Authors Note: I'm so so so sorry guys! I'm a freshman in high school, and I'm just so busy all the time between homework, and friends and sports its just crazy! Oh, and btw I just thought of this, if you wanna see what my original house for Kaitlynn looked like, I can give you the address if you PM me.


Bella and I continued our little stunt. It's been a week or two and Bella and I were "dating" the two "most popular" guys in school… Ha! Edward and Matt? We pretty much drove em to insanity! I managed to make Bella look friggin' amazing just about every day! It's sooo funny. The Humans? They're the funniest! They just drool, they come to school everyday looking forward to seeing Bella and I, though I must say we're damn hot! Alice of course, is still in on it, and Bella and I keep our nerve because, none other, than Lauren and Tanya enrolled in Forks high. Lovely right? Plus, they're all over our men. That just pisses us off like crazy. Lauren and Tanya tried the whole dress hot thing too. Pretty much a major fail! They just look retarded and slutty to the maxx. But I manage to get Bella and I sexy every day skipping right past the whore part, although the girls all say we are… Ha. I don't even care. They're all dumb bitches anyway!

Edward goes crazy just about every time he sees Bella! It's so funny, after every interaction Bella and I go in the bathroom and laugh our asses off. Bella is so good at this player flirting thing… I'm impressed! She's gotta guy in every class (as in freshman-senior, and all her daily classes.) Of course I do too, I think I may have gotten a new power, because if I think hard enough I can change what I look like… Crazy right? So now my thighs, are the same size as Bells'! And my legs, they're the same length too. It's so exciting! So Alice and I, we go shopping just about every weekend. And every time the shirts get tighter, and the skirts shorter and shorter, we've taken to wearing short shorts too. It's fun to drive those boys nuts! Half the time we get clothes that could be cute but are too long and hem it. Half the clothes in me and Bella's closet have been hemmed in some way! It's Sunday and Bella and I are going through our new purchases and fixing them, and trying to figure out what we're gonna wear, we stay up together almost every night talking about the boys at school, and clothes, it's almost as though we could've been sisters… It's great. I can tell her anything and vice versa. So for tomorrow we made a decision. We're gonna wear some booty shorts, which we never get in trouble for because almost all of the teachers in the school are male including the principal… We also are going to wear a little teeny tank top, with a flannel shirt tied up under our boobs, and some boots, like cowboy boots but with higher heels. This is so exciting! We're wearing like the same thing, except my tank top and shirt shorts are red and Bells' are dark blue, (of course). We sat around until about 6, and then we started getting ready to be at school for seven. I put Bella's hair in ringlets, they look so good on her, and myself, because my hair has also grown out some more, with our bodies so similar, and hair so similar, Bells and I look almost like twins! It's so weird…


So Kaitlynn picked out our outfits today, I must say, she knows what she's doing. Probably because of the girls at her school, they wore a lot of this kind of stuff, except they wore longer tank tops and pants, 'cause its freezing in Maine! We spend a lot of time together at night, we're the best of friends, the kind that does everything together, and knows everything about each other. During nights she tells me about her family, and ex boyfriends, and school, and all the stuff from her old life. She's a lot more mature than she acts. When it comes down to the important stuff I'd never thought I'd see her that serious. Like for example, when out coven deserted us because they didn't like that we were being whores, so they just left, Kaitlynn kept a cool head the whole time, where as I was freaking out, lots of things go like that, like when we found Bobby, dying in the woods, we changed him, and now he lives happily with us, he's wicked cute, and comes in handy when we need a guy quickly to make someone jealous, but he knows us too well to like us like that, and vice versa. So, Kaitlynn got me goin at about 6ish, that girl still has so much energy so early in the morning. She's like a ten year old at heart. We got dressed, and she did my hair like I love it, curly curly. She inherited some of my power I think, because she can change her appearance a little every day if she wants to. So she feels totally comfortable with her body now, and she looks wicked hot, not in a lesbianish way or anything… She's just pretty. So as Bobby, Kaitlynn and I pull into school, we see Edward, and Tanya, whose all over him now, and Lauren with Matt, same situation. So Kaitlynn and I walk over to our "guys" mostly our pawns, Mike (mine) and Nick (hers) and promptly started making out with them. I was sooo looking forward to when Kaitlynn tells me what they, and Matt and Edward were thinking the whole time. That's the only thing that gets me through this, that guy is a horrible kisser. Kaitlynn and I detach from them and walk over to talk, on the way Kaitlynn bursts out: "Holy shit he's such a horrible kisser" making me laugh hysterically as we walk over to Alice and Rose, "accidentally" brushing the boys "areas" as we walked by, totally able to feel the growing bump there and swinging our hips as we walk by.

"Hey girls! Looking mighty hot today, I must say!" Alice said with a wink.

"I totally agree!" Rose exclaimed. Kaitlynn and I just looked at eachother and she told me telepathically (which she can do now too, I dunno what's goin on with her) word for word what Edward and Matt were thinking, making us laugh out loud. Ahh, I love my life.


Well shit, I hate my life, Tanya won't leave me alone! Then Bella has to practically kill me everyday just let me say, if I could drool- I would. She somehow manages to look soooo good, then she has to go makeout with dipshit Mike. That just about kills me everytime, I just wanna go over and rip his face off. It doesn't help my situation when Tanya is all over me either, that just fires Bella's hatred. Same with Lauren being allll over Matt. Kaitlynn just gets madder and madder. They get more pissed, they mess around with more guys, at least in front of us anyway. Then they gotta wear those ridiculously sexy outfits, I have like a permanent boner! It drives me nuts! I scan Alice's mind to see what they're talking about, but of course, she's blocking me out, she's become a master at multitasking these days. They're probably planning another outfit. Ahhh, this girl is going to be the death of me.


I. Hate. Lauren. Mallory. Bitch won't leave me alone! It sucks balls! I have negative zero chance with Kaitlynn if that girl doesn't leave me alone. I have this feeling she was starting to soften up after about a week, but since Lauren transferred she's been totally pissed, and continues to dress in the way she knows drives me crazy, Edward and I are having the same issue, we're hard just about the whole school day, and then some just thinking about them. Ohhh my god. It's just pure torture. And Lauren smells funny. Almost like shit, or even a man. Nothing like Kaitlynn, she smells delicious. Like nothing I've ever smelled before. It's amazing. So I have math next period, and she still continues to tease me, kissing another guy every class. Then rubbing her tits all over my arm, and rubbing my leg with her hand, and every class she always "accidentally" drops something bending over, not at the knees, but at the waist, giving the whole class a view of her great ass, and a peek of her little lacy thong. So I'm curious to see what she does this class, Lauren was being considerably clingy this morning, so she's probably more pissed than normal. Which is why I was surprised, when she walked up to me on the way to class, and saying hi, winked and grabbed my hand while saying "follow me" She brought me to a Janitors closet, and shoved me in, then came in with me…


Tanya, was being ridiculously clingy today, so I know Bella was gonna be pissed, and we had Biology next period, which meant I was in for it. Which is why I was surprised when Bella walked up to me winked, grabbed my hand, and pulled me toward a spare classroom, opened the door, shoved me in, and followed closely behind me, shutting and locking the door.

Kpov + Bpov.

They are soooo in for it.

Rpov + Apov (Rose and Alice)

Those guys, are screwed.