I have re-written and re-written, this chapter so many times, that I`m slowly going crazy. But now I think I`ve got it. Sorry for the long wait guys, but as said I have had no inspiration O.o Enjoy this chapter ^^ and hope fully chap number 8 will come soon.
Disclaimer: Naruto would suck if I owned Naruto! So no, I do not own Naruto…
It had now been days since Sakura was forced to join Akatsuki. She was put in Sasuke`s care, and since their last training session they had been send out on some small missions. In between Sakura had found a book about genjutsu. And since she had been training the most she could. Sasuke on the other hand had not talked to Sakura, well not at as much as she would like him to. He had been often out training, and when he wasn`t he was cleaning his weapons or was out in the forest and just looking at the sky. Sakura didn`t mind much all of the privacy he gave her. But she started to get lonely, when she was alone in the room; she had much time to think of all what had happened in the last couple of weeks and years for that matter. She really saw now how much he had changed. How could she blame him? He had got a lot of crap happen to him, and to her it looked like people didn`t see how young he really was when his family died. Her thoughts was cut off by Sasuke enter the room. As usual he was quite and didn`t say a thing. He went straight to the bed and lied down with his back facing her. She looked at him; to her he looked tense like years and years of tension was build up in his back. As a medic she knew that it couldn`t be healthy to go around with so much tension in one's body.
She reached her hand forward to touch his shoulder, but pulled it back. For now she wanted him to get as much sleep as he could, and maybe, if he was lucky he would get to release some of the tension when he slept, so that he could sleep well. She looked out of the window; there was a full moon out. It was shining brightly and as she turned off the light, it gave a ghostly glow into the room. She looked up at it for a while and took in its beauty. She envied it, it was up there and shined brightly no matter what, and was accompanied by all of the stars up there. By looking at the moon got her to think of Naruto. She missed him and all of her other friends in Konoha. Not to mention Keiko. `Some how I`ll get back Keiko don`t worry`. This was her last thought before she closed her eyes and fell asleep.
The sun was shining and Sakura woke up with the sun hitting her in the face. Sakura stretched and yawned before she looked next to her. Where Sasuke had fallen asleep the night before was now empty. "He`s probably out training again" Sakura thought and after getting dressed the door opened and in came the same girl who had come and given her breakfast, lunch and dinner in the days she had been there. Even though as she was a part of Akatsuki Madara didn`t trust her fully. So when she wasn`t out on small missions she was in her/Sasuke`s room and wasn`t allowed to leave. It annoyed here a little, but she liked it there. Because she then could read in the genjutsu book she had found not long ago. The girl that always came in with food for was named Sayuri. Sayuri didn`t remember what had happened to her, but what she did remember was that Khonan had found her and took her in. But since she was gone with Pain somewhere she had ordered Sayuri to stay there where she was safe. Sayuri said that Khonan was going to come and get her when she was done with her mission with Pain. When Sayuri had told her this, Sakura smiled. Whatever happened to Sayuri it didn`t matter anymore, because looking in to her eyes, Sakura saw that she was happy and loved. "I hope that Khonan can come back and get Sayuri soon". Sakura thought and hugged Sayuri good bye when she left.
Sasuke was walking down the halls of the hide out. Having Sakura back in his life was a little shock, he thought that he had cut all bonds. But then he saw her entering the room where Madara was forcing her to join Akatsuki. He never asked her about the little girl she was supposed to have. The truth was that he was afraid, he didn`t want the old feelings to return. They could hurt her, he could hurt her if he knew and use her to get to him. And he didn`t want that. So that`s why he wanted to stay away from her as much as he could.
He came back to his room, and found Sakura talking to the girl he had seen some times in the hide out. When he came in, he heard a noise he haven`t heard in a long time; Sakura`s laughter. Hearing her laughter again awaked feelings in him that he didn`t want to be there. He closed his eyes for a split second and then fully entered the room. The girls looked up as he came in and went into the bathroom. Sayuri took with her the empty plates and said her goodbyes to Sakura as she went out.
When Sayuri left, Sakura felt alone again. Even if Sasuke was there they never talked. Sakura glared at the bed blanket as she came out of the bathroom. "Why don`t you talk to me?" She said while she still was glaring at the bed blanket. Sasuke glanced at her and said: "I just have nothing to say." With his answer Sakura looked or more like glared at Sasukes back. "You have nothing to say? So you had no intention in telling me why you are with the Akatsuki? Or why you won't come home?" Her voice where getting higher as she talked. "Hn, it`s not your burden it`s mine and mine alone." He said as he still had his back turned to her. "Don`t you ever miss Konoha? Not e even a bit?" Sakura asked with a little gentler voice. "No." he said. Her eyes widened at his answer. "Well I do. I miss the way Kakashi always came late to training because of his books. I miss the way Naruto always would ask me or anyone for ramen. I miss the way I and Ino always would fight with each other. I miss the way Hinata always would blush when Naruto was near, or the way Shikamaru would say: "What a drag "to almost everything. I miss the way Kiba would always goof around with Akamaru. But what I miss the most is the way you and Naruto always would pick up a fight for everything. And the way my little sister would smile her cute little smile showing me that everything would be all right." When she said the last part tears where running down her cheeks. She whipped them away only to make room for more. "I understand what you're going through, I know you feel that if you where stronger then you could save them. But some day you have to realize that what has happened has happened! You can`t change the past no matter how much you wish for it, and going after the ones that did it will not bring them back! It will only give you a first class ticket to prison! While she yelled her heart out Sasuke was quite, just like the night he left Konoha. It was like he could hear her tears, and it hurt. Somewhere in his cold ice heart it hurt. He might have cut the bonds, but they, especially her left a mark. "Don`t talk about things you don`t know anything about" he said after a little while with total silence. He went back to the bathroom and again went into the shower. Sakura lay back on the bed. She looked up at the sealing her eyes were still sore from all the crying. She lay on her side and eventually felled asleep.
Sorry again guys for the long wait but…..writing block sucks….-.-
But I hope you liked this chapter, stay tuned for more ^^ and hopefully it won`t take to long for the next chapter xD