W i s h M e M y F a i r y t a l e E n d i n g




"…Happy birthday to you…"



"She's changed; he's changed her. I know he has. They've had children; God, he'd better not hurt her. If he does, I'll-."

"Hush, Neji." Tenten squeezed his hand reassuringly and they shared a moment of brief understanding; they had been away for so long and he couldn't understand it. Of course, he'd known it would happen. He'd known all along.

They were finally married.

Even so, just because he'd known hadn't made it any better. He'd still been doubtful and he still was- but, no matter what he convinced himself, Neji knew his old friend would never dream of hurting her.

"Anyway, what would you do even if he had hurt her?" Tenten teased, nudging him playfully. "You might be a Hyuuga prodigy, but there are plenty more of them on the way-." She paused, patting her stomach, obviously hinting.

"-Tenten, we've talked about this…"

"I know, I know! Sheesh!" She paused. "I'll get my way sooner or later, though. Moving back to my earlier point; what would you do? A mere Hyuuga facing off against the Hokage! And the best Hokage we've had!"

"You're flattering him too much."

"I know."



"…Happy birthday to you…"



"We're almost there."

"Breath, Neji."

"I'm trying."

"She won't have changed that much."


"She'll still be your ickle baby cousin, who you might have, maybe, tried to kill once or twice. The same baby cousin you used to hate. Yup; same old cousin!"


"Sorry, sorry; not helping, right?"

"…Do I even have to answer that?"

"Well, excuse me! No need to get so snappy!"



"…Are you sulking?"



"We're here." Tenten announced, confirming the obvious. He met her gaze and couldn't stop himself from feeling hideously nervous.

Before, he would never have thought he'd ever feel so scared; and of what?

That blonde idiot.

The same idiot who happened to be married to his cousin and be the Hokage.

Tenten gave his hand yet another comforting squeeze, before rapping briskly on the door. There was a muffled call of 'coming!' and then the door was thrown open, and Neji found himself facing his fears.




"…Happy birthday dear Hiashi…!"



"Neji! T-Tenten! It's good t-to see you a-again!"

He found himself smiling, despite himself; her stutter was probably the only thing he could recognise from the old Hinata- the Hinata he'd known as a child. She was taller, though not as tall as Tenten, and her hair hung low against her back, like cascading waves of an ebony waterfall. She smiled, making her pale skin brighten up considerably-.

But it was surely her eyes that had changed the most.

Though she looked like a simple housewife, dressed in her pretty pink apron, Neji knew that she could be nothing more than a powerful kunoichi. Her eyes were peaceful and gentle, yet they seemed to sparkle with a hidden bravery.

She was beautiful.

"It's good to see you too, Hinata." Tenten stepped forwards and stood on her tiptoes, placing a brisk kiss on her friend's cheek.

"C-Come inside," Hinata smiled, reaching forwards to grab Neji's hand, before swirling around to call back into the house. "N-Naruto, put on the k-kettle; we've g-got guests!"

"Eh?! Guests? Who is it, Hinata?"

"N-Neji and T-Tenten, Naruto; now put on that k-kettle!" She whisked back around, clutching Neji's hand, and dragged him inside.

Tenten followed, chuckling.

Neji soon found himself nestled down, next to Tenten, in a large crimson sofa, with the most beautifully-intricate golden designs stitched onto it. Hinata sat opposite him, leaning forwards in her chair and smiling at him.

"What have you been up to then, eh, Neji?" A familiar voice piped up from the doorway, "Any little Hyuuga prodigies on the way?"


Sure enough, there was his old friend, grinning charmingly at him from the doorway. His blonde hair was longer than it had been before and his golden fringe almost hid his headband from sight; his jacket was tied around his waist, discarded rather quickly, and Neji was surprised to see that his outfit was almost void of all orange.

Then he caught sight of the orange collar poking out from beneath his jumper, and Neji found himself smiling once again.

His cerulean eyes were friendly and welcoming, but Neji knew that the newest Hokage wasn't just a bundle of joy. Those eyes prized loyalty and friendship above all, which was no doubt why he hadn't entirely forgiven Sasuke, and the other man knew his cousin was in good hands.

Better than that Inuzuka, anyway.

"What about you, Tenten?" Naruto grinned, completely ignoring Hinata's sigh of annoyance. "Any plans?"

"…Don't get her started, Naruto-."

"Ah! It's so unfair! Neji's being so selfish and-!"

"…Too late." Neji sighed, running his hand across his forehead in obvious annoyance; he blinked, seeing Hinata mirror his movements as Naruto began to nod earnestly.

"See, see? It's the same for me, right!" The Hokage began.

"…Their dislike for children must be in the Hyuuga blood."

"Maybe it comes free with Byakugan?"

"That's a thought!"

Hinata and Neji shared an impatient glance and the prodigy suddenly felt an odd sense of déjà vu.

After all, this reminded him greatly of that day…



"Happy birthday-!"




Birthday Wish
Three Words, Three Syllables and One Big Meaning!




"-To you!"



And congratulations.

"Happy Birthday, father; may this year bring you as much joy and wonder as the last." Hanabi murmured, brushing her hair out of her eyes and bowing her head in respect. Her father simply nodded, a paper hat balanced precariously on his head.

"Thank you, Hanabi."

Neji stepped forwards, nodding curtly at the present he'd bought his uncle. "I'll play chess with you soon, Uncle."

"I would enjoy that."

Next, Hinata shuffled towards him, blushing slightly and obviously nervous. So many of the others had offered their praise and had such wise, kind words; words which she'd never be able to match; and there was no way she'd match up to them.

He'd consider her a burden for the rest of her life.


"Silence, Hinata."

She blinked, glancing up at him; he gazed back at her, his eyes stern and unforgiving.

"I-I'm s-sorry."

"…Whatever for? There is no reason for you to apologise." A smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "Come; we shall play Scrabble some time. Neji and I thought it was an excellent chance to bond."

"That'd be f-fun."

Hiashi nodded, obviously waiting for Hinata to move, but she didn't. Instead, she turned and gestured for someone else to step forward; a blonde teenager, only just as tall as Neji, grinning sheepishly.

"It's o-okay, Naruto."

Hiashi frowned. It certainly wasn't okay. Any important Hyuuga ceremonies, such as birthdays, were to only be attended by members of the Hyuuga clan.

There were no exceptions.

However, he was willing to hear Hinata's excuse; it would provide him with cheap entertainment, which was definitely true.

Naruto scratched the back of his neck nervously, tentatively inching towards the older man; Neji had gone over the consequences of this little stunt with him multiple times. Apparently, the Hyuuga's didn't take well to people 'gate-crashing' their 'parties'.

And the look on Hiashi's face said that both he and Hinata were screwed.

Time to do what he did best!

"Mr Hyuuga! Happy Birthday; I hope good fortune befalls you and, uh… You meet lots of hot chicks?"


"…Don't we all, kid?" Somebody shouted, and the room was filled with laughter.

Naruto grinned. That had gone better than he'd planned, somehow, and Hiashi simply smiled, nodding him away. The blonde happily backed away, grabbing Hinata's hand and tugging her over to where Neji stood, next to the buffet table.

"...Good save." The prodigy murmured, before raising a glass of wine to his lips and taking a sip.

"Wah?! Alcohol?! I want some!" Naruto cheered, reaching for the glass; the Hyuuga rolled his eyes, halting the other in his tracks with a quick poke to his forehead.

"D'you think I'm insane?"





"I've noticed throughout this entire event, you've been avoiding Hinata."

"No I haven't! I was talking to her a few seconds ago!"

"...Yes, you talk to her. But you haven't really talked to her, have you?"

"That doesn't make sense!"

"It does."

"...Are you drunk, Neji?"


"You are, right?"

"Naruto, I'm being entirely serious."


"Go and tell her; ask her. Whatever."

"If you're talking about asking her to be my girlfriend; I already have!"

"...You haven't though, really."


"When you asked her, you were caught up in the excitement; anxious, nervous, bewildered but happy. But, really, what have you done as a couple? Since you said those words, you've both been on missions; occasionally, together. So, doesn't this mean that you're not really a proper couple?"


"Shouldn't you at least say you love her?"

"...Put your drink down, Neji, and go and dance with Hanabi."




Naruto yawned, placing his glass down on the table and glancing at the sea of stern-eyed, dark-haired, Hyuugas. Why had he gone? It was quite obvious that he didn't belong there.

Not at all.

"Ah, I'll say bye to Hinata, and then I'll-."

"Shouldn't you at least say you love her?"


That was right.

He should.

He should go out there and tell everyone he loved her, and that he'd quite easily die for her.

...Or, he could think of a better plan.

"...I like the second plan better."



"Hey, hey! Listen up, everyone!" Naruto grinned, stepping up onto a chair so that he could see better; Hiashi frowned, glaring darkly at the trouble-maker, and Neji simply buried his head in his hands. "I've got a great idea, okay?"


"Let's play a game!"

"...A game?" Hanabi asked increduously, raising an eyebrow haughtily.

"Yeah; a game! And I've got just the game, too; charades!" The blonde cheered; silence met his announcement, and he looked around hopefully. And then, sure enough-.

"That s-sounds like a g-great idea, N-Naruto. Father, y-you should g-go first."

And, just like that, his plan was falling into place.

His face softened into a smile as he strained to catch a glimpse of Hinata; she was truly his angel, with the amount of times she'd saved his skin. He shook his head, jumped down from his chair, and watched as every Hyuuga made their way to a chair; and, if there were no chairs left, they sat on the floor or stood, leaning against the walls.

He didn't bother watching Hiashi; he briefly glanced at Hanabi, marvelling at how graceful all of her moves were and how precisely she picked them; immediately, he knew which film she was talking about. Neji provided him with some cheap entertainment, as he swung his arms around in exaggerated movements, staggering slightly, but Naruto could tell the prodigy still had complete control over his mind.

He only appeared completely drunk.

Then Hinata was up, blushing madly as her nerves overcome her; all of her movements were small and restrained. She performed, however, without a moments hesitation, though she occasionally glanced at him.

He didn't meet her furtive glances; after all, he was too busy summoning up all of his courage.

"Ah, Naruto. It's your turn." Hanabi murmured, pushing him to his feet.

"Oh yeah..." He mumbled feebly, standing up in front of all the Hyuuga clan.

All of them.

And Hiashi.

"..." He scratched the back of his neck sheepishly, before beginning. With his fingers, he traced the outline of a square through the air; someone shouted out "TV show!" and he grinned, sticking his thumbs up to show that they were correct.

Next, he stuck up three fingers.

"Three words," Neji called out, leaning forwards; and, from the intensity of the prodigy's gaze, Naruto could never have noticed the fact that the other was quite obviously drunk.

In fact, Neji looked suddenly as sober as Hinata.

Which meant the prodigy was sure to catch on quickly, so Naruto would have to act fast.

He stuck up his index finger, waggled it once, and waited for someone to shout 'first word'. Sure enough, the call came and immediately he pointed at himself, turning to glance at Hinata.

"'M-Me'?" She asked.

He shook his head.


He nodded, before sticking up three fingers; she nodded for him to continue and he couldn't help but notice how everyone else seemed to be deathly quiet. Trying his best to ignore the forboding silence, he pointed at Hinata.


Nod, nod.

"'I' something 'you'?" Hanabi murmured, as though to point out the obvious to Hinata.

"Second w-word." Her sister replied firmly.

And Naruto, cringing slightly, pressed his thumbs together and curled his index fingers into shape, effectively making a heart with his fingers and thumbs.

"...I l-love y-y-you."

"Got it in one, Hinata."

She stood up and moved slowly over to him; he blinked, his eyes straying to Hiashi who seemed to be looking pointedly away- then, the older Hyuuga caught his eye and, with a curt smile, nodded.

That was more than he needed.

Naruto took Hinata in his arms and-.




"-And I held her so tightly." Naruto grinned, squeezing his wife pointedly. "It was so romantic, right Hinata? And Neji was too busy puking his guts out to see half of it."

"That is romantic." Tenten giggled, nudging Neji playfully once again; the prodigy scowled and looked away, swirling the cup of tea aimlessly in his hands. They'd been sharing memories for the past few hours; memories of that Christmas- the Christmas the two couples had, rather effectively, become what they were now.

"The most romantic thing we've done was kick Lee's ass together," Tenten grinned. "And I did most of that as well."

The three of them laughed as Neji glared at his girlfriend.

"W-Would you l-like me to p-prepare the g-guest room?" Hinata asked, brushing a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

"That won't be necessary; we're not staying-."

"It's n-no trouble; I'll d-do it r-right away." Hinata murmured, as Tenten jabbed him painfully in the side with elbow; he nodded once, too busy rubbing his newly found wound to protest.

Hell, it could even be fun.

He watched Hinata leave the room, followed closely by Naruto, and grinned.

He had missed them, after all.

I moved this so that it could join its sister.
And, yes, WMMPC is deffo a girl.
I think.
Because I believe all ficcies have genders.
Now I sound weird!

Reviews equal a smexxy Neji in the post.

She Who Must Not Be Named