A/N: Wow. It has been forever since I've written a fan fic. Well, lately I've been reading some Edward/Bella stuff and I guess I just had to write something of my own so here goes. I don't know if I want to make it a one-shot or keep going with it so let me know what you think, please.

Disclaimer: Not Stephanie Meyer, nor ever will be sadly.

Bella POV

I woke up to find my body molded against some hard shape; a cold, hard, breathing shape. I sighed contentedly as I flipped by body around to wrap my arms around Edward. My Edward.

My… fiancé.

That word still sounded strange as it echoed around in my head. I couldn't seem to get over the fact that was getting married.

Don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't want to marry Edward. I really do. I love him more than anyone could ever imagine, but we were so closely connected that it almost didn't seem necessary to go through all the trouble. Then again, I would do anything for him, even if it meant subjecting myself to the torture that is Alice's wedding plans.

I groaned into the hard chest that was lying next to me. I felt a pair of muscular arms encase my slender form and pull me closer.

This was one good thing about accepting Edward's proposal; he had stopped being so uptight about being with me.

I felt his chest shake as I put my head against it, his body rolling with silent chuckles. His pale fist slid under my chin, gently lifting up my head to meet his eyes.

His cold lips met mine and I began to melt in his arms. I wiggled my arms free and proceeded to wrap them around his neck, my finger twisting themselves into his glorious bronze locks. I pulled on his head, trying to bring him closer to me, my efforts completely useless. His hands slid down my back, rubbing small circles to make me relax.

He pulled away all too soon, leaving me breathless as usual. He rubbed his nose against mine, exhaling the air he'd been holding in. I breathed in his wonderful scent and became light headed.

He pulled my face back to his and held my gaze.

"What are you thinking?" He looked at me, silently begging me to tell him.

"Well," I began. I didn't want to tell him all I'd been thinking, especially about the wedding part considering it was only a few days away. I figured the bit about Alice's crazed planning regime would be safe. "I was just thinking how overboard Alice has gone with this whole thing."

He chuckled again, his breath ruffling the strands of hair that had floated down around my face. He lifted his hand to brush them back, my skin tingling where his fingers had brushed it.

"I know what you mean. I still can't believe you let her plan it in the first place."

His laughter stopped abruptly and I felt the mattress lift as he backed into the shadows of my closet. That could only mean one thing: Charlie.

I quickly straightened the covers and adjusted the pillow into a comfortable sleeping position. My head landed with a soft thud just as the door opened and an unruly mop of brown hair appeared in the doorway.

"Bells, are you ok in here?"

I stretched warily, making myself seem like I had been woken from a night of peaceful sleep before responding.

"Yeah, I'm-" I stuck a fake yawn in to make it seem more realistic before continuing, "fine. What's up?"

He took a quick look around the room, his eyes seeming to linger on the closet door. I wasn't sure if I had imagined it or not, but I felt like he had a sneaking suspicion that I hadn't been alone this past night. He seemed to drop the thought as he backed his way out.

"Nothing, I just thought I heard voices. Have fun with Alice today." He shut the door quietly and I groaned again. I had completely forgotten about my day with Alice in Seattle today. I sat up and dropped my head into my hands when I felt Edward's arms lift me up and settle me in his lap. He began placing small kisses in my hair and I leaned back into him, my body curving to fit his.

He slowly began making his way downward, his lips leaving what felt like scorch marks along my neck. He hit the pulse point in the crook and I tipped my head back, allowing him further access to that desired spot. He paused momentarily to suck lightly on that area before traveling to my shoulder. I had no idea what had led me to wear a tank top to bed that night, but now I was very happy that I did.

His hands slid down to my hips and settled there while his mouth found its way to my shoulder. I felt one hand make its way slowly up my side, the fabric coming up a little with it. He took my hand in his and lifted my arms, his mouth leading the way down my arm to my palm where he let his lips stay.

I so desperately wanted to feel those lips on mine. His hold on me had loosened and I managed to flip myself around, my legs on either side of his. I attacked his mouth with a full frontal assault that took him by surprise. I was waiting for him to pull away and wasn't shocked when his hands found my side. I tried to deepen the kiss before I was pulled off, but wasn't prepared when he pulled my body closer to his.

His hands began slipping lower and lower and I felt my heart race. I was sure it was going to beat its way out of my chest when his grip tightened and he pushed against me, his muscular form towering over mine.

A low growl escaped from his throat, which made me shiver.

He felt it and immediately drew back, concern filling his eyes. I guess he must have thought that he had scared me when, in truth, I found it quite sexy.

"Bella, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean for that to happen. I just got caught up in the moment. I didn't mean to frighten you. I just-"

I silenced him with my mouth, my lips crashing back on to his. I pulled back slowly, peering into his golden eyes.

"Don't worry. I'm not scared. I-" I stopped, unwilling to finish the sentence. I knew if I told him how I felt, it would lead to another one of his ridiculous rants about how dangerous he was and all that nonsense. I settled for a quick peck on his lips before sliding out from underneath his marble form.

I made to stand up to get ready for my little 'shopping excursion', as Alice so nicely put it, when I felt his fingers wrap around my wrist and pull me back onto the bed with him.

He looked at me and I could see the look in his eyes; they were doubtful, like he didn't believe me when I told him I was fine. But, there was something else in there: love. I saw him fumble around in his pocket for something when at last he drew out a small black box.

Edward spoiled me enough as it was and I really didn't like receiving things which he knew all too well. I looked at him skeptically. He smiled his amazing crooked smile and took my hand in his.

"I know how much you hate receiving gifts, but you said I could give you things that were passed on to me." He looked down and opened the box. My eyes became wide as I looked at the stunning necklace that lay nestled in the satin lining. "This too was my mother's and I want you to have it, if you'll accept it, of course."

I was speechless. Of course I was going to accept. Was he really that thick? My voice was lost somewhere in the emotions that had clouded my mind that I could only nod in response. He removed it from its resting place and hooked it behind my neck, the pendant sitting in the hollow of my throat. It was a lily outlined in green stones hung on a thin gold chain. Edward lifted his fingers and touched it, his eyes resting on it, recalling the memories that it held.

"My father had it made for my mother when I was born. The lily was her favorite flower and he picked the stones to match the color of my eyes. Well, what they used to be at any rate."

I intertwined my fingers with the ones resting against the necklace and pulled his face to mine with the other, kissing him softly so that our lips barely touched. I couldn't help the tear that had found its way down my cheek. We parted and he wiped it away with a kiss.

He stood up quickly taking me with him and made for the door. Charlie must have already left to go fishing. He smiled and opened the door.

"I'll be downstairs when you're ready and I'll take you over to my house." He left, his crooked smile once again playing on his flawless features.

I smiled and leaned against my dresser, my fingers tracing the outline of the lily that hung around my neck. I wondered if this morning could have been any better.

Most definitely not.

A/N: I don't think I'm going to leave it as complete since I don't know what I want to do with it yet. If you liked it or want to see me continue it, there is only one way that I'll know and that is if you review. I would appreciate it so much. Even if it's a 'Good' or 'Ok', it still means a lot.

Much love

Truth in the Moon