Drama Queen

Breathing in the strong scent of rain, Sakura walked towards the bench where Sasuke left her years before. Lying on it, she hoped that he would come back and find her there.

"Doesn't look like he is ever coming back.." Sakura thought to herself, suddenly overcome by tears.




A strong set of arms shook her and a masculine voice whispered in her ear. "Why are you crying my cherry blossom?" Opening her eyes, she found Sasuke sitting next to her smirking.

"Argh! Will you EVER learn??" she cried out "I'm PRACTICING my piece before the big night at my drama club!" before Sakura could complain any longer, Sasuke pulled her into a tight bear hug.

"Sa..Sasuke..I…can't…breathe…" gasped Sakura while desperately trying to breathe in air.

Chuckling to himself he released her but not before kissing her passionately.

Surprised, Sakura pulled away "What was that for?" she asked eyeing him suspiciously.

"What? Can't I show my little baby a some affection once in a while?" he shot back, a look of rejection on his face.

Giggling, Sakura buried her face into the crook of Sasuke's shoulder.

"Well…not while I'm rehearsing baka!"

"Hey! Be nice will you? And why am I the main object of interest?"

"because you are the most amazing person…and should I mention you have the most prettiest girlfriend?" Sakura stated watching for his reaction to her words.

"Well.." Sasuke drawled out "I don't know about pretty..it's leaning more to the beautiful."

A light blush came across Sakura's cheeks. "Sasuke-kun?"


Before she could ask her question, Sakura was met by a crushing force- Sasuke's lips. She smiled when he gently, but urgently nibbled her bottom lip begging for entry.

She obliged.




A few moments later…

Sasuke traced the shape of Sakura's neck with his tongue, gently biting down on her soft angelic skin every now and then.

"Your so delicious that I think I could just eat you whole." he whispered seductively into her ear.

His words sent shivers down her spine. Sakura looked up at Sasuke, only to find his eyes were filled with lust and desire.



"I know you want me.." she said playfully.

This was only answered with a growl from Sasuke.

"Just not here ok?"


With that he carried her off bridal style to his home

To be continued…

Well there it is..my first story on this website…Is it any good?

Cos I have no idea! Please R&R!