Author Note: Ok, This story just came to me one day and I thought it was good. Hopefully you like it too.
The story is based on a Wizard Rock (for those of you who don't know what this is, it is bands who sing songs about Harry Potter) song that I started to write. Hope you like it review please!!!

Just One Night

"Good Night, Ginny," said Mrs. Weasley softly to her daughter.

"Night mum," Ginny whispered back.

Mrs. Weasley turned off Ginny's bedroom light. Ginny was sitting in her bed. It was Christmas Eve during Ginny's sixth year at Hogwarts. It was almost midnight, and Ginny was sitting in her Aunt Muriel's house, where her family was staying this year, and she was upset. The Carrows had spread fear into everyone at Hogwarts even though most students were trying to resist. She looked at the window. There was a small desk with a chair right in front of the window. She stood up and walked over and sat down in the chair. She looked at the star filled sky. She sighed.

'I hope they are alright,' Ginny said in her head. She was thinking about Harry, Ron, and Hermione. She missed them all deeply. 'I wish they could be here, just for one night.'

That was Ginny's Christmas Dream this year. Just for Harry, Ron, and Hermione to come home, or rather Aunt Muriel's home, for Christmas. She wanted Hermione to talk to and hang out with, Ron to help her last through Aunt Muriel's rants about stupid things, Harry to hold her tight in her arms and to promise not to leave her again. She wanted to drop out of Hogwarts and leave with them to help end this war. She wanted to know that they were safe and that they weren't…well…that they weren't what Ginny always feared.

Ginny wanted the Wizarding World to be saved from the war they were locked into and her family or friends to get killed. She wanted this war to end and for everyone to reunite and to know that everything will be alright from now on. She wanted to be with Harry for now and, hopefully, forever. But it was merely a dream, it won't come true tonight, and she knew it.

But still, Ginny hoped. She knew the war would be over soon, but didn't know when.

'Just one night,'Ginny recited inside her head, 'I want them to come here. Just one night, I want Hermione to talk to as a friend who is a girl and will understand when I need to talk to her.

'Just one night, I want Ron to be here and suffer with Aunt Muriel with me and to make jokes about things and to lift everyone's spirit.'

'Just one night, I want Harry to be here and hold me tight in his arms and to tell me everything will be alright one day. Just one night, I want him to kiss me and not to stay away from me for my own good like he said before.'

'Just one night, while I'm at Hogwarts, not to worry about getting tortured everyday just to keep all my friends there safe rather than myself. Just one night, while I'm at Hogwarts, for someone not to be taken way because of this war and put into Azkaban or held hostage by a Death Eater.'

Ginny's eyes filled with tears. She was crying and she didn't care. She folded her arms on the desk and put her head on her arms and cried for what felt like an eternity. She, eventually, lifted her head, wiped her eyes with her hand and crawled into her bed, buried her face into her pillow and cried herself to sleep, still thinking her Christmas Dream, "Just one night."

Sorry it was short, I didnt want a very long one but I think it was just a little too short. Hope you liked it!!!!
Please Review and tell me what you think!