What would have happened if Bella hadn't jumped? The Cullens come back two weeks later, and Bella, thinking Edward still doesn't love her, decides to make him angrey with her. R&R Please!

I sighed, walking up the steps to the front porch and opening the door. I was completely soaked from the rain and wanted a nice, hot shower. Charlie was obviously home early; his cruiser was parked in the driveway.

I had spent the entire afternoon at La Push with Jake, just hanging out. It was fun and I was still smiling from his last joke, even though I was soaked through.

"Hey, Charlie!" I called, walking in and tearing off my sneakers, which were caked in mud, then I headed towards the staircase.

"Bella." I frowned, my wet sock poised on the first step. The TV was off and Charlie was in the chair facing me, not the screen. I frowned deeper, turning to face him. It wasn't too late – plus it was Sunday – so he couldn't be worried about that, and yet his face gave every sign of being worried.

"Hey, Dad." I paused, my teeth started to chatter.

"I have something to tell you…" said Charlie, he motioned for me to sit on the couch.

I rolled my eyes and gestured to my soaking clothing, which was now dripping onto the linoleum floor at the base of the staircase.

"I think you should sit." He looked even more worried. I frowned and crossed my arms, turning my body to face him completely and setting both feet firmly to the spot. I was cold and I wanted a shower.

He sighed, keeping his eyes on his face as he leaned forward and put his elbows on his knees and ran his fingers through his messy curls. He finally gathered the courage to speak.

"The Cullens are back."

That one simple sentence made my heart gather speed until it was going at about a mile a minute. The Cullens are back…Edward is…back. Those words chased themselves around my head while my body went numb. I felt like I was suffocating, like I wasn't getting enough air. As if to comply, my breathing speed hitched along with my pulse, quickly speeding to gasping.

Charlie immediately got up, his face unsure. He didn't know how to help. His arms reached towards me a bit, unsure if he should hug me or not.

I immediately blocked any thoughts of Edward wanting my back; they were too painful. He would never want me, and could never want me. I was untouchable.

My breathing slowed and I got control over my facial expression. I descended into a deep state of calm, blinking my eyes lazily at Charlie.

"And?" I asked in a bored voice, trying my best to hide any emotion. He looked at me, confused at the sudden change. "Listen, Dad," I said, trying to sound impatient, "I'm really cold; I'm going to take a shower."

And with that, I ran.

I charged into the bathroom, slamming the door behind me and trying to breathe properly. I tore off my wet clothes angrily, my eyes fogging with tears.

Why did they have to come back? I asked myself. Do they have to torture me?

The hot water slowly took away the numbness from my body, defrosting me in more ways than one. Then I made a decision.

He had promised to leave me with no reminders. He had broken that promise. I would break mine.

I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep after this bit of news, so I stayed up reading. Or trying to read.

Every time I managed to focus on my page, Edward's face would pop into my mind and I would clutch at the hole, hoping it would get easier.

I eventually gave up and went over to the window to lock it so Jake would know not to come in. I closed the shades and looked around. I was tired, so I turned off the light and curled up on the bed, shifting restlessly.

Finally, I looked at the clock and it read a reasonable time. Time to put my plan into action.

I got dressed quickly, choosing my best 'I-don't-care' outfit. I grabbed my keys off the hook by the door, running to my truck.

It was only when I was half way to La Push when I realized that Jake might be sleeping. I worried that I would wake him and mentally berated myself for not thinking. Jake should get some sleep.

My fears, however, were unfounded. When I pulled up in front of Jake's house, he was leaning against the side and looking at me with a grin on his face.

"Planning on ditching, Bella?" He asked, obviously not concerned that it was barely six in the morning. I grinned at him, reaching out for a hug. He complied, pulling me into his hot embrace.

I lingered there, then pulled back a bit, deciding I should explain. "I'm going to take my motorcycle to school."

He looked at me, temporarily dumbfounded. He caught his tough when I started towards the garage. "I thought you didn't want Charlie to know."

I shrugged. Nothing really mattered. "Changed my mind. I'm going to surprise everyone at school."

Jacob had caught up to me now and he was grinning. "Let me come."

I was surprised; I didn't expect that. I turned towards him a bit, not halting my brisk pace. "Why?"

He grinned at me. "I want to see their faces." I thought for a minute that he meant the Cullens, but then I decided that he was way too calm to know yet. I grinned; even better.

"Sure." I said, reaching the door and pulling it open. Jacob guffawed in delight and did a little jig, making me laugh.

"I cannot believe you just did that." I said, holding my sides as I laughed. Jacob always had a way of making me feel better. Maybe it was better he was coming; moral support.

I strode up to my motorcycle and grabbed my helmet and heavy coat. Jacob had decided I needed protection after a particularly nasty fall.

We rolled our motorcycles out to the street and cranked them up after we were a safe distance from Billy. We decided it was a bit too early to go to school, so we ran a couple races around La Push. I temporarily forgot about school; I was too focused on the angry roar of the motorcycle.

Soon – too soon – it was time for school. We went back to Billy's and grabbed my backpack from the cab of my truck and strapped it onto my back.

We raced back to Forks, my heart starting to pump fast as we approached the campus. I had chosen the perfect time; everyone was just arriving and the campus was already crowded. I gunned my engine for an extra effect.

My eyes easily spotted the shiny silver Volvo. It was in the same spot it had occupied what seemed like years ago. There was an open spot where my truck usually stopped. I didn't know if they were watching, but I hoped so.

I sped into the spot, skidding sideways like I had practiced. It had never worked before. This time I did it. I cut the engine and raised my arms in triumph.

Jae laughed, parking next to me and taking off his own helmet, that I had insisted on. He could never be a hypocrite around me.

I took off my own and shook out my hair, grinning widely. "Thanks, Jake." I ran over and gave him a hug as the bell sounded. I ran towards my first class, trying not to notice the stares people were giving me.

Then I ran into something hard. I must have hit a wall in my haste to get out of the spotlight. Except this wall moved.

I looked up, my eyes meeting a buttery gold. Edward.

He was looking at me, horror on his impossibly beautiful face. My memories and illusions hadn't done him justice. He was beyond words.

I came back to myself abruptly, dragging my eyes away and looking behind him. There was Alice and Jasper, standing quietly, watching. My eyes gravitated towards Edward again.

"Bella." It wasn't a question. He looked at me, his eyes swimming with an emotion I couldn't place.

"Edward." I said it like a statement, using all my will and self esteem to make it seem like his name didn't make my heart pound unevenly. I ducked past him, hiding behind my hair and heading towards the building.


I realized, after about five minutes into class that Edward would be with me for most of the classes. He had rearranged the schedules last year. I quivered internally. I wouldn't be able to keep away from him all day if he was always there.

I took out my note book and did my very best to look busy. That didn't block out the noise though. Everyone was talking about the mysterious reappearance of the Cullens (except for Emmett and Rosalie, who had graduated). I decided to take drastic measures. I took out my iPod and turned the volume up as loud as I could stand.

Then the chair beside me pulled back. I automatically looked towards it. Mistake.

Edward was standing there, looking calm, but slightly confused. He was still the most beautiful person I had seen since Laurent, and I had done my best to block that memory. I whipped my head back to my doodle, my face turning slightly red.

That was new. I hadn't blushed since he had left. Then I realized something; I could breathe. Not just the pained in-out motion I had gotten used to, but the full, painless procedure of actually breathing. The hole that had been there since he left was gone – not healed – but disappeared, like there was nothing there to begin with.

With Edward by my side – even if he left again – I was happy. I realized this after a few minutes of thought. Not just the Jacob-induced happiness, but the real thing. I could actually feel my pulse now – a sensation I had not felt for almost six months now.

He will leave.

The though came unbidden into my thoughts, permeating every layer of my being, returning me to my numbness. He will leave. What reason does he have to stay?

My eyes started to cloud, the unwanted tears immediately flooding my eyes. I knew that after this, after seeing him again, the only thing I could ever want was him. Jacob helped, but I could only ever want Edward.

I forced my tears back, trying my hardest to maintain absolute secrecy to my thoughts, thoughts that would appear on my face if I wasn't careful.

I realized that class had started, though I had been too lost in my thoughts to really notice. I pretended to focus on the teacher. I knew I wouldn't actually be able to do it, but it wouldn't hurt me if I tried.

Only Edward's presence registered in my mind. He was there, less than four feet away. This would be torture.

Then I realized something; with the Cullens here, the wolves couldn't protect me. They would have to stay in La Push and I would be unprotected at school. And the Cullens also didn't know. Would she hurt one of them? Catch them unawares? I couldn't stand the thought of Edward or poor Alice facing Victoria alone. I had to warn them.

I took a piece of paper out of my notebook and quickly scribbled:

DANGER. Victoria came back over the summer. Be careful.

I slid it to my right, not looking directly at Edward. I saw his white hand dart out immediately to read what I had wrote. I couldn't resist looking at his reaction.

His eyes were wide with fear and panic. I quickly scribbled on another sheet of paper:

Don't worry; she's only after me. I'll be spending most of my time in La Push so the wolves can protect me. No need to get worked up. She's not after you guys; she's been trying to get to me for over three months, probably more.

I slipped the piece of paper over to him and he grabbed it eagerly. The still didn't make his face relax. I frowned, confused. He must be worried about his family.

Suddenly I heard the bell ring. First period was over. I started to get up and grab my stuff, expecting Edward to dart out of the room like he used to.

Instead, I saw a white hand dart out and grab one of my bags. I looked up, confused.

He was looking at me, panic still evident in his face, as the rest of the students filed out, throwing quick glances over their shoulders. They slowed down a bit, wanting to watch.

I sighed and motioned for Edward to follow as I headed for the door. We could find at least some place that was more private.

After I went out the door, I immediately headed for the forest edge. We could talk there. Thankfully, it wasn't raining. Yet. Though, by the look of the clouds, we had minutes.

I walking into the trees, dodging around them and jumping over fallen logs until I found a suitable clearing. I went to the far end and immediately turned around, half expecting him to not be there, like I was trapped in a delusion. If I was, I never wanted to wake up.

He was there, his long fingers curled around the handle of my bag, looking at me. His eyes scanned my face, like they were looking for something. My eyes scanned him too, roaming over his perfect features, and finally diving into his eyes.

He had just hunted; the color was a very light amber, twin pools of butter, utterly melted.

"Why?" The word escaped my lips, barely more than a whisper, but more than enough for his sensitive ears. He looked at me intensely, scrutinizing my face.

"Because I love you." My heart skipped a beat, bringing my cold, dead body back to life. Again, I could feel my body's reactions, feel my pulse in my veins. But it was too much. My emotions, which had been dead for so long, were confusing. My brain couldn't sort them out, couldn't make sense of them.

I chose one at random. Anger. Tears blurred my vision and spilled over, running down my cheeks pathetically.

Suddenly I was shouting at him, running forwards to hit him, though half of my brain – the half that still contained my sanity – was telling me it was no use. I didn't care.

"How can you say that?!" I used my right wrist to hit him on the shoulder. "Why do you insist on torturing me?!" Now the tears were flooding down my face, making it impossible the see.

I took a deep breath, smelling his sweat scent, making my brain temporarily lose it. I was shouting again, gaining speed with my fists, pounding on his chest like a child throwing a temper tantrum.

"You left Edward!" As if he didn't realize that. "You left and I had nothing! Everything I am, I was because of you!" The tears continued their sleek track down my face. "Life isn't worth living anymore! The only reason I am not gone is because Charlie and Jake need me." I slowly gained control of my volume, lowering it as I lost words. I stopped pounding on his chest, leaving them there.

"I'm sorry." His velvet voice caressed the words, making them sound more like music than an apology. It was too much. I leaned my forehead on his chest, my tears still falling freely. My vision went black as I lost consciousness. I don't even know if I landed.

Should I continue? Or maybe I'll just keep it to myself…