Yay! I'm so happy! I got 40 reviews, so now I get to continue! Thanks you guys and hope you like it!

Disclaimer: Twilight does not belong to me. Darn. Fooey.

For the first time in many years I felt exhausted. The pain was so strong I could hardly move. I had been lying on the seat of the car, in the middle of nowhere, for a countless number of days. The phone in my pocket had been vibrating constantly, but I didn't have the energy to break it. It was midday, the sun high in the sky, when I decided to try to go to my family. Judging by the number of calls, they wanted me to come back. Was Bella moving on? Probably. I felt sick at the thought of her with someone else.

I shouldn't feel this way, I thought to myself. I was the one who left. I should be happy for her if she has moved on. Her happiness matters the most.

This last part was true. She mattered more than anything. If leaving her and staying away was the safest thing to do, I would do it.

The pain will go away. I told myself. Just go to your family. Try and move on, for them. For Bella.

With this slightly comforting thought in my head, I forced myself to get up and start the car. As if on queue, my phone vibrated again.

"Hello?" I said into the phone. My voice sounded flat and expressionless.

"Edward! Oh, Edward!" Esme was practically crying. "He picked it up, he answered!" She yelled to everyone around her.

I heard a babble of voices in the background, and the Esme shushing them.

"Edward, where are you? Please come home, we miss you."


"Edward... are you alright?"

"I'm fine," I said, shortly. Then, after feeling guilty for getting annoyed so quickly, I said: "I'll be there soon, okay? Love you."

"I love you too, dear." Esme's voice was soft and caring.

I snapped the phone shut after saying bye. I tried not to think about Bella for the entire journey, but failed miserably. I couldn't stop thinking about her, and eventually stopped trying. It was all I could do to keep going, and not go back to Forks.

I arrived on the doorstep of the address that Esme had given me, sopping wet and extremely depressed. This town was like Forks- almost constant rain and very little sun. The door swung open to reveal Esme, Emmett, Rosalie and Carlisle waiting for me. I was engulfed in hugs; Esme kept coming back for more. When we were finally through I followed everyone into the living room. Everything was already unpacked and in its place. Esme told me all about their plan for us to go to school. Alice and Jasper were due home tomorrow, and we would begin school the following Monday. I listened quietly, wondering how I would survive. Good thing I was dead already,I thought.

I spent the next couple days telling myself that time would heal the pain. It would go away. It had to.

I glared at our new school through the fogged up window in my Volvo. It looked too much like Forks High School for my liking. We hurried to the office through the rain, where we got our schedules from the receptionist. First class: Biology. I cursed under my breath. Was this punishment of some sort? Memories of Bella in Biology were too much to bear. I closed my eyes and tried to endure the pain. Jasper sent me calming emotions and, finally, I raised my head and followed Alice to the Science building, while the others departed to their own classes.

Okay, is S302... S300, S301, ah, here it is. I focused on Alice's thoughts, hoping they might distract me. We walked into a room filled with scientific equipment. Plants lined the windowsill and microscopes littered the many tables, at which students were sitting and talking among themselves. No one had noticed Alice and I yet, so we went over to the teacher's desk.

"Hello," Alice said, cheerfully. The teacher jumped at the sound of her voice. I heard Alice laughing in her head.

"...Hello." The teacher said, his voice sounding oddly nasal. Oh, the new kids. Darn, where did I put the papers? He sounded flustered and unorganized, even in his head. "You must be the new students... I have the papers here somewhere..." He started rummaging around his desk, turning over random papers and objects.

"I'm Alice Cullen and this is my brother, Edward." Alice said, brightly.

"I'm Mr. Anderson. Welcome to Biology... Why don't you take a seat over there, Ms. Cullen?" Mr. Anderson said to Alice, pointing across the room to an empty seat. "And Mr. Cullen... How 'bout you sit over there, near the window." I nodded and walked over to my assigned seat. Thankfully, it was beside the window, which meant I could pass the lesson looking outside.

I slouched down into the chair and was pulling out a few books when I heard a extremely high pitched voice beside me.

"Hi! I'm Ashley Jones. What's your name? Are you new here? Is that your sister, over there? So, where did you come from?"

I grimaced. This girl was almost more annoying than Jessica Stanley. She talked much to fast and her voice sounded like an annoying squirrel. Gentleman, be a gentleman. I reminded myself, before I answered her. "I'm Edward Cullen. Yes, I just moved here from Washington, and that's my sister, Alice."

"Oh my god, Washington? I love Washington!" She smiled, and tossed her long, straight dirty blonde hair over her shoulder. He is too gorgeous to be allowed! She gushed, in her head. Look at that face... I turned away. Her fantasies were even more vulgar than Jessica's.

Fortunately, Mr. Anderson told us to answer the questions on page 112 of our textbook so Ashley couldn't talk to me anymore. I finished about three minutes later, but pretending to be still working for obvious reasons. When the bell rang, Alice skipped over to my seat.

"Ready to go?" She asked me out loud. I nodded, collecting my books.

"And then, Danny fell off the slide! So we had to run and get him, and the raccoons stole our lunch!" Ashley was babbling about something, completely oblivious to my lack of interest. She was looking down at her papers, and didn't know Alice was right beside her.

Who's this? Alice asked me, raising her eyebrows at her.

"Cuckoo." I whispered to her. "Let's go," we hurried out of the classroom, with Alice giggling uncontrollably. Ashley was still talking, and she was earning some very weird looks from fellow classmates.

Everyone stared as we walked through the halls, and I kept my head down and tried to think about something else. Unfortunately, that meant my thoughts turned to Bella. A whole new wave of pain bombarded me, making me sink eve deeper into my own personal hell.

Did you like it? If you did like it, review. If you didn't like it, review. If you hated it, review. PLEASE AND THANK YOU.

Oh, and I was thinking: Have you guys read Rosalie's Call? The chapter Stephenie Meyer posted on her website about when Edward thought Bella was dead? Okay, well I was wondering whether you think I should write around that, and have that part of the story- like I would write up to that moment, and after it, or do you think I should write my own version of that? Please tell me!

Luv you soooooo much! xoxoxoxoxoxo