Naomi: ....Mea?

Mea: ...

NP: Mea come on... the world is ending? Your sequel? anything?

Mea: Sydney....

Sydney: Eh?

Mea: Your death begins here.

Sydney: I don't know if Lich will allow that.

NP & Mea: fuck what he allows.

Disclaimer: I don't own the series. Don't sue me. Naomi is mine, Melissa and Madera are mine; Sydney is Lich's

Warning: Its the same as the first one. Languages and themes.

Jaden's hand quaked as he stared almost absently at the spot of earth before him. Eh, why was here? What was he doing? He mulled the questions over in his head before he noticed Syrus standing next to him looking like he'd been sucker punched.

"Sy...what just happened?"

Syrus looked at him. A long penetrating, hard, look. Jaden raised his eyebrows. "Hello?"

"You mean you don't remember?" the smaller cyran haired teen blurted. "You don't remember anything?"

"He won't either." a deep soothing voice reached them and both turned on the spot to face a tall teal haired man gripping what looked like a limp rag doll. "Those that knew Naomi longest or was closest to her can no longer remember who she was. Anything that might've been related to her in some way has been erased and replaced with logical memories."

"Who's Naomi?" Jaden asked tilting his head to the side.

Syrus spared him a quizzical glance then shot back to the man. "Why do I remember then? And who are you?"

the man sighed and pulled shifted the doll like creature in his arms. "I am Madera. You remember because, though she loved you, you did not fully let your angel in." He spoke as if it was Syrus's fault... Jaden gave them both a cross look as Srus looked sheepish. He didn't understand a word. This Naomi person, whoever that was,was going to be in trouble when he found out where they were. No one made his friends feel worthless. By the way....

"Who the fuck is Naomi?!"

Madera gave him a very patient look. "A pateint young woman who, once upon a lifetime was in love with you."

Jaden scowled deeper. "I think I'd remember that." But as he went over those words his heart gave a painful th-thump.

Syrus gave him a sad look then looked to the doll in Madera's arms. "What's wrong with her?"

Madera hoisted the doll up and Jaden finally saw it was indeed a young woman. She looked dead though. "Melissa," Madera said calmly but sadly, "Has lost the will to live. Her life with out her angel was a dead one. How you see her now is how she was in her life. A near dead being, always on the brink of insanity. A fine pianist and excellent at computers however." He added slowly stroking the raven hair away from a sunken face.

Jaden sighed and threw up his hands. "I give up. None of you are making any sense. If ya need me I'll be in my room." With a frustrated glance at all three of the figures, one half dead, one eyeing him patiently, the third smiling sadly, he stormed to his room.

Once safely inside something in him broke. His knees gave out and his stomach hurt insanely. His eyes welled up and overflowed down his cheeks. Nothing was wrong...but nothing felt right to his body and heart. He picked up hi deck from it's place and stroked it hoping to get some comfort from the cards. A little came. He pulled at his clothes. something was poking into his neck. Slowly he reached behind him and drew out a solitary card. He blinked. He always kept his cards together. Always there were no exceptions. And how the hell did that get there anyway? Slowly he turned it around.

"Bright Angel Kaorin?" He asked staring at the brightly white clad red haired angel in the picture. "I don't remember this card... I'll ask around tomorrow." He muttered and tucked it inside his deck absently. Slowly, tiredly he made his way to the bed and flopped down, exahusted suddenly. He was asleep by the time Syrus came back in.

"what the hell Naomi?" sydney bellowed at her as he tasted blood in his mouth. She had biten him! On his tongue of all places. "Jeez, be original at least!"

"Fuck you." The red head retorted. "You'll find I am soo not that easy!" She stormed off through the castle leaving Sydney alone with his thoughts.

"Bitch," he muttered darkly after he was pretty sure she was out of earshot. "I never said you were. And you promised me." He growled and turned to go to his room. There was tomorrow he swore silently. And tomorrow was the day he was going to take over. Heh. She promised and if his research proved anything the angel always kept a promise.

Uhm ok. This isn't my best....

NP: heh3 i bit Sydney

Jaden: *shakes head*

Mea: alright R/R/R
