Hey guys!

Okay, so as you all probably know I am currently re-writing this story.

The plot will stay mostly the same.

I'm going to redo this thing one chapter at a time but don't worry,

I'll make it clear when a chapter is a re-do.

Please review, send me PM's and whatnot.

Let me know what you think of the (hopefully) improved version.



Disclaimer: All characters are owned by Stephanie Meyer, I just have the plot of this story and a wardrobe full of clothes my mother deemed inappropriate this morning.

Chapter One

I groaned at the sound of my alarm clock screaming at me, pulling the covers back over my head in a futile attempt to shut out the world for just a few more blissful minutes. I had a nagging feeling that the offending alarm clock had been ringing for a while as Jackson 5's ABC was coming to a close. Rosalie threw open my bedroom door causing it to slam against the wall, I jumped and fell dizzily out of bed onto the floor with a thump. "Bella" she paused to blow a wayward chunk of Farrah Fawcett bangs out of her face before continuing between deep breaths and clenched, grinding teeth "I swear to God if you don't turn that thing off I'm going to ram it up your ass!" She huffed; her hands flapping and battling with the rest of the bangs in her face before she turned on her heal and flicked round 180 degrees. My eyes snapped fully open at the realization that my alarm clock had been blaring for a while and pulled it off the bed side table to make the numbers clearer as I squinted against the glaring lights filtering through the gaps around my black out curtains. The big red letters screaming '9:00' at me
"Shit" I mumbled pulling ruthlessly at the edge of my duvet that was tangled in a choke hold around my body before flinging it back onto the bed and running into my bathroom. I didn't have time to get ready properly. I ripped off my clothes and jumped in the shower almost as fast as I jumped out. Brushing my teeth in a flurry I threw on a blouse and a black pleated skirt that came to just above the knee. "Sorry Rose!" I called grabbing my handbag and stumbling through my bedroom door into the living room trying to pull on 'the death traps'. Alice was up, dressed and giggling at cartoons on the sofa with a bowl of cereal, I blew her a kiss and quickly swiped the spoonful of cheerio's out of her hand before she had a chance to shove it in her mouth.
I pulled on my coat and shot out the door. I halted abruptly simultaneously feeling myself up for keys and trying to tilt backwards to gain my balance back in my high heels. As it was it about to close I spun round remembering that I had left them on the counter the night before only to see Alice stood in the doorway shaking her head at me as she threw them into my hands. I grinned and charged down the hallway yelling a thank you behind me. I opted for the stairs as I knew the lift would be much longer. Jumping 3 steps at a time down the 4 story building I finally managed to do up my coat and sling my bag securely over my shoulder. I skipped over the edge of the last step and smiled at my skill. But of course me being me the smile had jinxed my balance and I tripped on the rug going out the door and stumbled into the cold Seattle street leaving Alfi the elderly garbage man to chuckle at my balance issues just as he did every morning.
I glanced at my watch cursing to myself as I ran for the station. I slid through the doors of the train as it closed and sighed in relief as the train departed. I took a second to catch my breath before I stumbled down the isle to find my usual seat I sank down into my quiet corner. I pulled on the edges of my skirt trying to fix it before attempting to tame my long dark brown hair. I blew my fringe out of my face and pulled out my laptop making a mental note to thank Rosalie for waking me up when I got home. I jotted the mental note down and swiftly slapped it onto the very limited space there was around the keyboard of my laptop.
It buzzed as I waited for it to start up and I smiled to myself as my mind traced over the events of the morning so far. I had lived with my two best friends for the past three years. They were like my sisters; Alice was small and slender with dark short hair to match. She was shy at times but once you got her talking you couldn't shut her up. Rosalie was much the same except she lacked the shyness. She was the girl you'd expect to see on the cover of a mens magazine, she was tall, slim, had an hour glass figure and long blond hair. I was bought out of my daze as the laptop flashed saying I had a new e-mail. It was from my boss, Mike, I had been his secretary for the past six months and I hated my job. He was the kind of guy who looked at a girl and thought she was only good for cooking, cleaning and sex. I groaned as I read the e-mail telling me that I had a meeting first thing when I got into work. I never really wanted to be a secretary, I always wanted to be a writer but I was never good enough. Soon enough the train ground to a halt and I quickly shoved my laptop back in my bag not bothering to turn it off as I stumbled off the train onto the platform.
At a more leisurely pace I made my way through the cold streets towards the shining lights of my morning saviour. Starbucks. I pulled my long black coat tighter around me as the wind whipped my legs and sent my hair into a frenzy when I crossed the road. I stepped into the warmth of the coffee shop and got into the queue. After about two minutes of waiting I was finally served. Taylor had served me the same drink nearly every morning for the past year and knew it by heart. I smiled as he saw me, not even bothering to ask what I want he set about fixing my mocha-caramel latte as my phone vibrated in my pocket. I quickly dug around and silenced the sound of Robot Man with a small giggle "Hey Alice" I answered. I mouthed a thank you to Taylor as I gave him the money for the drink and moved to the next counter to pick up the steaming cup of goodness. There was a squeal and some thrashing before Rosalie's voice sounded through the speaker
"Oh my god Bella have you seen my red top?"
"Which one?" I asked shoving my change into my pocket and picking my coffee from the counter as someone set it down.
"The red one, off the shoulder, tight, low cut?" she asked. I could hear Alice in the background yelling at Rose to give the phone back.
"I don't know ask Alice" I replied taking a sip and cringing slightly as the hot beverage scalded my tongue. I slowly turned to leave, blowing belatedly on my drink, waiting for the thrashing and yelling to die down on the other end of the phone.
"She doesn't have it" she replied, I could hear the echo of her voice alerting me to the fact that I was now on speaker phone.
"Bella you are coming out with us tonight or are you going to be a boring bum and stay home watching chick flicks alone again!" Alice shouted in the background. I took a step forward as I wondered to myself where I had last seen that shirt. Alas, someone knocked me, sending burning coffee all over my hand. I gasped, annoyed and looked up at the idiot who just wasted some of my drink. I glared up at a tall man, and the anger suddenly faded completely as I was sucked straight into his deep emerald eyes. I felt as if the earth had fallen away around us both, it was just me and him. His eyes started as a grassier green around the edges before blending and dripping into the next, darker shade. As if every new layer held some story or emotion that had coloured his soul.
"I'm sorry" he said, his voice was like velvet and I couldn't help but stare at him like an idiot. His was beautiful. A small smirk spread across his perfect, if not a little full for a guy, deep pink lips and I couldn't breathe. His skin was pale and clear, a slight pink tinge in the high cheek bones from the cold outside and the very slight stubble coming in along the strong hard planes of his jaw line. I wondered for a moment what it would feel like against my cheek if he were to kiss me. He chuckled a little causing his dark hair to fall in his eyes, I still couldn't say anything. "You okay?" he asked grabbing a napkin and taking my hand in his. It wasn't until he pointed it out did I realize that both Rose and Alice were yelling down the phone for my attention. I snapped out of my trance at that moment, I could feel the heat rushing through my cheeks as I looked down. "I'm fine, I... umm... I have... I have to... ummm... go. Yeah, go, I have to go. Thanks" I muttered before practically running out of the door. I put the phone to my ear
"Shit shit shit" I said into the mouth piece.
"Oh my god, what happened?" I took another swig on the scolding coffee to calm myself.

"I just ran into this guy in Startbucks, he was so hot. Oh God! I think I spilt coffee on him and I didn't even ask if he was okay! I made such an idiot out of myself; I just froze up and ran out of there!" I continued with a string of curses as I entered the office and made my way into the empty elevator and then to my desk. After having gone through my embarrassment blow by low I hung up and Mike, my sorry excuse for a boss, leaned out of his office and beckoned me in. I grabbed my coffee up from the desk where I had sat it and dragged myself into the office. He spent the next half hour talking to my breasts and making inappropriate comments before releasing me back to my world of work, consisting of taking calls, sorting papers and generally doing his job and getting none of the credit. I e-mailed Rosalie and told her I would join them after work. The day passed slowly as ever, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't stop thinking of the man with the stunning green eyes and the honey voice. His face flashed up time and time again in my head. I couldn't hold a conversation without day dreaming and getting lost in those dazzling forest eyes.
Finally I packed up and headed home. I seriously needed a night out. Once I got into the apartment I collapsed face down onto the couch and groaned as Alice and Rosalie came running out of their respective lairs half dressed, excitedly blabbing on about some guys they met at work. It took me a minute before I rolled onto my back and listened. Both of them gushed incoherently for about fifteen minutes straight until they realized I had given up even trying to understand them and they began to talk one at a time.

Alice and Rosalie worked together as interior designers, they spent most of the time meeting with clients and drawing up plans and if they weren't doing that they were shopping. "So we went to meet these clients today."

"They just moved into town and they want us to do up their apartment."

"Three guys, all way hot and"

"... Single!"
"What's your point?" I asked I still couldn't get those eyes out of my head.
"Our point is that they invited us out for a drink and we are dragging you with us!" Alice squeaked. I groaned and buried my head in the arm of the couch before they both hauled me to my feet and flung me into my room to shower.
As the water slid down my body relaxing all my muscles I was finally able to clear my head and think straight. By the time I was clean and dry the girls were already dressed, make up done, hair done and looking fabulous. Sighing Rose started on my hair as Alice sifted through my wardrobe for something I could wear. I stared off into the distance, the velvet voice filling my head once again. Alice and Rose seemed to notice as they both abruptly stopped and sat with me on my bed.
"Okay spill" Rose ordered as they both eyed me suspiciously. I could never keep anything for them.

"I can't stop thinking about him" I confessed.
"Ah, the mystery coffee shop boy" Alice giggled hugging me. "Well what better way to forget him than to go out with us, get completely hammered and wake up tomorrow morning in bed with the conquest from the night before" she continued. I smiled at her suggestion and grinned at Rosalie as the excitement radiated from them both encasing me in their hyperactivity, it was impossible to fight the feeling.

I quickly got dressed breaking up the rendition of Queens Bohemian Rhapsody that the girls had started. We filed out of the apartment and jumped into Rose's car letting my mind get lost in the city lights as we pulled up outside 'Serenade' and hopped out. I was truly excited now as Rose battered her eyelashes at the bouncer and we skipped the queue into the club. It was dark inside and the heat hit me like a brick wall, the dim lights sirened around the us, bouncing off the walls and amplifying off the bodies packed together on the dance floor as the three of us slide between gyrating hips to get to the bar on the other side of the room.



There is the RE-DONE chapter!

Let me know what you think, what else needs improving and all that jazz.
