Kale broke his way through the window and bounded out as the sound of the alarm swirled around him. He immediately threw the black hood of his sweatshirt over his face to conceal it.

Going off without a hitch so far. He thought.

He turned to his left and sprinted down the street, nimbly avoiding the civilians that were all shouting, some because of his rudeness in pushing past them and others in the suspicion of the shopping bags he happened to be running with. He ignored them all and continued weaving his way through the crowd.

He ran much faster than the average human and he knew it. He could outrun a police car and had on several occasions.

Almost there… He thought anxiously.

All of a sudden, he felt someone grab his hood and yank him backwards. Without hesitation, Kale spun around and threw his fist out without even looking at the person that grabbed him. His hand didn't feel like it hit flesh, it felt more like it hit Plexiglas or metal. Without checking to see what exactly he had hit, he yanked their hand off and sprinted in the other direction.


Gohan watched in satisfaction as Videl grabbed the thief from behind. He was about to land and lend her a hand – though he doubted she needed it to deal with a petty thief – when he saw the young man spin around and punch the faceplate of her helmet. Ignoring the fleeing thief, he immediately landed next to her.

"Videl! Are you okay!" He asked.

He looked at her in amazement as she showed him the broken Plexiglass of her visor. How had one punch been able to break it?

"I'm fine Gohan! Go catch him!" She yelled.

"Right." He took off into the air and flew top speed in the direction the thief had taken.


Kale ran full throttle as he approached city limits. He was almost there. He spotted the forest that placed itself along the Western border of the city and ran into it. He traversed his way into the forest until he found the cave that his brother and he had taken refuge in.

He walked into the cave and called out to his brother. "Endin, are you there?"

His older brother walked from the back of the cave into the light. "I'm here. What did you snatch this time?"

"Just some food – enough for about a week." Kale said as he threw about a monthful of human food onto the cave floor.

"Pretty annoying how Earth food is so less filling than the food on Vegeta."

Kale didn't answer; he just sank into a corner of the cave and sat there. Endin worried about his brother. They had come to Earth with their father. Endin wasn't particularly fond of their father, but Kale had worshipped him. When their father had died it was as if Kale's happiness died with him. He had become sulking, brooding, and in general a pain to be in a conversation with. Endin wasn't exactly happy about his father's death, but then again, their father had been trying to destroy the planet. Endin knew that his father was dying anyway. His health was failing and he was depending on the Sacred Fruit he kept with him just to stay alive.

In the end, Kakarot had put their father out of his misery. Endin hadn't told his little brother any of this and Kale considered Kakarot a bloody murderer who had killed their father because he wanted the Tree of Might for himself. But Endin knew the truth. He knew that their father, Turles, had been the bad guy. Retreating from his train of thought, Endin sat down against the cave wall, took a loaf of bread from the bag and started eating.