Your Claim On Me

Important AN:

This story belongs to YukimuraShuusuke Girl

From here on out it's all original...

AN: Chapter one through chapter five was written by Yuki-chan but with a lot of changes

and things added but from here on out it will be my ideas, alright!

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the shows or characters used unless it's an OC

Anime/Manga: Inuyasha and Vampire Knight Crossover.

Pairing: beginning is Aido and Kagome than it's going to be Kaname and Kagome

Summary: He told her she belong to him, she told him she didn't mind.


Chapter 6:

Comforting the

fallen angel


Snuggling closer to the comforting form beside her, Kagome cracked open an eye and peered at the slumbering male. A small smile touched her lips briefly before it vanished. Carefully extracting her form from the pure bloods arms, Kagome headed towards the door briefly glancing towards Kaname's sleeping form before opening the door and stepping out, closing the door softly behind her.

Walking towards the stairs she saw that it was pretty early out and shrugged, she was hungry. Forcing herself to past the door she knew was Aido and Kain's she froze when a low moan meant her ears.

A feminine moan.

Shaking her head Kagome continued to walk making herself believe that maybe Kain was with a female, but halted when she heard a familiar voice whisper Aido's name.

A voice she knew all to well.

The voice of her best friend and older sister figure.

The voice of Sango.

Biting her lip to stop the forthcoming sob from escaping her lips, she pivoted on her heels and headed back to her room forgetting about her bodies need of the liquid that kept her going.

A masculine groan followed by another moan caused Kagome to bolt down the hall back towards her room and closed her door,

Leaning against the door Kagome clenched her fist. "Not even a day!" she whispered, tears falling from her eyes. "Not even a day!"

Kaname opened his eyes when he heard the sound of a door being closed and soft steps, knowing that Kagome was probably hungry, he closed his eyes and inhaled the sweet fragrants that belong to the young vampriss he was so in love with, but the sound of hurried steps had him snapping his eyes opened again and sitting up when the sound of the door was opened and than closed and the scent of salt water hit his nose.

kaname glanced at the distraught female leaning against her door and stood up. When he saw her tears, he was instantly on his feet and standing in front of her.

"What's wrong Kagome-chan?" he whispered

Kagome shook her head, "Nothing."

Kaname wrapped an arm around Kagome's waist and escorted her back to her bed. "Are you hungry?" he asked "I could get you some blood tablets." he whispered guiding Kagome towards the bed. And not bothering to wait for an answer Kaname walked out of the room.

Kagome laid back on the bed and rolled so she could bury her face into her pillow as sobs shook her form.

Kaname growled when he found out what made his precious Kagome so distraught. Barring fangs at the closed door he proceeded down the stairs using his vampiric speed to grab several tablets and return to Kagome's room.

His fist clenched when he heard the muffled sobs even through the pillow. Approaching the bed, he placed the blood tablets onto the night stand and laid beside the younger vampire, wrapping an arm around her small frame.

"He couldn't even wait a day, Kaname. Why? Why did he do it? Why did she? She was my best friend!" cried Kagome as she turned to face the pure blood.

At that moment Kaname wanted nothing more than to go out and kill those fools for hurting his precious Kagome. She had been there for him since the start, always there. His first friend. His first crush. His first love. She was his everything and he would be damned if he let Aido get away with what he did. He and Sango both. They would pay for their transgressions. A soft whimper made the anger that he was feeling fade away to the back of his mind. Turning his gaze towards Kagome, his eyes softened, bringing one arm to wrap around her and the other to run through her hair.

"It will be alright Kagome-chan. Just cry." he whispered soothingly.

Kagome buried her face into Kaname's chest and did what he said.

She cried.

While Kaname held her.

Soothing her.

until a dreamless sleep claimed her.

Not noticing when the male whose arms were wrapped securely around her, kissed her forehead softly, whispering something in her ears lovingly before joining her in the world of sleep, forgetting about the blood tablets that were sitting on the nightstand.


~Next day~


Kagome awoke to the sounds of yelling but paid them no mind as she buried deeper into her pillow. Kaname sat at the edge of the bed his dark eyes staring intently at her. Hearing movements from outside of the room the pure blood vampire stood up, kissing Kagome's forehead and whispering to her that he would be right back, he swept out of the room.

Walking downstairs he was greeted by the rest of the night class, who were lounging around talking.

"Morning Kaname-sama" called Ruka as she notice the pure bloods arrival.

Kaname didn't bother to say anything as he glared at Aido and Sango but mostly Aido.

"What is it Kaname-sama?" called Aido noticing the moon dorm presidents stare.

"You could not even wait a day, could you Aido. Did Kagome-chan mean that little to you?"

Aido froze as did Sango. Kain looked at his cousin in confusion while Ruka glanced at Sango curiously when she saw how much the other female vampire had stiffen at what Kaname had said.

"I do not know what you are talking about?" called Aido.

"But I think you know of what I speak!" objected Kaname his lips pulling back slightly to reveal his pointy, sharp fang.

Before anything else could be said a pounding at the door alerted them to a visitor.


Kagome frowned and turned over to lay on her back. She could hear the confrontation downstairs and did not wish to be present any longer than she already had to be. And was thankful that she was different from all the other of her species for unlike them she could go into the sun, thanks to the blood of the one she calls big brother.

The Inu Taiyoukai, ruler of the western lands, Taishou Sesshoumaru, who was also under a guise of a human male in his mid twenties, and a multi millionaire, owner of the renounced Taishou corp and the world sought after bachelor. Woman killed just to have him glance their way.

Sighing Kagome stood up and walked over to her closet and pulled out a black long sleeve and a pair of black pants with a silver studded belt. Changing quickly, she walked over to her dresser and grabbed her brush to run it through her hair opting to leave it down. Lastly she grabbed her boots that had silver buckles and put them on.

Heading towards her side table Kagome grabbed her cell phone and dialed a number. When the person on the other end picked up, she told them she wished to be picked up right now. That she wanted to leave for a while.

When she got the okay from the person on the other end Kagome hung up the phone, grabbing her bag, Kagome slid her phone into the side pocket for easier access.

Opening her door Kagome stood at the top of the stairs and sighed when she heard the pounding at the door, and watched as Kaname walked passed the stairs to answer it. The rest of the night class were following him though she noticed that Aido and Sango were a bit behind the others.


The sight of them like that brought back the pain that she had felt since hearing their activities late last night or was it early this morning?

Kaname opened the door and blinked when he saw four good looking males standing at the door, two had white hair and amber-gold color eyes while the last two had dark hair.

The first white haired male was noticeably taller standing at about 6 feet 2 inches, his hair reaching his thighs with bangs framing his eyes. Perfect pale skin with no scars or blemishes, perfectly arched eyebrows, almond shaped eyes, a sharp nose, firm jawline and elegantly high cheekbones. Clad in a white armani suit did nothing to hide his well toned body and by the dreamy sighs he was getting, the girls must fall for this man quite frequently.

The second male was shorter about 5 feet 8 inches. His hair reached to his mid back and was not as silky looking as the older one. He was dressed in a pair of blue jeans and a red tank top. And though he lacked the beauty of the first male, he held a boyish charm.

The third male had short black hair and violet eyes. He was dressed in blue jeans and a black t-shirt with two gold rings in his right ear.

The last male like the first male had the looks that would male girls fall over. While the first male was light this guy was the total opposite. Unlike the first male, this guy wore a black armani suit, his black hair fell to his waist in unruly waves. His dark eyes seem to suck your very soul from your body. Skin just as pale as any night walker made the vampires think that he was one of them except for the fact that he was in the sun.

"How can I help you gentleman?" asked Kaname smoothly

"We are here for Kagome, where is she?" called the tall white haired male

The other vampires, minus Kaname, seem shock by this and turned to look at Aido to see how he would respond to this.

They were stopped when said person spoke up.

"I'm here!"

At hearing her voice everyone turned towards the figure descending from the stairs.

Walking towards Kaname and the door, Kagome greeted each of the males with a hug before turning to introduce the three men to her classmates.

Kaname glanced at each male that was introduced.

Taishou Sesshoumaru and Inuyasha

Houshi Miroku and Kumo Naraku

Inuyasha pulled out two black cloaks and handed them to Kagome who took them and gave one to Kaname who blinked at the gesture before taking the clothing, though curious ar rhe gesture. Surely she was planning on going out in the sun was she.

Seeing the look Kagome hid a smile that wanted to break free and how cute Kaname looked with that expressjon on his face Putting the cloak on Kagome motioned for him to do the same thing. Once the cloak was on, Kaname blinked once again but in shock when something seem to happen, something that he was unfamiliar with and looked towards Kagome who wore a smile.

"Were going out, The cloak would protect you from the light of the sun. I created it!"

Seeing the curious expression painted across Kaname's face caused a smile to tilt Kagome's lips before she told him that she would explain it later to which the pure blood nodded his head.

Turning Kagome told Ichijo that he was in charge until Kaname came back to which the Takuma nodded his head, still confused by the days happenings, but one thing he knew for sure was the something happened last night between Aido and kagome.

Something bad.

"Well let's go!" called Kagome as she pulled the hood of the cloak over Kaname's head before grasping his hand and pulling out of the moon dorm and behind the four men.

Kaname stared at the young woman beside him and smiled softly.

He couldn't see why Aido broke up with Kagome but he didn't care, the Aristocratic vampire screwed up by letting the single most amazing woman to ever walk the Earth, go, but as they say one mans trash is anothers treasure, or something like that and that is exactly what Kagome is.

A treasure.

Someone meant to be held and cherished.

Adored and protected.

And he wanted to be the one for her.

Tightening his grip on her hand he vowed that no one will ever harm her again.

Sesshoumaru turned his eyes back ahead of him, a smirk tilting his lips. He had been watching the vampire since he opened the door. He saw every reaction that passed his face when Kagome arrived and even now.

And if they was one thing he was sure of, it was this...This Kaname, was deeply in love with his imouto-chan and he knew that though her feelings were confused right now, in time, he was sure that she would be mated with this pure blood.

He was sure of that and he was never wrong.

So with one last glance at the couple, Sesshoumaru ushered them towards the black limo that was waiting by the gates.

Destination unknown but none of them cared at the moment.





So what will happen next time on, 'Your Claim on Me' stay tuned to find out.

Next chapter: How would Kaname first time out in the sun be? Will he like it? And what's this Aido wants Kagome back? Ruka finds out about Kaname's love for Kagome. Will this cause trouble? And what is Sango up to?

Until next time....

