This is a kind of mirror to Farewell, brother mine. What did Ed think about Roy? Maybe a bit OOC.

Thank you

When we first met, I was lying on a bed, bleeding half to death. You thought I was unconscious but I wasn't. I listened as you spoke. That was the first I knew of you. A young, rich voice. Like the hope you gave me.

Next time we met I was a little better off. I saw you, that time, as you came to meet us and Hughes at the train. I knew at once I woudn't like you. Manipulative bastard. At least I could stand then.

You helped out a lot. To get my licence, to do some research, you introduced me to people who helped me, you let me free to roam as far as I pleased to search. You made it up by being a complete bastard every time we met.

But still, we had fun. I groaned and insulted you, but it was great times. I even began to admire you. You could be smart when you decided to. I sought your approval from then on, even though I would rather have bitten off my own head than confess it. You were like an older brother to me.

The day everything happened I saw you one last time. I didn't know it would be the last. I kept my mask on, slapped your hand like a cheeky kid, and ran away.

I messed up everything. I got send into this other place, Germany, and I didn't even know of Al had successfully gotten his body back. I didn't know what had happened to you at the Fuhrer's place.

Then, against all hope, I got to come back. I was shocked when I saw you. The eyepatch, the scars. But we fought side by side as if nothing had changed.

And then – I had to leave.

That passage couldn't be left open. I had to go. I knew you'd understand. Maybe not accept but understand. I entrusted my brother to you.

(You did a lousy job on that one. He actually managed to convince you to let him go to a place you knew nothing of. I wish I could punch you for that. But it's beside the point.)

I know I'll never see you again. I closed the passage myself, and I'm sure you did the same. I miss you, you know. I've got Al, of course, but I miss all of you. And mostly my older brother. I'll never tell you the words I witheld for so long, and a grin breaks across my face when I think you'd have a heart attack if you heard me.

Thank you.