A/N: I hope you all know what a miracle it is that I actually updated this story. I've pretty much forsaken fanfiction(dot)net for the last year or so. But I was poking around and reading all the reviews to this story and I was so touched by everyone's kind comments that I felt inspired to write a little more. I literally just wrote this in the last two hours and I hope you like it!
Please don't expect updates on any of my other stories. I'm bored with writing fanfiction. I've become involved with fictionpress(dot)com. My account can be found here: www(dot)fictionpress(dot)com/u/632339/OutChasingRainbows if you want to check me out. Drop by and leave a review? I just started posting a story (Where the Horizon Ends) that I'm almost halfway through writing (that means updates will be quick) and I'd love some more feedback on it, or on any of my stories. Thanks and maybe I'll see you around!
By the way, if you're looking for an amazing story to read and you're not squeamish of M rated fics, check out The University of Edward Masen. It is one of the few stories I still follow on and it is my mini obsession. Seriously, go read it!
Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight.
Music For Renesmee
Renesmee's POV
"Is this killing Daddy?" I asked quietly, keeping my eyes trained on the floral design Aunt Alice had shoved in front of my nose that morning. That was after Daddy had marched out of the room in the wake of Jake's less than chastise good morning kiss to my lips. Stupid werewolf. Everyone knew he did it on purpose. My father had been standing right there.
My mother joined me on my bed and stroked my hair. "You know how your father is. He loves you. I think it would kill him more to see you walk away."
"He really needs to get over that whole 'blaming himself for anything wrong that goes wrong around here' thing," I said.
My mother laughed and kissed me. "He wouldn't know what to do with himself, honey. He'd get a complex."
"I'm serious. Jake won't mind waiting. It's not like we're in a hurry. And he deserves it for what he did this morning."
My mother smiled. "Oh please. Those two have had it in for each other since before you were born. Jake's just getting back at your father for the torture he put Jake through when we got married."
"You're not helping." I growled. It's what I got for being a werewolf's intended.
My mother sighed. "I'll talk to him, if you want," she offered. "But Nessie, try to understand. It's not just Jacob. This is hard for him because he's losing you."
I groaned. I had heard all this before. "But he's not losing me. I'll be a couple miles into the woods at the house Esme built for us." I blushed, thinking about my new life there—as Mrs. Renesmee Black. The thought made me tingle all over. It felt like I had been waiting for this my whole life—all eight long years of my very short life.
My mother knew exactly what I was thinking. Daddy always said that she and I were so much alike. Of course, she liked to think I was more like him than her, but I knew what he meant. Neither of us liked attention, or gifts, or petty things that we had no use for but that were continuously thrust upon us by our dear, loving family—ahem, Auntie Alice.
For example, this floral arrangement I was supposed to be examining. The truth was, I would be getting this arrangement whether I liked it or not. Which I didn't. If it were up to me, Jake and I would have gone to Vegas weeks ago. We'd be spending our honeymoon in a cheap little hotel room right now and it would hardly matter to us. We'd only be using it for one thing, anyway.
By accident, I forgot to hide my thoughts and my mother saw what I'd been imaging. I turned red and buried my face in my hands. "Sorry," I moaned. "It's not like I can help it."
She laughed. "Just be glad it was your father and not me."
"You can say that again," I muttered.
Aunt Alice flitted in without any warning a human would have heard. "What do you think? Perfect isn't it?" she gushed, beaming. It took me a moment to figure out that she was talking about the flowers. She wilted at my lack of response.
"You don't like it?"
I sat up. "No fair. You didn't make Mom do any of this stuff for her wedding."
"Not true," Aunt Alice retorted. "We ran everything by her before we made the final decisions."
"Like I had any say," my mother teased.
"You didn't want any say," Aunt Alice reminded her victoriously.
"That's it. I'm out." I got up to leave before they could have a full blown memory-fest.
"Where are you going?" Aunt Alice cried. "I have more floral options." She dumped a pile of papers on the bed.
"To find Jake," I said. Duh.
"I'll look through them with you," my mother consoled Aunt Alice. "These ones are nice," I heard her say as I escaped out the door.
Jacob was waiting for me at the mansion. "Sorry about this morning," he said, kissing my forehead.
"No you're not," I said, brushing past him when all I really wanted to do was snuggle into his arms. Served him right. He deserved to suffer for a little while.
"Maybe not," Jake admitted. I didn't miss the smugness in his voice and I slapped him on the arm.
"You know, you could try to be just a little helpful," I said, glaring at him. "This is really hard for Daddy and you don't even care."
"That's not true," Jake argued. I tried not to fall for the hurt in his big, brown puppy dog eyes. He rubbed his arm where I hit him and I smiled grimly.
"Prove it."
"Fine. I'll go and apologize."
"Don't bother. I know you won't mean it."
"Of course I'll mean it." He came very close to me. When I tried to avoid his touch, I backed right into the wall instead. I was cornered and we both knew it. His hot hands cupped my face and I couldn't help but hum in pleasure.
"Go away, Jake," I said half-heartedly, trying and failing to keep the appropriate malice in my voice.
"Not likely."
I shoved his chest but he was too strong. Stupid werewolf muscles. Hot werewolf muscles. "Jake."
"Nessie, listen to me."
"Do I have a choice?"
He gloated. "Nope."
I sighed and gave in, leaning into his warm touch. "Fine."
"Aww, Nessie, don't be like that. I would never hurt your father, not really." He leaned his forehead against mine and our warm skin mingled. I breathed in his scent, musky and wild.
"Oh really?"
"Really, really."
"Why not?"
"Because, silly. He gave me you." He was kissing me before I was even aware of it. By the time I did, I was in no mood to stop him. I leaned into his chest and wrapped my arms around his neck. I played with his soft, cropped black hair as I pushed my lips forward to meet his. Soon I felt his tongue prying at my mouth. I granted him entrance and our tongues met, dancing. I sighed in pleasure and tried to press even closer, but it was impossible. I would never be close enough.
Jake finally pushed me away when I tried to wrap my legs around his waist.
"I'm not sure if this is the best time for that," he whispered suggestively, glancing around to see if any vampires had snuck into the room while our attention was…otherwise occupied. But Esme, Rose and Emmett were out hunting, Carlisle was at the hospital, and Jasper was too much of a gentleman to invade our privacy. I didn't know where Daddy was, but he would have interrupted us a long time ago if he was anywhere in the vicinity.
"All clear," I noted. "Let's go to your house. Billy's out fishing, isn't he?"
Jake rolled his eyes. "As tantalizing as that sounds, I hardly think your family would appreciate it. I steal you away too much."
"I think Daddy's rubbing off on you. Did you just use the word tantalizing?"
"Shut up." He punched me playfully. I punched back and was going to bite him, but before we could engage in an all-out wrestling match, something caught my ear. It was a familiar sound, one that so filled my childhood that it was as much a part of me as Jake was. I paused and felt Jake relax around me. He sighed.
I smiled. That was why I loved him. He understood why I had to do what I was going to do.
"Thanks," I said.
"Love you," he replied, kissing me one last time. I leaned into him for a moment. When I tried to leave, he held onto me. I rolled my eyes.
"Oh, go play werewolf or something."
He pretended to look hurt. "Playing werewolf, as you so respectfully put it, is serious business."
I laughed. "You're such a kid, Jake."
He winked. "Thanks. I love you too." He finally let go. I gave him one last look before heading for the stairs.
Upstairs, I went directly to the last room on the left. It wasn't used often, now that Daddy lived in our cottage, but I knew it had belonged to him before he married Mom. It held memories—I knew that too.
The whisper of the piano came from this room. The white grand piano was kept downstairs in the living room, but Daddy had come home with another one a few years ago and put it his old bedroom. It was where he came when he was in a brooding mood. Usually, my mother was the one to join him there. They had shared a lot in this room. It was where he first proposed to her.
I listened to the song he was playing. I had never heard it before. It wasn't in fragments, like the ones he was in the process of composing, and it wasn't messy and silly, the way I insisted my own compositions sounded, although he begged to differ. It was new, and whole. It broke my heart and I knew immediately that it was about loss and love and letting go. I blinked away the wetness that was pooling at my eyes and thought about what my mother had said before. I started to understand, and that made me want to cry harder.
I wondered if he knew I was out here. Probably. He probably heard the entire spiel between Jake and I. And the kiss. I blushed at the thought.
After awhile, the song he was playing changed. He transitioned into a new piece, also something that was unfamiliar to me. All of a sudden, I wanted him to hold me. I wanted him to tell me he wasn't mad, and that everything would be alright.
"Daddy," I whispered, opening the door. He stopped playing abruptly.
It was easy to see why Esme thought we looked so much alike. Our hair was the same coppery-red color, although mine was shade lighter.
"Daddy," I said again, and he opened his arms. I didn't even hesitate. I flew to him, vampire speed, and buried my face in his shoulder. I cried silently against him for a long time.
When I was done, I pulled back and examined the salt-water stains on his shirt.
"Sorry." I hiccupped. He smiled crookedly, although it didn't reach his eyes, and brushed away the wetness on my cheeks.
"The only one who will mourn the ruin of this shirt is Alice," he promised and kissed my forehead. I smiled conspiratorially.
"You won't tell, will you?"
He chuckled, and I was relieved that he no longer seemed so sad. "Actually, I think she may already have seen it happen. She was glaring at me before."
I giggled. "What were you playing, just now?" I asked.
"Nope." He shook his head and smiled smugly. For being mortal enemies and all that, he and Jake were a lot alike. They both enjoyed torturing other people, for example. The look on his face reminded me of when I was little and wanted to know what I was getting for my birthday. He would even blackmail Jake into not telling, just to keep the secret, because Jake couldn't say no to me. Daddy usually threatened our future together, or something along those lines.
"Why not?" I whined, which made him chuckle.
"It's a surprise," he said firmly.
"I hate surprises," I grumbled.
Daddy rolled his eyes. "And Bella insists you take after me," he said under his breath, sarcastically.
"When do I get to find out?" I pressed, annoyed.
"September tenth," he replied immediately.
"That's my wedding day," I said. And my birthday. Which was nice, because it meant I only had to suffer the attention one day instead of two, but the real reason we picked it was because it was the day Jacob imprinted on me.
"You're not going to make me dance with you, are you?" I asked, scared now. For being half vampire, I was a hopeless clutz. That meant dancing was off limits.
Daddy raised an eyebrow. "You know, your mother said the same thing, and yet she never broke, sprained, cut, or bruised anything in my arms."
"I'll take your word for it, how's that?"
He chuckled and planted another tender kiss on my forehead. No one ever made me feel as loved as my father did, not even Jake. My connection with Jake went deeper than love, was buried right in our very souls, but Daddy's love was different. It was our own special connection.
"Either way," he said. "This has nothing to do with dancing."
"Please tell me," I pleaded, trying out the lost puppy dog look I had learned from Jake.
Daddy groaned. "You're impossible. And I'm going to kill that mutt."
"No you won't," I laughed. "That would make me sad."
Apparently, it was no laughing matter for my father. His expression darkened. I rested my head on his shoulder again.
"I'm sorry, Daddy," I said quietly.
"Don't be. It's my fault. I shouldn't let it get to me. We always knew this day was coming. Oddly enough, it was your mother who was most vehemently against it in the beginning." He frowned, remembering. I remembered too, the day Mom had tried to attack Jake for imprinting on me and had ended up breaking Seth's arm.
I wanted to distract him. I pressed my warm hand to his frozen skin and concentrated, showing him a different memory. This was the first one I truly remembered of him. I was sitting in his lap, not three days after I was born, and he was playing my song for me. I smiled at him now.
"Love you," I said.
He smiled and it was a real smile, at last. "I love you too. For eternity, Renesmee."
I reached for the piano and started tinkering. His hands joined mine and soon the melody of our duet was spinning and weaving like magic in the air. I peeked at my father out of the corner of my eye and knew that everything was going to better than alright.
It was going to be perfect.