Monica slammed the door behind her as she entered her apartment, and threw her jacket and keys on the counter, tossing her fake boobs on top of them as she removed them from the horrid pink sweater. Rachel walked out of her bedroom, wondering what all the noise was about. Monica glanced at her and rolled her eyes as she held out a small slip of paper.
"Look at this!"
"What?" Rachel grabbed the paper out of Monica's hand and scanned it quickly. "What is this?"
"It's my tip.".
"Tip? This check is for $20,000 dollars!" Rachel's eyes narrowed and she looked at Monica suspiciously. "What do you really do during the day, Monica?"
Monica rolled her eyes again.
"I dance on countertops and deliver food on skates."
"Oh…Well, that's no fun. Wait, this check is signed and everything!"
"I know! His number's on the check. He just did it so I would call him."
"So why don't you?"
"Because I…I mean, I just don't like him like that."
"Who cares? If this check is real, just marry him! Doesn't matter if you like him or not!"
Monica glanced at her wryly.
"Would you like to call him?"
"Call who?" Chandler interrupted, raising an eyebrow at Monica's cast-aside breasts as he shut the door behind him and loosened his tie.
"I don't know. What's his name, Mon?"
"Um, Pete. Pete Becker."
Chandler's eyes widened and he reached for the back of a chair to steady himself. He'd completely forgotten… Rachel went on, ignoring the look on Chandler's face.
"Okay, Pete. And Monica won't go out with him. Tell her she should, Chandler. Hell, for $20,000…"
"No! She can't go out with him!"
"Why not?"
Chandler looked at Monica, who was watching him carefully and wondering why his face was so white. She understood the question in his eyes, and nodded slowly, stepping up next to him and putting one arm around his waist.
"Rachel, the reason I can't…won't…go out with Pete is because I'm dating Chandler. Actually, we're not just dating. I'm in love with him. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but with the whole Ross thing…We just thought it was better if we waited."
Chandler smiled and kissed the top of her head as they both looked expectantly at Rachel for her reaction. She stared at the two of them for a moment, incredulous, then started to laugh.
"You two? Yeah right. This is just part of some elaborate plan to cheer me up…" Another glance at the perplexed couple sent her into another fit of giggles. "That's hilarious. Who put you up to this? Joey?"
Still laughing, she shook her head and headed for her bedroom. After a moment's thought, she turned back around and picked up the check off the counter, then grinned and grabbed the cordless phone as she walked into her bedroom.
Monica shook her head, then put her arms around Chandler's neck.
"So, tell me about Pete."
She didn't miss the instant change in his expression, though he didn't go completely pale this time. Still, he obviously didn't want to talk about it.
"Umm…why do you ask? I thought he was one of your customers."
"You know what I mean. Why did you react like that when you walked in on me and Rachel talking about him?"
Chandler sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
"Monica, do we have to talk about this?"
Monica nodded, a tiny smile flitting across her face. Chandler was obviously jealous, and she liked that. It was cute.
"Yes, we have to talk about it. I want to know."
"Ugh, you are so stubborn!" Chandler kissed her quickly to reassure her that he was teasing – well, maybe – before she opened the door, then followed her into the apartment. Rachel, his only probable salvation, was nowhere in sight. He sighed and turned to Monica in resignation, his words coming in a rush that left Monica staring at him in amazement.
"Fine. Pete Becker is this millionaire dude that asked you out like a thousand times, then gave you a "tip" to get you to talk to him. Then, when you agreed to go out with him, he flew you to ITALY for pizza. You didn't really like him, that is until you kissed him the first time and then you fell in love with him and decided you might say yes when you thought he was going to propose, but he didn't. He told you he was going to do this Ultimate Fighting Championship psycho contest thing instead, and he did, but he got all beat up and he wouldn't quit, not even when you asked him to, and when you made him choose between you, he told you he couldn't quit so then you walked out on him and haven't seen him since. At least, I don't think so…"
Chandler stopped and squinted at Monica, wondering what her reaction to that would be. She just stared at him for a moment before bursting into laughter.
"Are you crazy?"
Chandler shrugged and leaned against the couch.
"Sometimes I think I am."
Monica stopped and looked at him, realizing that he was serious. She picked up the check that was still lying on the counter and gazed at it in wonder.
"Italy, huh?"
Chandler glanced up, worried.
"You're not going to…"
Monica smiled and walked over to put her arms around his neck.
"You're forgetting one thing, Mr. Bing."
Chandler glanced at her warily, reluctantly lifting his arms to encircle her waist as she kissed him lightly.
Monica smiled at the apprehensive look on his face and cradled his face in her hands.
"I love you."
His face broke into a smile as he turned his head to kiss her palm, and tightened his arms around her, resting his chin on the top of her head.
"I love you too. And I promise I'll try not be jealous of rich, Ultimate Fighting Psychos that you were deluded enough to date in some alternate universe."
Monica slapped him playfully on the butt, then lifted her head for a kiss.
"So, tell me something."
"Are we going to live happily ever after?"
Chandler grinned and kissed her lightly.
"You better believe it."
"Hello children!"
Chandler walked cheerily into Central Perk and greeted his friends with a big smile. He took his seat beside Monica and leaned over to kiss her on her cheek.
"Hello, beautiful."
It had been nearly two weeks since they had told Ross about their relationship – and convinced Rachel that they were serious. Ross had finally stopped hyperventilating every time they kissed, but he still got a disgusted look on his face when they were too affectionate in front of him. Phoebe and Joey were, as usual, unfazed, and Rachel just seemed perplexed. But they could all see that Chandler and Monica were happy, and in the end, none of their friends could deny them that.
Chandler listened half-heartedly to Rachel talking about some fashion event at work, then leaned over to whisper in Monica's ear.
"I'm going to get some coffee, honey. You want anything?"
Monica shook her head slightly, pretending to be interested in Rachel's story, and squeezed his hand lightly as he stood up. Chandler ordered his coffee and leaned against the counter while he waited, absentmindedly surveying the restaurant. Just as Gunther tapped him on the shoulder and slid his cup across the counter, a woman walking in the door caught Chandler's attention, making him stare in disbelief. She was heading straight for him. He grabbed his coffee and broke for the couch, slumping down so that he was partially hidden.
He looked up to see the amused faces of his friends, and pointed discreetly.
"She can't see me."
Monica looked over at the counter, trying to figure out who Chandler was hiding from. Janice was nowhere in sight…so he must mean the pretty brunette with short hair. She glanced at him curiously, wondering why he was hiding from a stranger.
"Who's that?"
"That's Kathy." The words only had meaning to Monica, who had heard the whole story. She glanced back over her shoulder, trying to get a better look at the woman Chandler had told her about, and feeling just slightly jealous. Then she glanced toward Joey, to see what his reaction would be. Joey looked confused, but he was smiling.
"Who's Kathy? She's hot!"
Chandler groaned. "Joey, just…trust me. It's best if you don't even go there."
Joey's grin turned into a
pout. "Why not? What's going on?"
"Yeah," Ross joined in, his
eyes narrowed. "Tell us what's going
on, Chandler. Are you cheating on my
Chandler laughed outright, pulling Monica closer and kissing the side of her head.
"No, I'm not cheating on Monica. Let's just say…Kathy's, um, a face from the…the past. There's…nothing else to tell."
(And, as this is the "last" show, we'll end with a slow, sentimental version of "I'll Be There For You" and a montage of scenes from the actual, real, non-fanfiction show…
Ø Chandler saying "It's a four" and kissing Monica under the table in "TO In Vegas"
Ø Chandler hugging Monica from behind and kissed her temple in "TOW The Last Night"
Ø Monica jumping into his arms when he asks if he can move in with her.
Ø The Proposal
Ø Etc., etc.
Ø Ending shot: Chandler and Monica exchanging rings at the wedding and then kissing.
(Oh, and as I'm a HUGE Joey/Rachel fan, and have been since Rachel moved in with him, I would include scenes from them too! The soap opera awards, Joey building the "nursery", their date, watching "Kujo" in the chair…and more to come in the next few weeks, I HOPE!!)
No Teaser – Just the introduction of the cast as they come out and take their final bows…And "FRIENDS" is over forever… =( Stay tuned for "The Tonight Show" and "Conan", with interviews with the cast of "FRIENDS" and their thoughts on the final episode… I can hear it already.
The EndDid you like this version better?