The Spell
By: Megan Lieu
Author's Note: BTW I know it is bad but I tried my best so don't be too harsh please. heres a SPOILER ALERT: i'm team edward all the way!
Chapter 1: Mystery
We came into the lunch room and headed over to get our food. Even though I would be the only one eating Edward got enough for both of us as he usually did. After we paid, Edward and I went to sit with Angela, Jessica, Eric, Austin, and all the others we always sit with.
Edward pulled out the chair for me and I clumsily fell on it. He laughed and pushed the tray towards me.
"Thanks." I said with a weak smile.
Angela turned to me, then, and said, "Oh my god! Have you seen Mike today? He is so…Hot!" She looked like she was about to explode.
"Huh? I never knew you liked Mike. Since when do you think he is hot?" I said the last word a little sarcastic.
She looked like she was going to yell at me then jumped in her seat and squeaked.
I turned around to see what she was looking at and saw Mike. Wait. Is that Mike? He looked so different! His hair was still the same blonde color but now it was as beautiful as Edward's, maybe even more. Plus his face was so…Perfect! It was amazingly angular. His lips were fuller and his eyes were a bright red.
All of the sudden he was at my side pulling out his chair with a tray of food in his hands.
"Hey Bells!" He said extremely cheerful.
I couldn't stop looking at him. Every time I tried to turn my head it wouldn't move. Then Edward called me saying, "Come on Bella. Eat."
"Uhhh, yea ok. Hey Mike. You look really---" I was about to say good but then stopped myself and said, "different."
He seem to know what I was about to say and asked, "Good different?" he smiled and my heart seemed to skip a beat.
"Yeah. Of course! You always look good." It felt kind of awkward saying that but that was all forgotten when he spoke again.
"How do I look different?"
"Well…Did you get contacts?"
"Yeah. Like them? I thought red would look cool!"
"Definitely. They're really pretty." I batted my eyes like an idiot, but he didn't seem to not notice. That kind of hurt but I didn't know why.
I talk to Mike the entire lunch period. Then Edward said, "Bella we're going to be late for biology."
I looked at the clock and sure enough, lunch was about to end. How had the time gone so quickly?
"I got to go Mike. I'll talk to you later."
"See ya Bells!" He smiled and watched me walk out of the cafeteria in Edward's arm.
When we were safely in the hallway and out of site of Mike, Edward asked, "Did you have a nice lunch with Mike?"
I didn't understand what he meant and looked at him confused. "What do you mean?"
"Well," It seemed like he didn't know what to say.
"Just tell me. I won't get upset."
"Well, you only had eyes for Mike the whole lunch period."
"Are you jealous?" I asked kind of excited by the idea.
"What! No. No, I just was…Never mind." He looked straight ahead as we entered biology.
We sat down and I whispered, "There is no reason to be jealous Edward. Next time I promise to pay more attention to you." I smiled and kissed him.
He smiled and turned his head to kiss me on the lips. "I wasn't jealous."
He was about to argue but then Mr. Banner started class. I winked at him and he seemed a little disturbed by the fact he couldn't continue.
At the end of class Edward and I walked to the door with me in his arm again. When we got in the hallway I was shocked to see Mike standing there. I accidentally dropped my books and bent down to pick them up a little embarrassed, but Edward beat me there and picked them up and handed them to me. "Thanks." I muttered burning red.
"Hey Mike. What are you doing here?"
"I came to walk with you to gym." He answered with an adorable smile.
"You didn't have to do that for me." I said, though I was secretly happy he did. I was even happier Edward couldn't read my mind.
"I'm happy to do it."
We started to walk towards the gym. Edward put his arm around me again but I shrugged it off. I saw out of the corner of my eye that he looked down at me with a confused look, but did put his arm around me again.
I just kept staring at Mike thinking how cute he was. He told me what happened in trig and I giggled at everything he said. Every now I then I even brushed up against him or patted his surprisingly muscular arm. I knew that those things would never go unnoticed by Edward but I couldn't stop.
We finally reached the gym and Edward bade me goodbye. I waved to him and when I turned around there was Mike.
"I asked the coach what were playing today and he said badminton." He said this with confidence in his voice. "Want to be my partner?"
"Sure. I won't be much of a help, though." I grimaced as I thought about what a hazard I would be.
"Don't worry about that. I'll play while you talk and tell me about things lately." He flashed a bright smile and headed towards the locker room.
I shrugged off to the girl's locker room to change up. As I was changing I realized how rude I was to Edward on our way to the gym. Again I didn't even take notice of Edward. I thought about how I was going to apologize. I knew Edward would forgive me but I still felt bad.
I walked out to the court and saw Mike waiting there for me with two badminton rackets in his hands. I stepped over to his side. He handed me a racket and winked. I stood there dumb-founded while he looked for someone to play against. Then he put his arm around me and led me to one of the courts.
People stared at us and I couldn't understand why. One girl even got hit in the head with one of the birdies.
I took my place in the back of the court. Everyone seemed to notice how stupid they looked just staring at me and went back to their game.
Mike was really good. He was even better than he normally was. He gracefully leaped from one side of the court to the other in no time.
Mike stopped my day-dreaming of him by saying, "Hey! You're supposed to be talking to me!" He turned to smile at me as he scored yet another point.
"I don't want to distract you." In truth I just wanted to look at him without him knowing.
"It's distracting knowing that you aren't doing anything." He winked at me and smashed the birdie down the line.
"Okay. What do you want to talk about?"
As I said this, the other team got annoyed by how bad they were doing even though Mike wasn't paying attention.
"Anything as long as it is about you."
"Umm. Well, Charlie and I are getting along really well lately."
"That's good. What do you guys talk about?" He actually seemed genuinely interested.
We spent the rest of gym just talking about my life. We won all 8 games without even truly trying.
Mike escorted me to the parking lot where it was really windy. He said goodbye to me when he saw Edward coming towards us.
"Hey!" I went on my tip-toes to kiss him properly.
He quickly pecked me and guided me towards my truck.
"What's the rush?" I asked
"Huh? There's no rush." His face was the smooth mask I knew too well. He was hiding something.
I stopped in my tracks and said, "Tell me what's wrong, Edward. I know your hiding something."
"It's nothing. I am just confused by something." He pushed me into the cab of my truck and shut the door too quickly for me to say anything. I tried to open the door but he was pushing on it. I forced down the window angrily. "Edward! What's wrong!"
"Bella. Please, I promise to tell you everything I just need to go and talk to Carlisle really quick. I'll meet you at your house ok?"
He spun on his heels and raced to his Volvo. Alice was already in it. I saw them drive away and was confused on the whole drive back home.