A/N: You guys did your part I got my ten reviews, which make me happy!

So now you get chapter 19! So how about we aim for 15, I know you guys can do it!

Another small detail..i am truly embarrassed my writing mistakes in this story are unforgivable, but thing is I'm a night person so I usually write at very late hours when I'm really sleepy and really am too tired to go back and re-read the chapter. But I do promise as soon as I finish with this story I'll go back to correct everything..and again sorry.

"Alice why in the world are you making me go through this", I hissed under my breath.

She stared back at me and smiled, "Because you know Edward will love it when Paolo is through with you", Alice squeaked happily.

I exhaled angrily, my neck hurt because thanks to Alice I got dragged into some fancy hair saloon because she believes it necessary for me to get highlights and cut my hair for my first official date with Edward.

"Ok Bellarina dear, the time has come for you to be a beautiful butterfly", Paolo the gay hair dresser exclaimed as he came back with a bottle of shampoo in his hands.

"I am going to kill you Alice Cullen", I hissed again under my breath.

After what seemed like an eternity Paolo was ready to reveal the new me.

And like a typical scene from a movie, Alice nodded happily, while he turned the chair so I could see myself.


Now this I was not expecting I couldn't recognize myself in the mirror I was looking breathtaking, gorgeous, just HOT!

"Told you so you would like it", Alice said with a smirk on her face.

My hair had been cut a little bit to give it style, and I now had side bangs, and my usual curls had vanished and I had straight hair with blonde highlights.

"See Bellarina now you are a gorgeous butterfly", Paolo said over dramatically. He definitely was to gay to function.( A/N: Anyone seen Mean girls, that's a quote from the movie ;)

"Oh look at the time Jasper and Rose are going to come pick us up any time now", Alice said staring at the door.

"Oh my GOD! he's gorgeous", I heard Paolo exclaim loudly.

At first I was wondering about who could he talking about, but than I saw Rosalie, and Jasper walk into the saloon.

I looked back at Alice with a concerned look, but then I just saw her smiling with mischief.

"Who, the blonde guy", Alice asked innocently.

"Yeah he's one piece of ass", Paolo said in a creepy voice.

'Thank goodness Edward didn't come or he'd be drooling', I tried to forget Paolo's creepy look.

"And you know what Paolo, he's actually gay too", Alice said secretly.

Paolo's eyes went immediately huge, and he started touching his hair so he'd get Jasper's attention.

'Might as well join the fun', "You know he's a friend of ours we could introduce you guys", I said biting my lip so I wouldn't laugh.

Alice practically turned purple with laughter, "Yeah Paolo you're definitely his type", Alice said in between laughs.

"Well then let's introduce you guys", I said leading Paolo over to where Jasper and Rosalie were.

"Hey Jazzie", Alice said beaming at him.

"Hey ya Jasper", I said smiling from ear to ear.

"Paolo, how are you", Rose asked him cheerfully.

"Oh my muse Rosalie, wonderful, wonderful", He said fanning himself.

"Oh Jasper there's someone I want you to meet", Alice said almost laughing.

"Paolo, this is Jasper, Jasper this is Paolo, you guys are definitely meant for each other", I said beaming.

Jasper turned white, but still responded, "How are you", very frightened.

"All better because of you hot cheeks", Paolo said coming closer.

Jasper looked like a deer caught in front of headlights, he didn't dare to move one inch.

The next thing that happened I am sure to be telling my grandchildren.

"I love your hair it's so wild and sexy", Paolo said seductively, as he knotted his hands in jasper's hair and started ruffling it.

Jasper looked like he was about to cry, "Thank you", he said weakly and I could almost see a tear.

"You're welcome baby", Paolo said wiggling his eyebrows at him.

But Jasper wasn't ready for what Paolo's next move.

He spanked Jasper, and grabbed his ass; the look on Jasper face was just priceless I had never seen a person with such a traumatized face before.

That was when we all lost it, Alice instead of being jealous was about to choke from laughing so much.

"So maybe you could give me your number so we can go out someday", Paolo said giving Jasper a piece of paper with his number.

Now it was Jasper's turn, "Sure thing, make sure to call me whenever you want", Jasper said writing a number down.

We all turned to give him a look maybe the whole thing had gotten to him.

"Even if it's for dirty talk", Paolo asked without shame.

"Off course anything you want as long as you call", Jasper said almost seductively.

'Oh my god Paolo made Jasper turn gay!'

Now Alice was worried and angry, "Ok Jasper were leaving NOW", she almost screamed, as she pulled Jasper out by the ear.

We said our goodbye's to Paolo and trailed behind them.

"What the hell was that Jasper Hale, as long as you call me", Alice said mimicking Jasper.

"Shouldn't I be asking that Ali shouldn't I", Jasper asked also beginning to get angry.

Rose and I just stood in the background watching them.

"Who do you think will win", I asked Rose in a low voice.

"Alice, Jasper can't be angry with her by the way you look hot Bella", Rosalie whispered back.

"Thanks", I said quietly and tuned back into the fight.

"It was pure fun Jasper you know that, but what were you thinking giving him you're number", Alice yelled angrily at him.

Just when I thought things were going to get ugly Jasper burst out laughing.

"Jasper Hale are you laughing at me", Alice asked with one hand on her hip.

Jasper simply walked over to Alice and kissed her fiercely. Rosalie and I had to look away because the intensity was making me blush.

"Wow, you should be getting angry all the time", Alice said smiling smugly.

"Yeah and you know what was the good thing, I gave him a number but it wasn't mine", he said with mischief.

Alice raised her eyebrow at him, "If it wasn't yours than who's number was it", she asked confused.

Jasper started laughing again, "I gave him Edward's number".

Ok that was so not cool now it was my turn to be angry.

"You gave him Edward's number", I asked outraged.

"Yeah, and I also wrote Emmett's down in case Edward didn't answer", he said smirking.

"You what, you little mom is going to hear about this", Rosalie said angrily smacking his head.

But at the end of the day we all agreed on having a little bit of fun and not tell them about Paolo.

Edward had told Jasper to drop me off at the apartment he shared withhim, and Emmett.

I'd never been there before so I was feeling kid of nervous.

"Bye guy's thank you for dropping me off", I told them waving.

"Sure thing Bells say hi to Paolo for me", Jasper said back before driving off.

"Hello Edward", I asked as I let myself into his dark apartment.

"Hey Jasper gave me a key so I'm letting myself in", I yelled again, but I still got no answer.

Huh, this sure was weird.

"Hey Ed-", But I was cut off by hundreds of candles lighting up completely.

The living room was full of candles in all the sizes and colours possible, I also gasped when I saw the floor covered with red petals, and finally saw Edward in the corner with a bouquet of red roses in his hands.

"Edward, this is too much", I told him dumb folded.

"Not for you love", he said walking over to where I was and hugging me.

"Thank you", I said as he handed me the flowers, they smelled delicious.

"You're very welcome", he said leaning into me kissing me fully on the lips.

It turned out Edward had even more surprises for me that night.

"I was thinking at first actually taking you out to dinner and movies, maybe even dancing, but due to everything that has happened with the press I thought I'd be better if we'd stayed in", Edward said apologising to me.

"Don't be silly Edward I love this, I can't believe you went through all of this trouble", I told him.

"Well than I hope you won't mind but I kind of cooked for you", Edward said fidgeting with his hands in his pockets.

"You cook", I asked Edward surprised, if there was something I didn't expect from Edward it was cooking.

"Yeah Esme taught me, now Alice that was something she never could manage", Edward said laughing.

The dinner Edward cooked was delicious he had made meat lasagne in red sauce with mushrooms.

"Oh my god Edward this is delicious", I said completely blown away by his cooking.

"Thanks but I still have more surprise's left for you", He said before taking a bit of his food.

"More are you kidding me", I exclaimed outraged how can he have more surprises.

"Well just one big surprise I guess, and a little bonus", he said smirking.

"Oh you're going to be the death of me Edward Cullen", I said teasing him.

"Come on Bella I really want you to see you're surprise", he said trying to pull me out the door.

"No I have a feeling you spent money on this and I don't like that one bit", I said refusing to move.

"Okay then I'll just have to persuade you to come", he said turning over and kissing me eagerly, I immediately responded by wrapping my hands around his neck.

The kiss left me completely dizzy, so it's was easy for Edward scoop me up in his arms.

"Ok Bella open your eyes", Edward said resting me on the floor.

At first my eyes couldn't believe what I was seeing.

"Edward you got me a car", I asked in shock as I saw a red convertible with a bow in the middle of his driveway.

"Why don't you check the card", he said with a huge smile.

"No need only you would buy me this car", I said becoming a little angry.

"Love don't be angry please", Edward said pleading with me.

Out of nowhere tears began to form in my eyes, Edward saw this immediately started to kiss them away.

"Why are you crying Bella, don't you like the car", Edward asked with a sad look.

"No Edward thank you, I love the car, it's just that I'm not use to being treated like this", I told him sincerely, not even my parents gave me so much.

"Well as long as you're my girlfriend I will only treat you like this", Edward said kissing my neck.

I was out of words to say, I'd never felt so loved before in my life.

"Look love it's the best gift you can give me back, by using this car after everything that happened with Clara I don't want you to be risking you're life by driving you're truck", He said hugging me protectively to his chest.

I knew I couldn't deny him the car not after everything that had happened during these last days, and I didn't want him worrying over me either.

"I love you Edward, I love you so much", I said hugging him tightly.

"Me too, know let's go in before you catch a cold", He said taking my hand and leading me back in.

We had been back in Edward's apartment for almost an hour we were talking about everything and nothing at the same time.

Edward suddenly got up, "I've got a small bonus I want to show you".

"No way, Edward I couldn't take a plane even if I wanted to", I said joking with him

"It's not a plane but do you want me to get you one", he asked sincerely.

"NO", I almost yelled back.

He just chuckled and extended me his hands so I'd get up.

"I don't think I've told you this before but I have musical talents", He said revealing a black grand piano.

"You play the piano I had no idea", I exclaimed surprised, could he get any more perfect.

"Yeah I do and I've been writing something actually", he said kind of embarrassed.

"I would love to hear it", I said sitting down on the piano bench next to him.

"This is my bonus", he said as he started to move his hands across the piano expertly.

After the most beautiful song in the world ended, Edward kissed my forehead happily.

"You inspired this one Bella", Edward said his eyes burning into mine.

"It's the same tune you sang me in the hospital", I said feeling tears again welling in my eyes.

"Exactly, when we got back I decided to make it an actual song", he said standing up.

I looked up at him, "What did I do to get so lucky", I asked looking up at Edward even though I was asking god.

"I ask god that question every day", Edward said helping me stand on my feet.

Music started playing in the background and I recognized a very familiar tune.

"Dance with me love", Edward asked as he hugged me to his chest.

I normally wouldn't dance but after all his done for me how in the world could I deny him.

As we began to sway slowly around the living room, I'll Be by Edwin Mccain started playing.

Edward just pulled me closer and sang the song in my ear.

The strands in your eyes that color them wonderful

Stop me and steal my breath

And emeralds from mountains thrust towards the sky

Never revealing their depth

And tell me that we belong together

Dress it up with the trappings of love

I'll be captivated, I'll hang from your lips

Instead of the gallows of heartache that hang from above

And I'll be your cryin' shoulder

I'll be love's suicide

I'll be better when I'm older

I'll be the greatest fan of your life

And rain falls angry on the tin roof

As we lie awake in my bed

You're my survival, you're my living proof

My love is alive and not dead

So tell me that we belong together

Dress it up with the trappings of love

I'll be captivated, I'll hang from your lips

Instead of the gallows of heartache that hang from above

And I'll be your cryin' shoulder

I'll be love's suicide

I'll be better when I'm older

I'll be the greatest fan of your life

And I've dropped out, I've burned up

I fought my way back from the dead

I've tuned in, I've turned on

Remembered the things that you said

And I'll be your cryin' shoulder

I'll be love's suicide

I'll be better when I'm older

I'll be the greatest fan of your-

I'll be your cryin' shoulder

I'll be love's suicide

I'll be better when I'm older

I'll be the greatest fan of your life

The greatest fan of your whole life

As the song faded, Edwards's voice turned into a whisper.

"I Love you so much, you're my life now", he said kissing my face.

"Thank you for the best first date of my life, I love you too Edward", and with I gave him a sweet kiss, and continued to live what probably be the best day of my life.