Another sequel to another story. OH YEAH! I'M EXCITED! This first chapter has like the saddest ending ever. Just thought I should warn you.

I own nothing. The Almighty Larson owns it all.

"Daddy?" Susie said in a voice that automatically told Collins she was going to ask for something. She'd been with Angel and Collins for quite sometime now so they were somewhat immune her 'can I' voice.

"Is this about the puppy again?" Collins asked as Susie crawled into his lap.


"Forget it."

"But, Daddy-"

"No 'buts,'" Collins interrupted. "We've had this conversation before. We can't afford to buy a puppy right now. Mommy wants to save up for Christmas."

"What if I rescued one?"

"Tell you what," Collins sat Susie next to him, "if you rescue a puppy and promise to take care of it, then you can keep it." Susie smiled as Angel came out of the kitchen and gave Collins a kiss.

"I have to run to the store really fast," she said. "There's two things I need for dinner."

"I can go for you," Collins offered.

"Honey . . . um . . . how do I put this?"

"Just say what's on your mind, Ang."

"I don't feel comfortable sending you to the store. I mean, the last time I did that you and Susie-"

"Angel, we already talked about this," Collins interrupted. "It just happened." Angel opened her mouth to argue, but shut it again.

"Can I come to the store with you, Mommy?" Susie asked.

"Sweetie, why don't you keep Daddy company?" Angel suggested.

"Can I get him the paper?"

"Sure." Susie ran to the door, opened it, and picked up the folded newspaper that always seemed to be right outside the door. She made a mental note to find out where it came from.

"Here you go, Daddy," Susie said, giving Collins the paper.

"Thank you, baby girl," Collins replied, unfolding the paper. As his eyes read the bold headline on the front page his heart felt like it had sunk into his stomach. He then scanned the article.


After being tried and convicted of four counts of robbery, eight counts of murder, and two counts of kidnapping, Alexander Cunningham was sentenced to life in prison. He surprisingly took his sentencing very well, leaving the courtroom with a smile on his face. His smile did not fade even as he was assigned to a cell with a cell mate that could kill you with a single punch.

"He [Cunningham] was a very cooperative prisoner," says the chief of police. "That's not very common when you've been convicted on the charges he has. Usually those types are mad at the world and ready to stab the very first person who talks to them."

Cunningham had asked to be left in his cell all day on Tuesday. The chief of police admits that it is strange behavior for an inmate to ask permission to stay in their cell, but he felt that Cunningham was a strange person so he allowed it.

Yesterday morning Cunningham was not found in his cell. The small blanket he had been given was folded neatly on his bunk with a small note on top of it that read 'Three weeks. Not bad.' Police believe the note is a taunt pertaining the statement "We'll see how long you keep me there" made by Cunningham during his arrest. "Everybody should steer clear of going outside after dark," the chief of police advises.

"Now that he's [Cunningham] out of prison, he'll want revenge. I can only imagine what he'll do."

Collins read the last line a total of three times, his eyes widened with horror.

"What's wrong, Daddy?" Susie asked, trying to peek at the paper. Collins quickly refolded it.

"Baby girl, why don't you go play?" he said. "Mommy and I need to talk about something." Not wanting to start an argument, Susie skipped out of the room. "Angel, look at this." Collins gave Angel the paper and her eyes widened.

"Oh my God," she said. "He's . . . out of prison?" Collins nodded. "How the hell did he get out? Oh God. None of us are safe anymore!"

"Angel, we'll be fine. I promise. There's just one thing."


"Let me go to the store for you."


"Ang, I don't want you to have to face Alexander," Collins interrupted. "I've dealt with him before. I know how to handle myself."

"Promise me you'll be careful." Collins gave her an assuring kiss.

"I will." Angel told him what she needed, gave him the money, and he left the apartment.

About five minutes later there was a knock on the door. Angel opened it and saw her neighbor, Tara, standing in the doorway.

"Hi Angel," Tara said, smiling.

"Hey," Angel replied. "You need something?"

"Yes actually. I'm trying to follow that recipe you gave me and I need to know if I did it right. Could you come taste it for me?"

"Uh . . . sure. Hang on." Angel went to Susie's bedroom and poked her head. Susie was playing with her dolls and winding up the music box Angel gave to her so she could make the dolls dance to it. "Sweetie, I'm gonna be gone for two minutes. You think you can stay here by yourself or do you wanna come with me?"

"I'll be okay," Susie replied, still making her dolls dance.

"Alright. Two minutes, I promise." Angel then left the apartment as Susie's music box stopped. She picked it up and wound it again. As she made her dolls dance again, she hummed along with the tune coming from her music box. A loud crash was heard just as the music stopped again. Susie stood up and quietly walked to the livingroom area. A rock with a note taped to it that said 'YOU'RE DEAD' had been thrown into the window.

The door was then forced open and Susie screamed as a man wearing a ski mask came toward her.

"MOMMY!" she cried. The man grabbed her by her hair and slammed her head against a wall until her forehead was bleeding. He tried to stop her from screaming by clamping his hand over her mouth, but she bit him as hard as she could. He pulled his hand away as Susie ran out of the apartment. "MOMMY!"

The man caught her right outside the apartment and dragged her by her hair toward the steps. He yanked her head back and she screamed again before she was thrown down the stairs, hitting her head off of every step and then the lift at the bottom of them. Her head was bleeding even more now and she couldn't move her legs to get up and run. Just before the loss of blood took its toll on her, she noticed her dress that Angel had recently made for her was torn at the bottom.

I hope Mommy doesn't get too mad at me for ripping my dress, she thought as she drifted into unconsciousness.

Told you it had a sad ending. (shakes head) It's only the first chapter and things are already gettin' bad. But they'll get better. I swear!

Review please.