Author's Note: So sorry for not updating sooner, luckily this is my week off do I'll have faster updates on all my stories!

Disclaimer: I don't own Twilight


The rain poured violently on the roof of my truck as it slowly moved down the road. Then it just stalled. Right there in the middle of the street. Just my luck.

At least Forks was a small town and I had chosen a road that was rarely used to get home. Still this was not how I wanted to spend my Wednesday afternoon; yes it was the middle of the school week. Two days until the weekend. And then two more for another crazy week like this one.

Yes, this week had been strange but it had excited me. I would wake up each morning and actually look forward to seeing Edward Cullen. And then I fell in love with him! Yes this was a strange week.

I picked up my cell phone courtesy of Charlie, only used for cases like this.

"Hello?" Asked a female voice

"Uh-hi, could you give me a number for a person who can pick up my truck?" I asked

"To sell or for repair?" she asked, by her voice she seemed young.

"Repair, it just stalled on me and I can't start it up again," I said turning the key as I held my foot down on the clutch.

"I see and what district are you in?" she asked

"Forks." I answered

"Well there isn't anyone there; the closest I can get is a few towns away. I suggest calling up some friends or asking a stranger for help and push the truck home," she said

"Ok," I said then the line went dead.

I took the phone away, only problem was I didn't have any of my so called friend's numbers.

"Damn," I cursed. That seemed to make the rain pour down harder I sighed leaning back on my seat. I turned the radio on but static was all I got. Shutting it off in defeat I pulled out Wuthering Heights only to be reminded of Edward's surprised face.

I wonder if he likes me, I thought. It would explain why he wanted to come to Seattle with me unless he thought my truck wouldn't be able to get me there. Which I hate to admit is probably true even more so now that it stalled. I should have expected this to happen sooner, but I was distracted after all it was my first car. It was kind of upsetting to realize that this car might not be able to be fixed.

I wondered if Billy had a manual for this car, I opened up the glove compartment to find it empty. Then searched underneath the seats my hand came upon something, a book? I pulled it out, to see the all too familiar and missed blue and pink cover, my diary!

I let out a huge sigh, it was here in my hands safe away from curious eyes. I opened it up to make sure it hadn't been read, no dog ears on the corners or food stains it was safe. I guess I probably should have tried to figure out how it had gotten under my passenger seat, but I didn't care. Anyways this was obviously my car maybe someone was nice enough to drop it off.

Whatever the reason I couldn't help, but smile I was so happy I didn't hear the knock on my window.

I turned around to see Edward and a few other of the Cullen's.

"Need help?" he asked when I opened the door

"Are you sure?" I asked

"No problem!" the burly one said I think his name was Emmett.

"Really that would be a lot of help," I smiled widely not able to hold my relief in. I was beginning to wonder if I would be stranded all night. At least my truck had heat, or I might have spent the night freezing to death.

"No problem you just sit tight and the three of us will help push your car home," Alice said smiling a wide pixie smile. I was sure Emmett could push my truck by himself and maybe Edward could too, but Alice was so tiny.

"Are you sure you don't need help?" I asked

"Positive, anyway someone needs to steer," Alice said smiling.

I smiled back and agreed leaving my door open to give directions, I felt sorry for them as they pushed through the pouring rain.

"Thanks so much you guys," I said grateful as they made the final turn into Charlie's driveway.

"Like Emmett said it was no problem," Edward said he seemed more gorgeous in the rain as it sparkled in his hair. I was in awe of his beauty.

I shook myself out of the thoughts, "do you guys want something hot to drink coffee, tea?" I asked I doubted Charlie had tea.

"No thanks Emmett and I should head home," Alice said she grabbed Emmett's hand and tried to drag him away he finally gave in and followed her.

"How about you Edward?" I asked

"Tea sounds nice," he said helping me out of the car

We waved off Alice and Emmett as they walked away

"You know you really didn't need to do that," I told him, not that I was upset to see him again it was actually really nice.

"I know but you might have been out there all night," he replied.

"I'm sure someone would have tried to find me," I said.

"Probably, but it was getting dark," he said.

"What you think I'm afraid of the dark?" I asked playfully as we headed to the small yellow kitchen.

"I don't know are you?" he asked

"No," I answered "you?" I asked

"The dark doesn't scare me anymore, it's what's in the dark you should be afraid of though," he said turning the topic back to me.

"What like monsters?" I asked still in a playful tone

"You never know," he said seriously.

"Well if you see the boogey man, tell me," I said.

"That's not what you should be afraid of," he said I turned away as I searched in the cabinet for tea I found a lonely earl grey behind the stacks of coffee tins.

"The way you're talking Edward sounds like you know something," I pointed out.

"I guess I'm just curious," he answered shoving his overly pale hands into his jean pockets.

I turned to him as he ran his hand through his hair, a nervous gesture? I wondered, Edward Cullen was nervous

"Curious?" I asked

"Yeah you know arousing or exciting speculation, interest, or attention through being inexplicable or highly unusual; odd…" he said

"I know what it means Edward," I started "I just don't understand why those that roam in that dark make you curious," I said, he was making me confused, but at the same time fascinated. I wanted to know what was going through his head, though I doubted he would ever really tell me.

"You don't find it fascinating?" he asked

"Not really," I answered as the water boiled

We drank in silence; I guess tea really was an acquired taste I ended up with a glass of orange juice as Edward gulped the whole tea done.

"I thought you were meant to drink tea slowly," I said as I watched him with curious eyes.

"Probably, honestly I don't like tea," he said.

"Oh I just thought…I mean you seem like someone who would like tea," I said looking down at my half empty glass in embarrassment.

"It's fine, thank you for the tea, but I should be going now," he said grabbing his coat off from his chair. I stood up with him and followed him to the door, but he was gone before I could say goodbye. What's with the rush? I thought to myself

I slumped back in my chair chugging the rest of the orange juice. I wondered how Edward knew where I was. Had he followed me? He seemed to be everywhere lately; wherever I turned he was there.

I turned to the clock, 5PM time to make dinner. With that I headed back to the pantry and fridge, at least cooking would get my mind off Edward Cullen. But, never for long he seemed to haunt me even in my mind I wasn't safe.

A/N: so how was it? I tried to make it longer then last chapter though I'm not sure if I succeeded. Again I'm sorry for such a late update! Please R & R!