So this is an epilogue,(duh) so technically, it's not PART of the story itself. however, it is needed (supposedly) to adequately tie the story together and add some crucial details for the sequel. [yes there is going to be a sequel] i don't know when the sequel is coming out, namely cuz at the moment i feel like writing a comedy thanks to The Escapist's Zero Punctuation game reviews, so i have no idea what's going to happen. i also have multitudes of other neglected fics that will rip my toes off if i don't get back to them soon. So after this long intro, here is the cliche ridden epilogue to The Light In The Darkness. Enjoy! R&R!


Tears Don't Fall

Orange eye flashed as the wooden door to the ice dragon seer's room flew open to reveal the sight of Kronos with an icicle pressed against his chest, ready to take his own life. At a twitch of her tail, Pyre melted the icicle by raising the temperature of the air around it, creating a puddle on the floor.

Tears sprung back to Kronos's eyes as he turned them upon the intruder. They spoke of confusion and puzzlement to the gaze of Pyre. The ice dragon's body shook and he stammered out, "W-why, Pyre? Why save a worthless nothing like me? I can't even save my love." A snarl replaced the confusion. "Instead I kill her! And now I can't even be let in peace to die? Leave me be! I want nothing to do with this world!"

Pyre sighed and strode forward to the emotional dragon. "That is not true and you know it. You also have the gift of Foresight, you should be able to see it. Dreyah was not meant for you. She was using you. She did love you but then evil twisted her. The Dreyah you killed was not the one you loved, but the one that Hartream created. He is trying to destroy you and I, for he fears us."

Kronos looked at her incredulously, feeling his energy suddenly drain from him. The last thin he heard before sleep overtook him was Pyre cooing to him, "Sleep, young seer. I will watch over you." Kronos sighed at the tone of her voice. It sounded so adult, though she wasn't much older than he. With her voice firm in his thoughts, he drifted from the waking world

With blood shot eyes, I watch you sleeping
The warmth I feel beside me is slowly fading

Kronos awoke to the sound of soft singing and he glanced around his room, quickly spotting the source of the wondrous music. Pyre sat before the window and was singing quietly, her eyes closed and a smile gracing her features. Kronos was taken by how beautiful she looked then, her age showing through her normal, more mature façade. Images once more flitted through his mind, heeding his call and he picked through the multitudes until he found what he was looking for. An image of him, with Pyre at his side, flying across the endless realms.

He was about to call out to her when doubt shut down his voice. What does she really think of me though? Does she like me? Is she ashamed of what I've become? Kronos lay there silent, pondering all these thoughts.

Would she hear me, if I called her name?
Would she hold me, if she knew my shame?

He finally spoke, but held back the tidal wave of emotion already roiling across his brain. "Good morning, Pyre," he managed.

The red dragoness turned to him and smiled. "Good morning to you as well, Kronos. I'm glad to see you didn't kill yourself in your sleep." After planting that bomb into the ice dragon's mind, Pyre strode gracefully out of the room, leaving Kronos once more alone.

Kronos sighed heavily and wondered aloud, "Did I say something wrong?" His depression had not left him and he did not want to be alone.

There's always something different going wrong
The path I walk is in the wrong direction
There's always someone fucking hanging on
Can anybody help me make things better?

As Pyre walked out of the room, she faintly heard the sound of crying emanate from within. She let her feelings rise up in her heart before suppressing them again, remembering what she had to do in order to save that dragon's scaly hide. He needed the harsh treatment in order to see that he wasn't meant to love Dreyah. Pyre looked back into the room and let water well up in her own eyes. When do I get to reveal it to him? she asked herself. Why was she always the voice of reason?

Your tears don't fall, they crash around me
Her conscious calls, the guilty to come home
Your tears don't fall, they crash around me
Her conscious calls, the guilty to come home

Kronos walked over to where Pyre had been standing before and gazed dejectedly out the window at the still grey sky. He noticed the curious absence of the two dragons of prophecy, but he knew where they were.

The dragon seer gazed into the past, stretching his abilities to their limits, to see what made Spyro's sister so cold. In a blast of realization, Kronos's eyes shot open wide. She had the gift of Foresight as well, which left the ice dragon speechless.

The moment of shock slowly faded away and Kronos found himself sinking back into his old depression once more. Thoughts turned to doubts and his future sight no longer allowed him to glimpse the bright aspects that were indeed possible. All he wanted, much to his surprise, was to be with Pyre. This confounded him to all new levels of befuddlement and simply worsening his irrational self loathing.

The moments died, I hear no screaming
The visions left inside me are slowly fading
Would she hear me, if I called her name?
Would she hold me, if she knew my shame?

Pyre trudged silently among the generally empty back halls, mind turning inevitably towards the ice dragon she wanted so badly to confess to loving. But in order to be able to share this feeling with said dragon, she had to push him away until he lifted the blame for Dreyah's betrayal off of himself. Everything was going wrong with her plan though, and she found it harder and harder to draw herself away from him each time. She needed help herself but she couldn't get it without dooming someone else.

There's always something different going wrong
The path I walk is in the wrong direction
There's always someone fucking hanging on
Can anybody help me makes things better?

Kronos leapt out of his window to extend his wings and catch the warm updrafts lifting from the city below. He wandered aimlessly around the sky until he found himself above the ruins of his former home, the Dragon Temple. Old memories dredged up from the depths of the ice dragon's heart caused a fresh batch of tears to cascade down his face. Everything he once was, was now dead; having been destroyed with the elegant building he now stood amongst.

Your tears don't fall, they crash around me
Her conscious calls, the guilty to come home
Your tears don't fall, they crash around me
Her conscious calls, the guilty to come home

He meandered aimlessly in the midst of the ruins and came across a recognizable feature from when the building was standing. He gasped with shock at what lay before his eyes. It was Dreyah's former room. He stood in the center of the now demolished quarters. Reminiscing about the two times he and Dreyah had shared in this place made him realize, She was actually in love with me at one point. Kronos hadn't changed at all during the years leading up to her betrayal, but she had. This mind boggling realization struck Kronos like he had just been crushed by a boulder. She grew away from him, and he didn't see it. How could I have been so blind? It was right there in front of me, and I missed it. He dropped to his haunches and drooped his head, the will to go on once more pervading his mind.

This battered room I've seen before
The broken bones they heal no more, no more
With my last breath I'm choking
Will this ever end I'm hoping
My world is over one more time

But then a lone beam of inspiration shone through. The red dragoness who had saved him from himself. Pyre, what is it you're after? Kronos stood back to his paws and took off into the slowly brightening skies. Why did you save me?

Would she hear me, if I called her name?
Would she hold me, if she knew my shame?

Pyre made her way back to Kronos's room, only to find it empty; devoid of the one creature she wished to converse with. Without thinking, she jumped onto the bed in the center of the room and collapsed onto her side to rest. Tears seemed commonplace the past few days and she found herself again with the sorrowful waters running down her snout. Her life was apparently defined by these moments of sheer loneliness, for nothing else had stepped forward to take their place. She needed someone to be with her; to make it all better.

There's always something different going wrong
The path I walk is in the wrong direction
There's always someone fucking hanging on
Can anybody help me makes things better?

She sobbed quietly for Ancestors know how long, until when heard a faint rustling coming from the window. There, with a soft smile upon his muzzle, was hovering Kronos; his snowy white eyes gentle with understanding.

Your tears don't fall, they crash around me
Her conscious calls, the guilty to come home
Your tears don't fall, they crash around me
Her conscious calls, the guilty to come home

The tears that fell from her nose turned into ones of joy. She scrambled to stand but soon found that the ice dragon had floated over to her instead. He kept the heartwarming smile upon his face as he spoke to her. "Thank you, Pyre. You saved me again."

Your tears don't fall, they crash around me
Her conscious calls, the guilty to come home

Pyre tried her hardest to keep her mature, adult-esque façade in place before the ice dragon but failed miserably. Kronos put a wing around her as she sobbed, pulling her closer to comfort her. "Don't worry, Pyre. We can handle what's coming. As long as we stay together."

Okay, so maybe not cliche RIDDEN but they're in there. so now, i'm off, or so i wish. *rolls eyes and grimaces* airports ARE just as boring overnight as they are during the day, except that it's a lot more quiet and you can actually get something done. either way, i'm just bitching about my fucked up life at the moment, SO SHUT UP! that is all, thank you. I'd like to thank a few people at the conclusion of this particular series.

First and foremost is(of course) the band:
Bullet For My Valentine
without whom, this would not have happened.

Next i'd like to thank a few people. namely, the ones who keep my life within some semblence of what one might call sanity (i personally don't think so(but then again what do i know))
these people are.

Dragon of the Hill (entertaining me throughout my many sessions of writer's block for this series)
Given-Inside (badgering me until i promised not to kill cynder)
RedDragonx (personal reasons helped out with my life)
Shade105 (for comic relief and random outbursts)
Zerodius (for numerous inspiring stories)

i'd also like to thank my reveiwers.

Shadow Dragon 537039
Dragon of the Hill
Genobee (?)

not many but i like them....anyways, i'm just prolly boring you cuz i'm bored, so i'll wrap it up. until next time in the sequel.....