Disclaimer: The below character are property of RTD and the BBC. I have only borrowed them.

The last chapter is below! Wow! I cannot believe it's finished. Thank you so much to everyone who has reviewed! This chapter is for you guys! :)

So please... enjoy!

Chapter Eighteen

A Cardiff Restaurant

Gwen looked across at her Husband to be and smiled.

"And then he tried to rip me off on the haulage fee. And I told him… what?" Rhys questioned Gwen, who was simply smiling at him.

"Nothing, love." Gwen replied, turning her attention to the plate of food in front of her. "I'm just glad to be with you."

"It's been like 3 days!" Rhys exclaimed, before muttering. "Bloody Torchwood."

"It's not Torchwood's fault." Gwen countered.

"Yeah… I'm glad you're back, Gwen." Rhys smiled.

"Me too." Gwen smiled back.

"And all thanks to this Doctor bloke." Rhys sighed. "Still, at least it wasn't Jack this time. It's good to know he can't fix everything. Not as good as he makes out, aye."

"Rhys!" Gwen said, pretending to be shocked.

Rhys laughed. "Come here, gorgeous!"

Simultaneously they both leaned across the table and kissed.

Everything was back to normal.

* * * * *

In the Hub - Jack's Bedroom

Ianto sighed happily and looked up into his lover's eyes, feeling completely safe and content in his arm, together, in his bed.

"Hey, you." Jack said, with a grin.

Ianto smiled back and was reminded of the conversation earlier that day. "Did you mean what you said about staying here with those you…" he paused slightly, "…love?"

"Of course I did, Ianto!" Jack replied earnestly, propping himself up on one elbow.

Ianto frowned, "But you said love."

Jack sighed, of course, Ianto was right. He had said love. He should have known Ianto wouldn't forget his saying it. The one word he had sworn to himself he would never use, because it would cause too much pain for both. The one word (accompanied by two others), Ianto had told him many times, yet he had never said back.

"You're right, I did say love."

"I didn't think…It's just…" Ianto mumbled, not really knowing what to say.

"Ianto." Jack began, knowing his lover deserved to hear the words he longed to hear. "I love you."

Ianto's eyes widened in shock. "But…" he paused and decided to give a much easier reply. "I love you too, Jack."

"I know, Yan. I know." Jack replied.

Ianto's face broke into a smile and he leaned forward to kiss Jack. Deep down, the Welshman knew that Jack would never say those three words to him again. And deep down, Jack knew that he could never repeat them again.

But once was enough. They both knew they loved each. That would always be enough.

And with all further thoughts of saying those three words gone, the night dissolved into one filled with heated passion and desire.

* * * * *

Owen's Flat

The doorbell rang and roused Owen from his thoughts. Slowly he got up and went to open the door.

"Hey, Owen!" Tosh's voice was cheerful. "Can I come in?"

"Yeah, sure Tosh." Owen replied morosely, stepping back to let her in.

A few moments later, and the pair were seated on Owen's couch.

"Let me guess, you're here to make me feel better about all this?" Owen said. It was more a statement than a question.

"Nah, I'm here to make you feel really horrible about it all." Tosh said her voice thick in sarcasm.

Owen laughed. A good sign. "I think you'd better leave the sarcastic comments to me, Tosh."

"That's probably a good idea." Tosh admitted, with a grin.

They sat in a comfortable silence before Tosh had the courage to speak again.

"You know, I'm glad you're back like this."

"You prefer me dead. Thanks Tosh. That means a lot."

"No, I mean I'm glad you're back in your own body."

"My dead body?" Owen raised his eyebrows.

"No. I said you're body, Owen. It's what makes you, you. You wouldn't be the same if you were in another body. You know that, Owen."

"Yeah…" he trailed off and Tosh didn't press him to continue. "I just miss being… alive. I didn't want this to happen. None of this was meant to happen."

"Lots of things happen, which we hadn't planned on. But what would be the fun of it all if we knew how everything would turn out?"

"I suppose you're right." Owen replied, causing Tosh to blink in surprise. She had expected more of a fight.

"Thanks Tosh." He said, smiling genuinely at her.

"No problem, Owen." She smiled back and blushed when the medic kissed her on the cheek.

* * * * *

The TARDIS Console Room

"Ah," the doctor said satisfied. "All filled up and rearing to go!"

Donna smiled as she watched the TimeLord skip around the console pressing a button here, twiddling a knob there.

"So where to next?" Donna asked.

"I was thinking Felspoon. They have mountains which sway in the breeze. Mountains that move. Can you believe that?" his eyes were wide with excitement.

"Sounds great." Donna smiled. The Doctor's enthusiasm was contagious.

Donna got up from the captain's chair to lean against the console, which would be much easier to hold onto if the ride got bumpy (which it nearly always did).

"Oi, what's this sphere?" she asked picking up a small round sphere like object.

"Donna, I'm trying to fly this frankly magnificent machine of mine and you're asking me about object I cannot see."

"Ok, ok. Keep your hair on Spaceman!" Dona replied, rolling her eyes and placing the sphere back in the console.

Approximately three second's later; the sphere was knocked from the console, as the TARDIS landed roughly.

It smashed and the console room filled with blue smoke.

"Oh." The Doctor said, drowsily. "That sphere."

The End!