Okay, here's a new idea that JUST popped into my head like 8 seconds ago. So, everybody has a birthday, right? What about Puck? Plz R&R,

But no flames!

Oh, yeah: I do not own the Sisters Grimm OR Michael Buckley (i wish)

Sabrina knew it was just like any other day. So why did she care so much? It was written plainly on the Grimm family calendar, along with all the normal things, such as the 4th of July, or Christmas. So why was it such a shock to her? The real problem was she didn't know what to give him. What do you give the fairy king for his birthday?

Sabrina trudged down the stairs, frowning. She knew what to expect, knew what she was in for. She had never been so nervous in her life. In the kitchen, everyone was as quiet as she. Uncle Jake sat at the table reading the newspaper, across from Daphne who slowly pushed her purple eggs from one edge of her plate to the other. Granny Relda stood at the stove. The only sound was the crinkle of the newspaper, Daphne's fork scraping, and the pop of the pan on the stove. Puck had yet to arrive.

"Is anyone else as nervous about this as I am?" Daphne asked suddenly as Sabrina slid into a chair.

"Definitely. It kept me up all night." Uncle Jake said, looking up from the newspaper.

"I thought I was the only one." Sabrina confided.

"Oh libelings, you're overreacting. It's only a birthday." But even Granny Relda's voice shook a little as she spoke.

"Does anyone else hear that?" Daphne asked. She looked confused. "It sounds like trumpets, but really far off."

Everyone strained to hear. When she concentrated hard, Sabrina could just barely hear the sound of trumpets far off. But, they seemed to be getting louder. And closer.

"Oh no! Puck!" she cried. Daphne inhaled sharply and Uncle Jake groaned.

"Really, now. You are so dramatic." Granny Relda scolded, but fright registered in her face as well. She also realized what was happening.

"We are sooooo gonna get it. Oh, gosh we are gonna get it GOOD." Daphne groaned.

"Good Morning, Humans! How are we this fine day?" A teasing voice called from the doorway.

"Here we go." Sabrina muttered to herself before slowly turning around…

Cliffie! R&R, I'll have the next chapter up soon! Also, I'll try to come up with some new ideas 4 my other FF, Hiding. BTW, if anyone's noticed, ATSSTW (And Then, She Stopped The World) is missing. I have no idea what happened to it! I logged on 2 my computer, and every file and trace of it was ABOSOLUTLEY AND COMPLETLY GONE! Weird, huh? If anyone has any experience with computers could you PLZ PLZ PLZ tell me what happened and how to get my files back (if possible?) THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)