Ok guys I thought of this during class, so like please don't shoot me. I will finish up 'Unforgotten Love' and then continue 'Strong Willed Beauty' . I do hope you realize that I have updated 'Unforgotten Love' like a month ago. So go check it out just in case. Anyways this will be my first 'M' rated fanfiction ever!! So like yeah. Anyways on to the story.

Kagome sighed as she laid in bed thinking. This was her third day; she would have to be getting back to the feudal era soon. She decided she would go back after dinner.

Kagome turned on her side, petting Buyo, "Well the three days that I had were nice, but now I have to be getting back to my normal… well what I consider normal, life. With fighting demons and collecting jewel shards." She sighed once again and then stood up, off her bed; Buyo stood up on her bed, stretching and yawning a big cat-like yawn.

"Come on Buyo, lets help Mom with dinner." She said to the fat cat and headed out the door. Buyo hopped off the bed and followed her down to the kitchen.

When Kagome was downstairs she noticed that her brother was vacuuming, her grandfather was practicing his 'spiritual powers', and her mom was doing the laundry. When her mother caught sight of her, she smiled and Kagome returned it.

"Kagome could you do me a favor?" her mother asked.

"Of course Mom, what is it?" Kagome asked

"Well I planned on serving some domburi with dinner, but, it seems were out of the ingredients. We are also out of trash bags, laundry detergent, and napkins; do you think you could go to the store for me and pick it up? I have to continue doing the laundry and I'm about to start dinner." She said

"Sure Mom." Kagome said, Mrs. Higurashi gave her some money and told her she could get something she liked, like probably more ramen for Inuyasha. Kagome got her purse, phone, then grabbed her jacket.

"Bye Mom, be back in a few." Kagome said while slipping on her shoes then headed out the door.

Kagome walked down the sidewalk holding her jacket close to her chest, to keep the cool winds out. It was quiet, but, it was also around six at night, everybody was probably in their homes sitting down at their table eating dinner. It would take about ten minutes for Kagome to get to the store.

After a while Kagome felt as if someone was following her, she mentally shook the thought out of her head, telling herself she's just been in the feudal era too long. But then she heard footsteps behind her, Kagome's breath hitched in her throat and she began picking up her pace, the footsteps behind her quickened their pace too. Kagome then went out in a full blown run, she heard the footsteps behind her do the same.

'There!' she thought, she could see the store coming into view. She began going faster and then burst into the store, clearly out of breath. She bent over hands on her knees, and took fasts pants of air, after she was able to breathe, she looked behind her to see if her is her stalker was still following her, to her surprise the stalker was nowhere in sight. She wondered if she had imagined the whole thing, and just made it up with the crazy head of hers.

'B-but it… it felt so real' she thought. Kagome sighed and stood up straight fixing her dark blue shirt and jackets. Then she took out her list of things she needed to get and headed down the aisles.

~Back at Home~

Souta had finished vacuuming the whole house and put up the vacuum. He walked into the kitchen seeing his mom cooking dinner, but, he didn't see Kagome, he was positive he saw her come downstairs, and he didn't remember her going back upstairs.

"Mom? Where's Kagome?" he asked

"Oh, Souta you're done. Well, Kagome is out getting some stuff for me at the store." She said and brought her attention back to the food.

"Oh, okay." He replied.

"How about you go clean up your room, you've been putting it off for a while now." She requested.

Souta groaned, "Mommmm… do I have to?"

"You do, if you don't want your video games taken away." Mrs. Higurashi threatened.

Souta gave another groan, but in defeat and turned then trudged upstairs. Mrs. Higurashi chuckled and shook her head, 'That boy and his video games.'

~Feudal Era~

The gang was all sitting in the hut, by the fire. Shippo was lying on the floor on his stomach with his legs in the air, and was coloring a picture with those things Kagome called 'crayons'. Sango was sitting with her back to the wall and was cleaning her hiraikotsu, with Kirara lying in her lap. Miroku was sitting next to Sango, waiting for a chance to get a good rub of her butt. And lastly Inuyasha was sitting on the opposite wall with tetsaiga in his lap and was staring at the fire. Kaede wasn't there because she was tending to the sick in a nearby village.

Shippo sighed, "Inuyasha when will Kagome be back?" he asked without looking up from his drawing.

Inuyasha shrugged, "She said she would be gone for three days, so she should be back soon."

Shippo nodded showing her understood, and finished up his picture then picked it up, showing it to everyone.

"Like my picture?" he asked. Inuyasha's face turned bright red and Sango and Miroku giggled.

"Yes Shippo it's nicely done." Sango praised the child.

"Yes, I'm positive Inuyasha just loves it." Miroku joked.

"Keh!" Inuyasha said and crossed his arms and looked the other way.

For the drawing was a picture of Inuyasha and Kagome kissing with hearts all around them.

~Back with Kagome~

Kagome had a basket full of all the things that were on the list. She got ramen for Inuyasha, sweets for Shippo, soda, chips, and she had also gotten more crayons for Shippo. She walked up to the cash register to check out. When the cashier rang it all up, Kagome paid her the money her mom gave her then grabbed her bags; they were kind of heavy especially with all that ramen and then that big thing of laundry detergent. Kagome wasn't paying attention to where she was going and accidentally bumped into someone causing her to fall down and drop her bags.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, that was my fault, here let me help you." The voice said who Kagome realized was a male. She looked up into two worried violet eyes, he looked around her age maybe a little bit older, eighteen maybe. He had dark black hair that had a tint of blue in it, his hair went a little past his chin, and his bangs stopped right above his eyes. She then realized that she had been sitting thee looking like an idiot, while he held his hand out to her. A light blush appeared on her cheeks as she accepted his help and she stood up dusting herself off.

"I apologize for that." The strange man said.

"Huh? Oh n-no it was my fault, I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." Kagome quickly said, bowing her head in apology.

"Here, let me help you pick up your bags." He offered. Before Kagome could protest her was already on his knees picking up the spilled contents and placing them back into the bags. He was quite the gentlemen, that was for sure. If it had been Inuyasha he would've just called her a 'clumsy wench' and walked off. Kagome picked up her purse that had fallen and the man had stood back up and handed her the bags.

"Thank you." Kagome said and bowed again.

The man chuckled, "There's no need to bow now." Kagome stood back up with a faint blush.

"Oh forgive me for my rudeness, my name is Kagome." She said and was about to bow, but stopped herself.

"Nice to meet you Kagome, my name is Kurai, Kurai Yamaha." The young man said. Kagome was surprised he had just given out his last name to her like that.

"Umm… well I should really get going; my mom is probably getting worried, thanks again." She said and turned to leave but was stopped by a hand on her wrist.

"Why don't I walk you home, it's the least I can do." Kurai requested. Kagome looked into his eyes and didn't know how to say no, so she simply nodded her head. Kurai helped carry her bags and they began walking down the sidewalk towards her house.

"So you were planning on walking back home by yourself at night?" Kurai questioned.

"Umm… yeah is there a problem with that?" Kagome asked

"Well, I'm just saying there are a lot of creeps out here who would just love to get their hands on a beauty like you." Kurai said. Kagome instantly flushed bright red at the comment.

"W-well excuse me, I'm sixteen, I think I can take care of myself." She said

"Oh really now?" Wow you really are grown up." He joked.

"Hey! I mean that." Kagome yelled back, and then she thought, was he flirting with her? The thought made her face turn a light pink.

"Okay, whatever you say." He chuckled, "So what school do you go to?" he asked

"Well I go t…" suddenly everything went black for Kagome, the last thing she saw were two violet eyes starring down at her.

~Back at Home~

Mrs. Higurashi began to get worried, it had been thirty-five minutes now since Kagome had left, and it should've only taken about twenty to twenty-five minutes. She walked over to the phone and called Kagome's cell phone, it went straight to voicemail, she tried again, the same thing happened. She shakily hung up and brought her hand up to her chest.

'Calm yourself, she just probably forgot to turn her phone on and is just having troubles finding the stuff, I'll just give her a few more minutes' She thought and sat back down at the table with Gramps and Souta, whom were eating dinner.

"What happened?" Souta asked, eating his food.

"There was no answer." Mrs. Higurashi replied.

"Teenagers, always forgetting to turn their phones on." Gramps mumbled.

"She probably stopped by one of her friend's houses; she'll be back soon mom." Souta said

"Yeah, that's probably what happened." Mrs. Higurashi replied, 'I sure hope that's what happened.' She thought.

~Feudal Era~

Inuyasha was beginning to become impatient, and was tapping his claws on his knew impatiently. 'Damn Kagome. She said she would be back by today, what the hell is taking her?!' Inuyasha thought.

Miroku noticed Inuyasha's impatience and sighed, "Inuyasha I'm sure she'll be here any moment now." He said

Inuyasha glared at him, "That's what you said FIVE FUCKING MINUTES AGO!" he roared.

"Calm down Inuyasha, whatever is taking her must be important." Sango hissed and began eating the stew they made.

"It damn as well better be fucking important!" he growled

"Inuyasha if you miss her so much, just go get her." Shippo said from his stew. Kirara 'meowed' in agreement.

"I-I WHAT?!?! Who the hell said I fucking miss her?! I just want her to hurry up so we can continue hunting down Naraku and collecting jewel shards!" Inuyasha yelled.

The others all rolled their eyes. Each one of them thought the same thing at the same time, 'Sure…Inuyasha…'

Inuyasha caught them staring at him and growled, "What the hell are you guys staring at?!"

They all jumped and continued eating their stew.

~With Kagome~

Kagome groaned and fluttered her eyes open. The first thing she noticed was that this wasn't her room, her house, or anywhere she recognized. The room was plain, the walls were a dull grey color, there was a dresser with clothes overflowing out of the open drawers. She was apparently lying on the bed which only had a plain white sheet covering the mattress. The next thing she noticed was that she had a huge headache, Kagome went to move her arm, so she could rub her head with her hand, but she couldn't. She looked behind her and saw her hands tied together to one of the bars on the head board.

Kagome's eyes widened, she tried telling herself that this was all a nightmare, she closed her eyes shut but when she opened them she was still there.

She tried remembering what happened, 'Ok… mom telling me to get something, store, the aisles, food, falling over, gorgeous violet eyes, Kurai Yamaha… wait?! Kurai?! Where is he?!' frantically Kagome looked around the room searching for him, she then heard a click, her head snapped back to the door, the door opened and in came Kurai. Kagome sighed in relief.

"Kurai, thank kami, you're okay, could you help me out of these?" Kagome gestured to her bound hands. Then Kagome heard something she couldn't believe, she looked up, and Kurai was chuckling?! Kagome was confused.

"What's so funny?" Kagome asked. Kurai finished chuckling and wiped away imaginary tears, "Oh Kagome, you're not going anywhere I'm afraid."

"Wha-what? Why?" She asked.

Kurai narrowed his eyes at her, "Don't you get it?! I'm the one who knocked you out, I'm the one who kidnapped you, and I'm the one who tied you up here!" he yelled.

Kagome was speechless, Kurai, the sweet guy who helped her with her bags, Kurai… she couldn't believe it!

"N-no way…" she mumbled but her caught it, and smirked.

"Yes way Kagome." Kurai replied and began walking towards the bed.

"B-but why?" she asked.

"Why? Well I don't know, I just had a thing for you since the first time I saw you… Kagome Higurashi." Kurai said with a smirk, Kagome's eyes widened, she never told him her last name.

"Wha- h-how?" Kagome asked.

Kurai sat on the bed by her side, "I've been watching you these last couple of days Kagome, following you." He whispered into her ear. Kagome shivered, "S-so that means that was…" she trailed off. "Yes, that was me following you, I finally had the chance, you were alone." He said

Kagome gulped, "What do you want with me?" she asked.

"Well, I want you to be mine, of course." He said with a smirk and then smashed his lips onto hers.

~Feudal Era~

Inuyasha growled. Surely whatever was so important, she would've been down with them by now. Inuyasha stood up and walked out of the hut and towards the well.

The others all just sighed and rolled their eyes.

~Back at Home~

Mrs. Higurashi had just finished cleaning the dishes. Gramps had gone off to go to bed and Souta went to go play his video games. She was worried, no, now she was scared. Where could Kagome be? It didn't take that long to get the stuff, and if she surely was at a friends, she would've called by now.

Mrs. Higurashi heard someone walking upstairs, she thought it was probably Gramps, considering Souta was in the living room. Then she heard the steps begin to come downstairs, she just continued staring off into space. But then she saw red and silver out of the corner of her eye. She turned and almost jumped, Inuyasha was casually standing there looking at her.

"Inuyasha, what are you doing here? And how did you get in?" she asked

"Kagome's window. So where is Kagome? She was suppose to be back by now." He asked her, worry evident in his voice.

Mrs. Higurashi bowed her head looking at her folding hands on the table.

"She went to the store almost an hour ago. She should've been back about thirty minutes ago, but she's not. At first I thought she was just taking her time, and just couldn't find everything, and then I thought she was at a friends. I tried calling her but no one answered." Mrs. Higurashi looked up at him with tears in her eyes.

"Inuyasha, I don't know where she is now, and I'm scared." She said.

Inuyasha was really worried now, Kagome could be out there anywhere.

"Don't worry, I will bring her back." Inuyasha said and grabbed a cap and ran out the door following Kagome's scent.

'Don't worry Kagome I'm coming.' He thought as he ran.

~With Kagome~

Kurai pulled away from the kiss. Kagome was frozen, she didn't really know what to say, then she knew, Kagome opened her mouth and screamed, as loud as she could, but she was cut short when a hand came in contact with her cheek.

"Shut up you bitch!" Kurai yelled at her, "Since you decided to make this harder, I will just have to silence you." Kurai took out a piece of cloth and went to wrap it around Kagome's mouth. Kagome jerked her head away from him, but he forcefully grabbed her chin and made her look at him. He tied the cloth, so it was covering her mouth.

Kurai began taking his shirt and pants off. Kagome couldn't believe it, the man standing in front of her was going to take her virginity, tears clouded her vision. Kurai was done and was just in his boxers and walked over to Kagome.

"Aww… you're crying, don't worry it will all be over soon." He said wiping away her tears. Kurai went to sit on top of her but Kagome kicked him. Kurai growled and punched her on the cheek, which she knew for sure would leave a bruise.

"I told you not to make it harder." Kurai warned and went over to his dressed and took out a knife, Kagome instantly stiffened.

"Ahh… so now you decide to behave." Kurai said and walked over to Kagome, knife still in hand. He sat on top of Kagome's legs and cut her jacket lose and threw it to the ground, he cut her shirt in half and tore the rest off her and threw it to the ground too.

His eyes sparked with lust when he looked at Kagome's breast, Kagome knew he was going to slice her bra off. He brought the knife right in the middle of her breasts and sliced it letting each cup fall to the side leaving Kagome exposed to him. His eyes looked down at Kagome's exposed breasts and he brought his hands to them, rubbing them. He leaned over and brought one of her nipples in his mouth.

Kagome's eyes widened, she tried to scream but it was muffled by the cloth. She tried moving her legs at least to kick him off her, but Kurai brought out his knife and cut her along her stomach, Kagome cried out in pain.

"You better cooperate, or I won't hesitate to kill you." Kurai said and then threw her jeans off and brought his knife to her underwear and sliced them off. Kagome went to bend her legs to cover herself, but Kurai stopped her, he pulled his boxers off and brought his member to her core. He slammed into her. Kagome arched her back and threw her head back, eyes widened with tears in them. She screamed in pain, which was muffled by the cloth. Kurai began pumping in and out of her faster and deeper with each thrust.

Kagome felt like she burning, it hurt so much. On the last and final thrust Kurai brought his knife down, stabbing Kagome in the thigh, she screamed in pain as Kurai hit his climax and released into her. Kurai then sat up and got off of her. He bent over to whisper into her ear, "That was very enjoyable my dear, I will be right back, I'm going to go take a shower." With that he walked off and out of the room, leaving her there, in so much pain, the knife was still in her thigh, she was truly broken.

~With Inuyasha~

Inuyasha came into a bad area where there were people on the side of the road had alcohol covered in their scents, writing was all over the buildings, and the buildings looked torn up.

Inuyasha continued following Kagome's scent, he suddenly noticed how it changed, mixed with her scent was fear, tears, and b-blood?! Inuyasha growled and picked up speed, only to come upon an old small house. Some of the shutters were broken off and one of the windows was shattered. The paint on the walls were faded and peeling, and there was also writing on them. Inuyasha ran up to the house and burst through the front door then ran in, following Kagome's scent. He ran up to a room and heard Kagome's sobs, he also smelled another male in there. Inuyasha punched the door down, and what he saw broke his heart.

~With Kagome~

Kagome began to sob harder. She couldn't this could happen to her, why her?! Did the gods have something against her?! Her thoughts were then brought to Inuyasha, oh Kami what was she going to tell him, what would he think of her? Well she would just be lucky enough to even make it out alive.

But she would fight, she wanted, no, needed to see Inuyasha. She didn't care if he was disgusted by her, or didn't love her, all she wanted was to have his arms wrapped around her and keep her safe.

Kagome choked on a sob, Kami she wanted Inuyasha to the one to take her virginity, not some ass hole! She wanted Inuyasha to make love to her, and to raise a family with him. But now, now that was all down the drain. Kagome heard the shower being turned off and knew Kurai would be back soon. Why couldn't he just let her go? He got what he wanted, and she wouldn't tell anyone, she just to get out of this Hell! The door opened and in came Kurai with shorts on. He looked over at her, "Miss me?" he asked. Then all of the sudden they heard the front door being kicked in.

"What the hell?" Kurai began, suddenly the door to the room was thrown to the ground, and there stood Kagome's savior, her knight in shining armor, there stood Inuyasha. Inuyasha looked over at Kagome and his face showed guilt, brokenness, sadness, and then rage, hatred, and anger.

Inuyasha growled, "You fucking bastard how dare you!" he yelled and punched Kurai in the face which sent him flying into the wall. Kurai cried out in pain and began to get back up but Inuyasha picked him up and threw him across the room. There was a sickening crack and Kurai held his arm to his chest in pain. Kurai was bleeding from his head and was losing consciousness. He then fell over on the floor onto his side.

Inuyasha turned and walked over to Kagome, he slashed the bounds that held her arms and cut away the bound around her mouth, careful as not to hurt her. Kagome massaged her wrists, sat up, and then looked into his sad, broken, golden eyes. All of her emotions just burst and she threw herself at him and cried into his chest. Inuyasha wrapped his arms around her small body and held her shaking form close to him.

"Kagome… I-I'm so sorry, I wasn't here for you." The hanyou whispered to her. Kagome shook her head, "N-no it's not your fault, please don't blame yourself." She whispered.

Inuyasha pulled away and looked at her wounds. He brought his hand to her bruised cheek, she slightly winced, which made him quickly removed his hand. He looked at her stomach with the slash across it and then her right thigh, where Kurai had stabbed her. He saw her clothes on the floor and grabbed her ripped shirt and jacket. He wrapped the shirt around her wound on her stomach, careful not to hurt her. He then looked at the knife in her knee and looked back at Kagome.

He knew he shouldn't take the knife out, but he also knew it was hurting her. But he told himself that he had those places that Kagome told him about where they take sick or injured people; called a hos-pit-tal? So instead he grabbed her ripped jacket and wrapped it around the wound, careful not to touch the knife. He took his hairou off and wrapped it around Kagome's body to cover herself.

He picked her up in his arms, bridal style, and held her close to his chest. He pecked her on the top of her head, whispering, "Let's get you home…" He dashed out of the house and to the Higurashi Shrine, all the while holding Kagome protectively to his chest.

~At Higurashi Shrine~

Mrs. Higurashi was in den sitting on the couch, just staring at the clock on the wall, waiting for Inuyasha to come with her daughter.

She then heard a knock on the door and ran to it then swung it open. There she saw Inuyasha holding her daughter close to his chest, and all that was covering her was Inuyasha's hairou. Inuyasha moved his arms so Mrs. Higurashi could see Kagome, Mrs. Higurashi gasped and brought a hand to her mouth.

Kagome groaned and blinked and looked to see her mom, "Mama?"

Mrs. Higurashi threw her arms around her daughter and cried. "My baby! My poor baby!" She cried into Kagome's neck. Inuyasha frowned and felt a great wave of guilt for what had happened to Kagome.

So yeah I thought of this one day in class. Sorry guys if you don't like it, anyhow its past 1 and I'm tired, time flies. In the middle of this Hannah Montana came on, and my favorite one with the Jonas Brothers! WHOO lol yep I am a huge Disney fan.

Anyhow… please review!! PLEASE!

This originally was going to be a one-shot but I don't think it will be now, but review!


10/25/09- EDIT. I fixed some of my mistakes.