A/N: Sorry it took me so long! I have been busy with school.

Thanks to all of those who reviewed and have been reading! If you just read, please send me a review! I want to know how you like my story!

Is Christopher's father's name spelt like Strobe or Straub?

Random question? I know, but if you read this chapter it will make sense.

Disclaimer: I don't own Gilmore Girls!


The night before the party…

Rory and Lorelai walked up to the entrance of the Hayden's estate. "So hun, are you ready for this?" Lorelai asked.

"No, but it's not like I actually have a choice now do I?" Rory replied with her nerves starting to take over.

"In the world of society, sorry hun, but no you don't," Lorelai replied solemnly.

"I suppose we should get in their before they think we stood them up," Rory stated.

"Razzlefratt! I was hoping that something would keep us away longer!" exclaimed Lorelai.

"Well, I know someone willing to help," a man's voice answered.

"Chris!" Lorelai shouted.

"Dad! What are you doing here?" Rory asked.

"They are my parents, plus I thought I should be here too. My parents are very… unpredictable," Chris explained.

"Pssh, a little understatement Chris? They are way more than unpredictable. They are brutal creatures who will stop at nothing to make our lives uncomfortable," Lorelai stated.

Chris gave a look to Lorelai saying that he knew she was right and rang the doorbell. The door opened and the maid ushered the trio in and took their coats. She told them that the Haydens were waiting for them in the parlor and she then disappeared.

The three of them walked into the parlor together not knowing what to expect form the Hayden elders. Francine and Strobe looked up from what they were doing and got up to greet them.

"My, my Lorelai, you look simply elegant in that dress. It's been too long since we have gotten together last, hasn't it?" Francine asked.

"Yes, it has, Francine. We shouldn't wait so long next time. You remember my daughter, Rory, right? It has been awhile since you last saw her too," Lorelai replied with a fake society politeness.

"Why, Rory! You have grown so much! You must be, what, eighteen now?" Strobe asked.

"No. I just turned nineteen last October," Rory replied.

"Oh, my, how time passes! You are in college now I assume?" Francine asked.

"Yes, I have decided to attend college at Yale awhile back."

"Congratulations! Although I thought Harvard was your goal that last time we met?" Strobe questioned.

"It was, but I changed my mind. Time does change things."

"What have you decided to major in?" Strobe asked.

"Rory has been set on journalism since I can remember. She has stuck with that all these years and in currently working on getting the necessary classes to become the best reporter everyone knows she can be," Lorelai stated proudly.

"That is not the profession she should be in if she is to inherit the family fortunes!" Strobe yelled.

Rory, Christopher, and Lorelai looked at each other with surprised and angry faces. "No one told me I was inheriting anything!" Rory yelled, her voice was filled with panic.

"You keep this up and you won't!" Strobe replied.

"Now wait just a second Strobe! Do not speak to my daughter like that! She has done nothing to deserve that and she didn't know anything about any inheritance. Neither did we for that matter," Lorelai defended her daughter.

"It should have been assumed. She is the daughter of the young Hayden and the young Gilmore! What would you have expected of that? She belongs in society and should act like it too! What would people say about this if she goes into journalism instead of business like she should have been?" Strobe explained.

"Dad! Rory should be able to do what she wants. She was raised out of society and she sure as hell wasn't expecting any of this to happen!" Chris yelled at his father.

"What your tone, young man!" Francine exclaimed.

"No! I will not watch my tone! Rory is my daughter and I demand that she has the respect that you and the rest of us know she deserves! She has done nothing to upset any of you. She has gone after her own dreams and goals as she should have. She deserves that! I will not stand here quietly while you put her down just like the last time she was here! She has not disobeyed anyone by doing what she thinks is right for her. She has only done what we, her parents, had asked of her. She needs to be happy with her life unlike being raised in a cold society home! She needs a life! She needs her life!" Chris yelled.

"How dare you! You can not come into our home and talk to us like this! We raised you better than that!" Strobe shouted.

"No you didn't. You raised me worse than that. You raised me to be a person who has no life and had no role in his own daughter's life," Chris said with a loathingly low voice.

"Dad it's okay. I can handle this," Rory tried to calm her dad down.

"No, Rory. It isn't okay. I haven't been there for you like I should have. I should have been there from the beginning. If there is anything I'll ever regret it is that. I should have been your father, but instead I was merely an acquaintance who dropped by on occasion and sent gifts for birthdays and holidays. I should have been more to you but I was not and for that I am truly sorry. I think it's time I left this house now." With that said, Christopher left the Hayden estate in a blind rage more at himself than his parents.

"Well, Strobe, Francine, as lovely as this little get together has been I think it's best if we also left. Good night," Lorelai stated coldly as she ushered Rory out of the large mansion.

Rory and Lorelai got into their car and silently rode home.


A/N: Okay sorry to everyone for the wait! I didn't mean for it to take this long! The next chapter will be the party. Please review!