Saying Goodbye
Disclaimer: I don't own anything!
Author's Note: Dedicated to my best friend/brother Sean, who found these quotes for me, knowing I needed inspiration.
"Is there such a thing as lost love? When you lose something, it still has the potential to be found, but when love is lost, you may never find it again."-Unknown
Oftentimes we say goodbye to the person we love without wanting to.
He couldn't tell him, not when it would hurt him more than it already would. Naruto wouldn't get his chance at Hokage with him there, with people concentrated on him. And Naruto was getting strong too, strong enough that while their team and some of the others might know his strength, the village would never acknowledge it with him nearby. He had to run, run and hope that Naruto didn't follow.
Though that doesn't mean that we've stopped loving them
Damn, but he'd gotten heavier in the years that they'd been separated. Not in fat, no. Sasuke doubted there was more than an ounce of fat on Naruto's whole body, but the weight was mostly muscle mass. And he'd gotten taller as well. Sasuke doubted that when they stood face-to-face again, that there would be an inch of difference in height.
Beyond the weight, however, Naruto wasn't very responsive. The azure eyes that Sasuke had been so relieved to see had followed his movements sluggishly. What was Kyuubi doing that he had yet to heal him?
Or that we've stopped to care.
"You're a bastard." Sasuke snarled quietly at the fox as he carefully cleaned and bandaged Naruto's side. Even without Kyuubi, he was a lucky guy. Well, at least in the way of injuries. Nothing broken, the cut wasn't nearly as deep as it appeared and the cut was the worst of the damage. The rest was just a rainbow assortment of bruises and some small scratches.
Covering the blonde with a blanket, Sasuke wondered if he should leave or wait for Naruto to wake up. Sasuke glanced up at the soft pink light of dawn on the horizon and settled down, poking at the fire to make flames roar to life. Naruto wouldn't bee too long in waking up he hoped.
Sometimes goodbye is a painful way to say I love you.
"Teme?" the words were quiet and the sapphire peeking out from under his eyelids were dull with sleep.
Sasuke didn't reply, but turned his head to look at the blonde. What could he say?
The blonde sat up a little faster then Sasuke would've liked with the bandages, but slowed as he felt the jabs of pain in his side. There was no more haze to his eyes or expression. "What're you doin' here?"
Sasuke hesitated, knowing that what he said now might make Naruto hate him or love him.
Taking care of you, missing the old days, wishing I could come back. Said his heart.
"…Saying goodbye." Said his mouth.