The next thing I remembered I was lying in a comfortable feather bed. I opened my eyes and stared up at what looked to my eyes like infinity.

As my eyes adjusted I realized that I was in a large bed. It reminded me of the one I had when I was ruler of Fairy World.

I sat up. The room began to become like liquid and I grabbed my head. The room eventually steadied itself.

I moved towards the right curtains of the bed and opened them. It was my room in Fairy World.

I looked around. Everything looked like I had left it just the day before, down to the wetness of the water I had spilled the day we had gone.

As I was wandering around the room, the doors opened. I turned and saw a messenger fairy coming towards me. I recognized him instantly.

"Jeffrey! Hey, long time no see! What's going on?"

"Oh, nothing much. The missus and I had a baby just about two years after you left."

"Really? Well, congrats! He or she?"

"She, and her name is Sparkle."

"Why did you call her that?"

"Because of her eyes. She has the 'eyes with me most sparkle' as the missus says. Look, here's a picture."

I looked. He was right. She did have a certain sparkle in her eyes that no other fairy had.

I smiled. "Aw, she is a cute baby."

"Thank you sir. I was instructed to give you this message."

"Ah, we're getting back to business I see. Who's it from."

"Anonymous, sir. The message is be in the Dual Throne Room at twelve noon."

I glanced at the clock. I had about fifteen minutes. I thanked Jeffrey and he left.

A couple minutes later I walked out of my room dressed in very modest clothes from my time and place. As I walked down the immense corridors of the palace memories flowed back into my mind. I saw many old relics that reminded me of many happy times that Liz and I had.


I suddenly thought of what she last said to me before we had defeated Ivy and Dequic. "...I love you..."

This was something I had never heard another girl my age say to me before. Liz was my only friend in the world, girl or otherwise. I had never had an easy time making friends, which was most likely the reason why I Liz and I were such close friends.

I arrived at the Dual Throne Room. The massive doors were closed. I pushed on them and they opened without resistance. The room was dark I looked around.

Suddenly my eyes were flooded with blinding bright lights. I put my hands up to shield my eyes. Somehow Liz had appeared next to me. She was shielding her eyes as well.

Then we heard cheering.

The lights dimmed, revealing a large crowd of fairies. In the crowd we saw our friends the Turners and Fenton's. They were smiling and cheering as well.

At the front of the assembly stood Jorgen. He held the two crowns in his hand. Liz and I looked at each other. I could tell that she was excited. I was as well.

I held out my arm. She took it. We began to walk down towards Jorgen. When we reached him, we knelt just as we had done two hundred and fifty years ago. He placed the crowns on our heads and knelt. Everyone else followed suit. I then told them to rise and enjoy the refreshments that Liz and I poofed up for them.

We had a good time for a while. Suddenly I sensed something. There was another Sueñalo being close by.

I turned to Liz.

"Hey, Liz, do you…?"


Suddenly the doors flew open. A familiar figure stood there, smiling.

"Betania!!!" Liz shouted with joy. She instantly ran to her. Betania flew towards Liz. They met in the middle of the room and hugged. They exchanged some words, and then Betania floated slowly up to me.

"I, uh, just wanted to, uh, thank you, sir," she stammered out.

"For saving your life? Well, it was a life I had the privilege of saving."

"I also want to thank you for restoring my powers, even if it isn't powered by Æther anymore."

By this time Liz had come up and had heard Betania's last comment.

"What?" She looked very confused.

I turned to Liz and explained to her the Legidia Tripoth Spell.

"Not only does it heal a fairy (or any being with power, for that matter) but replaces its source of power with that of the power of Sueñalon."

"What about how you knew that I was still alive?" Betania asked.

I was surprised. "Haven't any of you bothered to read over Fairy biology? Unlike humans, the pulse of their Æther isn't felt on the neck, but on the pinky and little toe."

Liz and Betania looked at each other, and then burst out laughing.

"What? I had loads of time last time, so I read everything in the Fairy World Library."

The party lasted until midnight, Fairy World Time, after which the guests left. As we left the room, Liz asked me what would happen to us.

"I don't know yet, but I can't wait to find out. I'm sure the next fifty years will be fun."


I was right about our second reign being fun, but I was wrong about how long it would be. For the next one hundred years, we continued improving the human race and its position in the universe. By the end of our second reign, a standard human would live for about 2,500 years without modern medicine, 3,000 years with medicine. Scientists described it as a, "…gigantic leap in the evolutionary process…" humans had also come into contact with the Yugopatamian race. After a couple small skirmishes humans and Yugopatamians entered into a peace with the help of Ambassador Chang and Ambassador Timmy Turner. We also "influenced" many human scientists to come up with a quicker way to terraform planets so that by the end of our second reign over fifty planets had been terraformed.


One day Liz and I decided to visit the place where we had appeared the second time we came to this universe. In the middle of the meal, the Whirlpool appeared over out heads. We heard the voice tell us that we wouldn't come back to this universe ever again. Before we could respond, we found ourselves in my room back to our original ages.

"Well, Liz sighed, "I guess that that's the end of the adventure." She took off her Jewelry and looked at the dwindling yellow light. "We'll never be going back."

I nodded, but as I ran downstairs to finish something, I couldn't shake the feeling that our adventures weren't over...

The End! Yay! I plan to follow this with another story of Morbius and Elizabeth. I can't wait to start! I'll try to make it better than the previous stories.
