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Though Sasori had managed to speed up the process in which he had created his new version of human puppet. There were still a lot of kinks and other problem that he would have to work out before he could use this to the level that he wanted to. After all this was a means that he was creating to be used on targets that were considered a too risky to use the old method on.
As he plan to go after females that were higher and higher positions. Giving them the honor to being added to their collection. There would also be those that would get in Sasori's way trying to deny them the honor while others would be after those that were already within it. Enjoying the perks and advantages that he had gave them. After all he was making the girls of his collection stronger and/or more useful then they had ever been before he can across them.
Sasori was thus looking over his Waitress of Death Ayame. She was his latest addition using the sped up process. So he was giving her a full on testing to ensure that though it was done fast to ensure that it was done correctly and properly. The now wooden Ayame stood there fully exposed as her human puppet body was being examined from head to toe. Not a single area was overlooked with every and I mean ever part of her body was examined in very hand on matter.
Of course while Ayame was here with Sasori elsewhere….
There was another Ayame that was busy taking orders, serving, and collecting used table wear. The speed and efficiency in which she was doing this was unreal.
"Was she also this good" an another staff member said
"Who cares as she doing this good but what you should be asking yourself is why are you not that good" their boss replied
Spooking them as they got back to work trying to do better but getting mad that Ayame was out staging them. After all they were merely a part time that had come on as a temp during the food contest that attracted more people. They could and then go once it was over.
Of course Ayame was not only working here as once she left her shift here, she would go off to another store to work a shift there. Once that one was over she would then go to yet another job and another and another. Working constantly without stopping but never within an area that she would get noticed as constantly working. There were enough place open during the food contest that no one was asking question about someone that working for them without complaining and doing things perfectly in their eyes.
However the question is how is Ayame doing all this if she is being examined by Sasori since she had been 'invited' into Sasori's collection. Well that was because the 'Ayame' going around doing all this was actually disguised former princess Chiyo posing as her so she did not lose her jobs. Using a special manner in which a bit of Ayame's charka was implanted into the Chiyo. Whatever she learned or experience was store within that bit of Ayame within, thus be easily re-integrated back into the Ichiraku waitress once she was completed.
Back with Sasori he was nodding as he was pleased with how Ayame turned out as now the only thing he had to do was practice getting better and better with this new style. Get to the point where he would not have to spend any real time on adding to his collection at all. Thus he would have more time to study what they could do and who they were so that he would have more time to think about how to improve them.
Now that what he was going to do with Ayame as he had big plans for her that once they were developed she would play a part in. However for now it was he just had to go after the other two targets that he had come here for. They were addition to his collection as that what Ayame was. Instead these two were merely to be add-ons to his members of his collection.
The first person that had a skill to be considered the latest add-on was from a old man called Isono. A thinly built elderly man with grey hair on the sides of his head, while the top of his head was bald. His special technique, Lethal Juggler, allowing him to cook food with one hand and eat the food with the other. Not only being ambidextrous but at the same time able to do two different things simultaneously. This was talent that could be apply to more then just cooking and eating food.
Thus he was going to take this and see if not only he could add to not just a single member of his collection but spread across all of them allow them all to be ambidextrous at the same level as Isono. However since he was a guy his fate was not to join Sasori's collection as it was no longer meant guys of any age anymore. The only thing that guys had to add to his collection now were whatever skills and abilities that Sasori found useful to himself or them.
The next was a young woman with black eyes and light brown hair, worn in pigtails and bangs. Her name had been Tamao. Other then her the technique "Double Chopsticks" that allowed her eat with two chopstick with both her hands there was nothing he really wanted from her. It was just her ambidextrous ability that he was after to use for other things same as Isono's skill. Although she was not considered to be worthy of his proper collection, Tamao after having her charka taken from her and thus her skills along with them.
She was used as practice for increase Sasori's speed and accuracy with his new conversion process for making human puppets. Though he had managed to get the two of them as he desired there was still something else that he wanted to do within this country that had to do with getting the revenge he felt should be taken for a member of his collection.