Day 1 - Trimming the Tree
By Mickey

Status: Completed 12/13/2008

Season: Late 3 or early 4

Archive Permission: Ask first.

Disclaimer: Not mine. Don't sue.

Word Count: 100

Author's Notes: This is the first in a twelve part series written for the stargatedrabbles list's December 12th "12 Days of Christmas Challenge".

"On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me, a partridge in a Pear Tree!" Jack sang loudly and intentionally off-key.

"Sir, haven't you sung that song enough today?"

"'Course not. Put more tinsel over there Carter," Jack suggested as he flung a few strands on a high branch.

"Oh no!" Daniel cried as the room suddenly went dark.

"Chill out, Daniel. It's just a blown fuse." Jack turned around. "T, pass me that flashlight. It's just to your left." He smiled than added, "Quickly, before Daniel has a meltdown."

Daniel grinned. "Jack, you're a fruit loop."