Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or the characters. This is just purely out of my mind and I was bored one day. Lemons might occur throughout story.

Author's Note: This is my first time writing a story like this. This is a song-fic. PLEASE REVIEW!!

Chapter One- Total Disaster

Bella's POV

How can this happen to me? Why did this happen now? It was only three days to my wedding with my childhood friend, Jacob. But, right now, I don't know if we should continue with the wedding. Why did he have to do this to me?

"Jacob," I sighed, "why would you do this to me now? How could you? And three days before the wedding? Do you even want to marry me at all?"

"Bella, you know I will always love you, but this… this just happened. What you saw… that was a mistake."

A mistake? A mistake? "How could that be a mistake? I come home after a hard day at the art studio, and to find you fucking Nessie, of all people! You know, that is my step-sister, right? I thought you were going to wait to have sex! I thought you were going to wait until our honeymoon so we can both have our first time together! This was not a mistake…"

"Bella, please, it's not what you think. She just came here to look for you and my 'Hank' side (totally referring to Me, Myself, and Irene) took over me. She just looked so… appealing in her outfit. I'm sorry. That wasn't suppose to happen, trust me."

"I did trust you, I did!" I lowered my voice to a whisper. "I think… we should… break up. I wanted to be with someone that was like me a virgin, so we can both have our first time together. But, since you already did it, I think we shouldn't have this wedding."

"Bella, no, please…"

"No," I took off my ring and put it in his hand, "I have seen you two together a lot now. I think you guys should be together. Why don't you just marry her? I rather have that happened than to find my husband cheating on me."

"Bella, please don't do this to me."

"I'm sorry. I… had my wedding day ruined my first time, and I don't want to ruin my second one. I'm sorry." I gave him a kiss on the cheek and left him, standing like a little lost dog. The tears started to stream down my face as I got into my jeep.


It had been a year since my almost second wedding. I knew I had made the right choice, but I couldn't help but think that maybe it was a bad idea. I mean my first wedding was completely horrible. I was turning eighteen and my fiancée was a soldier. He had asked me to marry him after he comes back home. Tears started to well up in my eyes.

I was driving back home from the art studio, well, to my old apartment. As I parked my car, I sat there listening to 92.7 We Play Anything when I heard Carrie Underwood's "Just A Dream".

It was two weeks after the day she turned eighteen
All dressed in white
Going to the church that night
She had his box of letters in the passenger seat
Six pins in her shoe, something borrowed, something blue

That was how I felt when I was going to get ready for the wedding.

And when the church doors opened up wide
She put her veil down
Trying to hide the tears
Oh she just couldn't believe it
She heard trumpets from the military band
And the flowers fell out of her hand

More tears spilled down my cheeks, making my eyes puffy and red.

Baby why'd you leave me
Why'd you have to go?
I was counting on forever, now I'll never know
I can't even breathe
It's like I'm looking from a distance
Standing in the background
Everybody's saying, he's not coming home now
This can't be happening to me
This is just a dream

That day, I was hoping he was playing a joke on me, not until he never showed up. I was amazed that this song was like how my first almost wedding was. This song was making me get the flashbacks of that day.

The preacher man said let us bow our heads and pray
Lord please lift his soul, and heal this hurt
Then the congregation all stood up and sang the saddest song that she ever heard
Then they handed her a folded up flag
And she held on to all she had left of him
Oh, and what could have been
And then the guns rang one last shot
And it felt like a bullet in her heart

I still have that flag, too. It was in my walk-in closet right when I walk in.

Baby why'd you leave me
Why'd you have to go?
I was counting on forever, now I'll never know
I can't even breathe
It's like I'm looking from a distance
Standing in the background
Everybody's saying, he's not coming home now
This can't be happening to me
This is just a dream

I just wished that he wouldn't have died, so then I could live happily with him. I still love him very much.

Baby why'd you leave me
Why'd you have to go?
I was counting on forever, now I'll never know
Oh, now I'll never know
It's like I'm looking from a distance
Standing in the background
Everybody's saying, he's not coming home now
This can't be happening to me
This is just a dream

Oh, this is just a dream
Just a dream
Yeah, Yeah

I wished for everyday to be a dream. I wished that he would come back to me, and say that everything would be alright, but he never did. It has been 6 years since my first wedding. And one year since my second. I never think any of my future weddings were going to be any better.

I quietly got out of my jeep, wiping the rest of the tears away. I didn't look where I was going until I ran into a man in front of me, making me fall flat on my butt.

"Ow, um… I'm sorry sir." I looked up to see my neighbor, the magnificent Edward Cullen. "Oh, sorry Edward." I started to blush a crimson red.

"Don't worry about it Isabella."

"How many times have I told you to just call me Bella." I really didn't like my real name, something that my mom, Renee, just had to call me from this movie she saw with my dad, Charlie.

"Sorry… Bella." He said it with a breathtaking crooked smile that nearly made me faint. Although, I was feeling dizzy. "Are you okay Bella? Do you need me to help you to your room?"

I nodded as he grabbed my waist and hand to help me up to the fifth floor. "I'm sorry for making you help me out."

"It's fine. I just want you to feel better… and make sure you don't trip up the stairs like last time."

I gasped, he remembered that? That was like 4 years ago. "Um… thanks for uh…"

"Don't mention it. Just try to not hurt yourself. Okay?"

"Okay." With that he walked to his room, got his key out and waved before he went into his room. I fumbled with my keys and opened my door after 5 minutes of trying to remember which key opened my door. Why is he acting all nice to me all of a sudden? He hasn't been this nice to me since last Christmas when we had a holiday party, and I got drunk and he took me home. I wonder why he his acting this way.

Edward's POV

I really badly wanted to just stay with her. I really badly wanted to kiss her when she blushed. I really badly want to be with her. But I don't know what to do. I already know about her past engagements, but if I try to ask her, I don't want her third wedding to be a disaster too. But I was on the verge of just asking her anyway. But I remember what my father, Carlisle, said about proposing. He said that it has to be at a perfect moment at a great place or something like that.

"Damn it! Why can't I just ask?" I practically screamed that out, probably loud enough that she could hear it, but I didn't care. It is bad enough that I haven't even ask her out. Wait! The fireworks show for the Fourth of July is like in two days, I can ask her to that!

That is a great idea; I promised myself that I would ask her tonight to the fireworks show. I just hope she says yes.

Bella's POV

I heard someone scream as I went to my kitchen to make dinner. Probably Edward yelling at himself again. This has been happening for a couple of months now, maybe I should ask what's wrong. But if I go over there, I might open up to him. I don't want him to know that I like him. Actually, I think I love him, but I don't know.

"I know!" This Friday was the fireworks show, I could ask him to come with me and maybe he could tell me what is wrong.

I walked quickly to my door and when I opened it, there was Edward standing there about to knock it.

"Oh, sorry Bella. Are you busy now, cause I can come back later."

"No, actually I was about to go over by you to ask you something."

"So did I, why don't you go first."

"No, you first." He took a deep breath and looked straight at my eyes. I could see the tiny details in his green eyes and his lips parted slowly as he spoke.

"Will… will you go with me to the… fireworks show?" Huh? Did he know that I wanted to ask him that?

"Uh… did you know that was what I wanted to ask you?" He looked surprised and happy at the same time.

"No, I didn't. But anyway, did you want to go?" His voice seemed hopeful and he had puppy dog eyes right now. Oh, how can I ignore that face?

"Like as friends, or like a date?" He stood there and thought hard.

"Like a date." I was shocked. He was asking me out on a date! I was happy, but I couldn't show it. "Unless you want to just go as friends."

"No! I mean, no. I want to go on a date… with you."

"Cool, what time do you want me to get you?"

"Um, how about seven? I'll come over there."

"Okay, it's a date. I'll see you at seven then."

"Alright." He said goodbye and I closed the door. All I could think of was "score!"

This was my first story like this and I hope you liked it. PLEASE REVIEW! I'm thinking of continuing the story, but that is only if I get enough reviews. Sorry, there was supposed to be lemons, but I was in a hurry. I promise their will be lemons in the next chapter if their is one that is.