Greetings my fellow Cenaholics! This is another John story that I'm writing. A little background on my OC is that she is Kurt Angle's sister and she was present the night that John challenged Kurt to a match. She hasn't had any matches yet but she is going to be debuting the week after John did. Need any more background? Just ask. Enjoy!
Word Life
"Come on Kori. We have got to get to Smackdown before I go on."
"Sure thing Kurt. My car or yours?"
"Yours. It's nicer." I smiled, grabbed my keys and headed out the door with Kurt. Within twenty minutes, we arrived at Smackdown. Kurt practically ran out of the car and inside. I rolled my eyes, smiled and followed him. I said hi to a few of the superstars and made it to my locker room to change. When I came out, I saw this new guy wearing red and black wrestling tights and short brown hair. I eyed him up and down and realized that he was pretty damn hot.
"Hey Kurt. What's up bro?"
"I've got a good feeling about tonight, Kori. See you out there." I smiled and watched Kurt practically run to the ramp. I looked back at the new guy and saw that he was now looking at me. I walked up to him with a big smile on my face.
"Hi there."
"I'm Korrine but everyone calls me Kori, as you may have heard."
"John Cena."
"I've heard of you. You're a rookie right?"
"Yeah. I've heard a lot about Kurt. He your brother?"
"He that bad?"
"No, not really. I just make it seem that way. He's a real sweetheart if you get on his good side."
"His good side? What happens is you don't get on his good side?"
"You end up in the medic wing. Well, I've got to go to the ring with Kurt. Hopefully, I'll see you around here more."
"I could say the same for you." I winked at him and practically ran to catch up with Kurt. Kurt likes to talk, it's no secret. It also isn't a secret that he would issue an open challenge to anyone who thinks they can take the best of the business. Next thing we know, out comes John with a determined look on his face. I looked at Kurt and his expression of shock matched my own. John came into the ring and got right up in Kurt's face. I backed up a little bit and waited to see what was going to unfold in the ring.
"Who in the hell are you?"
"I'm John Cena."
"John Cena, huh?" John nodded. This was getting more intense by the second, I could feel it and I know that everyone else in the arena could feel it too. "Well you tell me, what is the one quality that you possess that makes you think that you can walk out here and come into the ring and face the very best in the business?"
"Ruthless. Aggression." Without hesitation, John punched Kurt in the face knocking the microphone out of his hand. I quickly got out of the ring because there was no need for there to be two Angles in the medic wing. John was not kidding when he said ruthless aggression. Hard right after hard right, hard clothesline after hard clothesline. John was taking it to Kurt and I couldn't help but worry about Kurt's physical and mental state right now. He just told the Smackdown audience that he was the best in the business and issued an open challenge for anyone in the locker room to come take him on tonight. For someone who is a rookie, like John, to come out here and get in his face and then proceed to hit him hard and fast, it had to be pretty darn unsettling from Kurt's point of view. John got extremely close to getting a pin on Kurt but he kicked out. Kurt caught John off-guard and got the Ankle Lock but John countered it remarkably. Kurt hit John with two German suplexes in a row and attempted another but John went for a roll-out and came up short. Kurt gave it to John but John kept coming back and kicking out. Kurt got John into a backslide and got the three count. I have never seen Kurt that exhausted after a match. I climbed back into the ring and joined the ref in raising Kurt's hand. Kurt left the ring but I stayed there and just looked at John. Kurt started yelling at me to come up the ring with him. I just stood there, transfixed by John. Kurt came back down the ramp and into the ring, yanking my arm in the direction of the ramp. I never broke eye contact with John as Kurt dragged me up the ramp and backstage.
"Kori! Hello? Kori!"
"What Kurt?"
"What the hell was that? That rookie almost beat me and you just stood there? Why didn't you help me?"
"He challenged you to a match, not both of us."
"Next time you pull a stunt like that, you're going to pay for it." Kurt stormed off to the locker room and I just stood there. I saw a camera man coming towards me and I knew something was up. Sure enough, John appeared out of nowhere next to me.
"Hi. Nice job tonight...for a rookie."
"Thanks. You let him talk to you like that?"
"He's family, there isn't a whole lot I can do to change him."
"It's a shame. Where did he go?"
"The locker room. Why?"
"He's really going to be mad at you now."
"Here." He handed me a folded up piece of paper so I unfolded it and read the two words on it. My jaw dropped and I looked up at John with wide eyes. He nodded. He pulled me close to him and his lips collided with mine. I was shocked at first but eventually gave into it and kissed him back. He pulled away after a few minutes with a huge smile on his face. He winked at me and walked away. I just stood there, slightly panting, with the piece of paper in my hand. The camera man left and I looked back at the piece of paper. It read:
Kiss her.
John was right. Kurt is really going to be mad at me when we get back to the hotel.
Well, that was chapter one. I will try my best to crank out chapter two as fast as I can. Any questions? Let me know.