Disclaimer: I own nothing. Not even my car.

Couples: J&A, B&E, Em&R


Alice Cullen is coming home to Forks, WA after four years away, attending college in New York City, and she isn't alone. She's accompanied by the man she intends to marry, James Abbot.

But her brothers - Edward and Emmett- have other ideas. They want her back with her high school sweetheart and their best friend, Jasper Hale.


Fear ravaged my veins, paralyzing me. I had no concept of time or place. It felt like I was floating high above myself, forced to watch instead being able to do anything.

But I knew I had to do something. Anything.

Make a decision.

And I could feel his intense azure eyes on me, waiting, wondering, praying that for once I wouldn't be the stubborn, little pixie and would do what my heart knows to be right.

My heart. His heart. I didn't know whose it truly was anymore.

But I knew that I had to do something - anything. So I did the only thing I could think of.

I gazed up into the eyes of my groom and a rumble of glorious laughter overcame me, flying loose from my mouth and dancing over the entire wedding party.

And he smiled.

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