Could I Possibly Blush Anymore?

Bella's POV

After my shower, I went downstairs to bring down some dishes and to get a glass of water. I opened the fridge door thinking I was alone, and then I jumped a mile high when I suddenly heard Alice's high pitch giggle from behind me. My heart was beating a mile an hour as I turned around and noticed both Jasper and Alice sitting at the breakfast table. Jasper had a huge grin and Alice looked positively devilish. I groaned quietly and turned back to the fridge, intentionally ignoring them.

My ignoring them proved futile. Alice came up behind me and gave me a huge hug. "I'm so happy for you and Edward!" She said.

I turned around in shock. "What do you mean?" Oh gosh, please don't tell me she had a vision of us… "Oh no! Alice, please don't tell me you had a vision of Edward and me?!"

Jasper chuckled as I blushed. I could sense his amusement. Alice was still hugging me as she said, "Of course I did! I've known since the beginning that you two would be so happy together."

For a moment I felt elated. Edward and I were going to be happy together. I smiled. Then I lost my smile and gulped. "Alice, what were Edward and I doing in your vision?" Jasper looked as though he was about to burst out laughing. Alice on the other hand gave me an impish grin and winked.

I am sure my cheeks turned even redder. I closed the fridge door and stomped out of the room embarrassed.

Yogi & Boo Boo & Blue Balls

Emmett's POV

I love Edward as a brother. I really do. He's a great guy. He's a wonderful pianist, and he is extremely intelligent. He's also loyal and considerate. But my God, he can be one mopey motherfucker! Sometimes I don't know how I tolerate him.

But then again, until today, I never knew vampires could get blue balls.

"Fuck Off Emmett!" Edward stood over Boo Boo the bear's dead carcass, blood still dripping from his chin. I took one last drink from Yogi and got up.

Edward glared at me, so I shrugged. "It's true though. Blue Balls, who knew?!"

Edward started running back towards Forks, and I followed, leaving the carcasses for the local wild life to devour. "Hey Edward wait up a second." I hollered.

Edward grumbled something I couldn't hear, and I struggled to keep up with him. "You know Edward, I'm just teasing. I'm really happy about you and Bella. She's a great girl!"

He finally slowed down enough so I could keep up. He turned and looked at me. "I know Emmett."

Damn mind reader. "I know you know. But I am saying it anyway."

"I'm just grumpy." He muttered.

I laughed. "Ok, really man, the blue balls thing really sucks, but think of the bright side."

Edward smirked and then sped off again, leaving me in his dust.