Moon sat perched on the edge of the roof. The soft breeze ruffled her dark curls. The gentle chill made her shiver. The stars sparkled timidly against the almost black sky and the moon was in a half crescent. She had always been at peace with the night and it allowed her the freedom to think. She could cast her thoughts out on the silent sky and she knew that it wouldn't judge. Tonight she had a feeling that something was about to change in her life.

Aurora gripped the jacket tighter around her. The wind was howling and the harsh cold whipped at her cheeks, making them feel raw and numb. The silver bracelet hanging from her wrist jingled with noise. Her frozen fingers gripped the cold door knob and she twisted, pushing on it with her shoulder in order to get into the warmth.

"Where have you been?" David asked.

"I needed to feed," she replied simply.

"I hope you were careful about it."

"I was, promise."

David nodded a small approval and Aurora peeled off her jacket.

"When was the last time you fed?" she asked gently.

"A few days ago."

She frowned. Once the heat had spread to her legs, she walked over to him and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. She worried about him, she always worried about him. She knew that he worried over her as well.

"You have to eat more often," she whispered. His cold hand rested on top of hers.

"I'll be fine," he whispered back. She sighed softly, knowing that she could never win this battle. He had always done what he wanted when it came to himself. With her, it was different; he had always made sure she was taken care of. That was the way it was supposed to be.

"It's almost morning, I'm going to rest," she said and brushed her lips lightly against his forehead before moving down the hallway.

"Good night," he called after her.

Aurora paused to reply, "Night, dad."

"It's late," Michael whispered softly so he wouldn't startle his daughter. Ever since she was little, she had always been attracted to the night. He had a vague idea why.

Moon turned and offered a small smile and a soft shrug of her shoulders.

"I couldn't sleep. Do you want to join me?"

Michael slowly moved out onto the ledge. He felt slightly dizzy when he glanced down. He had never been very good with heights.

"What are you thinking about?" he asked while he draped a warm arm around her shoulders. She scooted closer into his warmth.

"It's hard to explain."

"I won't force you."

"I just don't want you to think that I'm crazy."

Michael raised an eyebrow.

"I would never," he insisted and she believed him. He knew Moon was more in touch with things that the average person and he was proud of her gift. He had always felt more at home with unusual people. Star believed in the mystical, spiritual side of the world and he knew it had rubbed off on their children, especially with Moon.

"I feel…that something is out there."

"Something evil?"

"Not exactly. Something that is new and something that is old, it is trying to find us. Something…about the past and the future."

His fingers moved through her curls as he thought about her words. There had been a part of his past that he and Star had left behind. They tried to forget about it, but it wasn't something that never could be forgotten.

"Do you know what it might be, daddy?" she asked curiously and that was the first time Michael had ever lied to his daughter.

"No, baby, I'm not sure."