up himself as he saw Kai leap to the railing and pull himself up ignoring everyone's screaming.
Miguel leapt too and grabbed the railing, he almost slipped but managed too pull himself over the railing and going after Kai who had run back inside the sinking ship.
:::On the ship:::
"Kevin! Kevin where are you!" Kai shouted as he reached the middle deck were the rooms were.
"I'm here! Help me, I'm stuck!" came Kevin's panicked voice from a room close by. The middle deck was already half under water and Kai had to struggle through the water too get to the room.
When he reached it he saw Kevin stuck behind a large closet and the boy barely held his head above water. "Kevin!" Kai immediately went to the boy and tried to move the closet but it was extremely heavy and could barely lift it.
"I can't lift it." Kai said.
"'Please try, Kai, I don't want to die!" Kevin sobbed.
"Don't worry I'm not leaving you here, I'll get you out of here." Kai said determined and he tried to lift the closet again. He was surprised when suddenly two hands came out of nowhere to help him.
It was Miguel.
Miguel just nodded at him and Kai gave him a grateful look and together they were able to move the closet and free Kevin. "C'mon, we need to get out of here." Miguel said as he took Kevin and put him on his back.
Kai nodded and together they had to struggle in the water that was coming in rapidly through the corridors. They finally reached the upper deck, they were almost knocked off their feet by a large wave that washed over the large deck.
They went to the railing and saw the life boats there. "Kevin!" Mariah cried out in relief as she saw Kevin on Miguel's back. It wasn't a long way down. Miguel took Kevin and threw him overboard.
He fell into the water but was immediately fished up by the other bladers and pulled into the life boat. "Oh god Kevin, you're okay!" Mariah said as she hugged the younger blader.
Spencer and a few others looked up to see Kai and Miguel still standing at the railing. "Kai! Miguel! Jump now!" Hiro shouted.
"Okay, Kai ready?" Miguel asked.
"Yes, let's go." They were just about to jump when they were knocked back by a large wave that made the boat capsize and both teens fell into the wild water.
Miguel resurfaced quickly but was knocked back under by a powerful wave. Gasping for air he tried to look around, he saw none of the life boats or Kai.
"Kai!" he shouted. "Kai where are you?"
Suddenly he saw something in the water, a person. "Kai!" Miguel swam over to him, the enigma was out cold. "Don't worry Kai, I've got you." Miguel said as he grabbed Kai around the waist and searched the water for some kind of sign from the life boats.
"Shit!" Miguel cursed. There was nothing except water for as far as he could see and a few floating pieces of the ship.
When he saw a large wooden door he swam over to it, still holding Kai around his waist. He put Kai on top it it and then pushed himself on it, the sea was still rough but it was calming down.
As the sea became calmer as time went Miguel was able to take one look ahead of him, seeing something very familiar but was not able to recognise it.
And then his world turned black.
Muhahahaha! A little cliff-hanger to start this story. X3 I hope everyone enjoyed reading this chappie. And I'll try to have the next chappie up as soon as possible.
So to everyone please ...
P.S. sorry for grammar, spelling or dumb mistakes.