If I got more reviews maybe I would update sooner. HINT, HINT. I don't own, and for the love of God REVIEW. I honestly didn't mean to wait 4 months for an update….I am SO sorry. Oh, I don't remember what season it was….so it's late November, okay?
Jenny ran three red lights, six stop signs, and went about fifty miles over the speed limit on her way to the cemetery. Luckily she didn't get pulled over. She'll be damned if she lets Delaney get away. Or Abdul Asfar for that matter.
As Jenny yanked the car door open with one hand, she loaded her gun with the other. Knowing how to multi-task came in handy during situations like these. The cemetery looked awful. The sky was a dark gray, threatening snow, and the trees were as dead as the occupants of the land they were abiding on. She noted a dark SUV on the other side of the graveyard with about three men standing around it. One of them opened the front door and a tall, slightly attractive man stepped out and headed towards her.
"Ah, Jennifer. It's a pleasure to meet you." The man, Abdul, smiled and extended his hand. Jenny glared at him, "I wish I could say the same."
"Oh you and Delaney are so alike. It's cute, really." Abdul turned and walked, "Come, Jennifer, admire the view with me."
"What view?" Jenny asked as she looked out at the dead grass marred with tombstones.
Abdul turned and smiled, "It's a treat to be able to find beauty in the midst of all this death. There is one beautiful part to this graveyard, and she lying somewhere out there."
Jenny looked to where Abdul's gaze was directed and strained her eyes to see, "Delaney."
"Is somewhere out there, yes." Abdul reached over and grabbed Jenny's hand.
"I will release her on one condition." Jenny nodded, ready to hear what this condition was, "You do not, under any circumstances, let Delaney work for Mossad."
Jenny was shocked to say the least, "And why is that?"
"She is a valuable agent. Mossad would use her against us, so I think it is best she stays with NCIS."
"Alright, but I want you to never lay a hand on her or anyone close to her EVER again, and leave this country for good."
"That is a promise I will keep, Jennifer." Abdul smiled graciously as he shook her hand and returned to his SUV and stepped in, waving as they drove off.
Jenny ran towards the section she knew Shannon and Kelly were buried in. That was the logical place for Delaney to be.
When she reached the two neatly kept stones, Jenny let out a sigh of relief. Delaney was lying in between the two marble blocks, covered in a blanket.
"Delaney…" Jenny murmured as she sat down next to her and ran her hands through Delaney's long golden hair. The first snowflakes of the year fell and landed in both the redhead's manes.
"Come on Delaney, I know your little sister has been dying to see you." Jenny gently nudged the teen's shoulders.
"Five more minutes." Delaney mumbled as she pulled the blanket over her head. Jenny laughed, she was back.
"God, it's freaking cold out here." Delaney slowly stood, testing her limbs to make sure they worked.
"We're really sorry, Delaney, about everything." Jenny wrapped her arms around the girl.
"It's fine. I didn't tell anyone about my birthday and I thought about it for a long time, and you guys gave me a new life, so I'm done lying about my past." Delaney looked up to Jenny for approval.
"You have no idea how glad I am to hear that. I figured I would have to handcuff you to make you come with me."
"Nah, I only let Lee handcuff me." At Jenny's horrified expression, Delaney laughed, "Kidding! I'm only kidding!"
McGee was sitting in his chair, with Caelia curled up in his arms, asleep. Abby was sitting on the edge of his desk, holding Kieran and kicking her feet back and forth.
Ziva was sitting in Tony's chair with Bella sitting on the desk, Ziva's hands anchoring the baby in place. Tony was standing behind Ziva, gently massaging her shoulders.
Tali was sitting in Ziva's desk with a baby on the desk and a baby in her lap, reading GSM to them. Occasionally muttering, "That doesn't work."
Gibbs was pacing the floor between all the desks, Lilly riding along on his hip.
"You're going to wear a hole in the floor and fall into Abby's lab and crush her machines, which would make her kill you and no one wants that."
Gibbs spun around at the sound of Delaney's voice and she was wrapped up in a group hug consisting of 6 adults and 6 toddlers.
After Gibbs had taken Delaney and Lilly home and everyone else had left for the night, Jenny pulled Tali aside.
"Here let me help." Jenny reached for Parvati, who was asleep, and let Tali carry Anabri, who was close to being asleep.
"Thanks." Tali smiled as she pressed the button for the elevator. The women stepped into the lift in comfortable silence.
"Tali, I found out about Charlie Fisher." Jenny started nervously.
"What did you find?" Tali turned to her boss.
"Tali, first I want to know how you know him."
"He is the father of the girls." Tali motioned to the now sleeping toddlers.
"He's in jail for murder."