Donna awoke to the sound of someone knocking on her bedroom door.
"Donna? Are you awake?" the Doctor's voice was muffled by the door, but she didn't think he was really trying to be quiet. She sat up and rubbed her eyes, then swung her legs out of bed and reached for her dressing gown.
"Yes, I'm awake," she called, as she pulled the dressing gown around her and tied the sash.
The Doctor burst into the room. Donna noticed mistletoe in the doorway. "Merry Christmas!" he said, and Donna laughed at the sight of him in a Santa hat, carrying two stockings.
"I see you found the stocking I left for you," she said with a grin, as he sat down on her bed and handed her one of the stockings. "Ooh, one for me?" She sat down next to him on the bed.
"Of course!" he said, bouncing the bed a little as he shifted to face her. "It's not Christmas without stockings! Go on, you first." His eyes sparkled.
"No, no, we have to empty them both at the same time, like this," she said, tipping hers up to spill the contents onto the bed.
"Ah, an efficient technique!" he agreed, and tipped his onto the bed as well. They both laughed as they sorted through the goodies: lots of chocolate and a tiny bottle of perfume for Donna, and jelly babies and other sweets for the Doctor.
"Oh, lovely," she said, picking up the tiny bottle and opening it. "You remembered it." She had admired it in a shop ages ago, and had regretted not buying it at the time.
"It suited you," he said simply. "I thought you should have it."
"Thank you," she said, reaching for his hand and squeezing it. "Merry Christmas."
"Merry Christmas," he repeated, lifting her hand to his lips to kiss it.
Donna giggled in surprise, and he looked a little taken aback himself, but he didn't let go of her hand. "Sorry," he said.
"S'okay," she said. She looked away, a little embarrassed, and her eyes fell on the mistletoe again. "Mistletoe in every doorway. Is there a method to your madness?"
"What?" he asked, and turned to follow her gaze. "Oh, that. I just like mistletoe," he shrugged. "But I don't remember hanging any in here."
"Is it that ship of yours again? Moving things around?"
He laughed. "Could be. Yes, it could be."
"You just like mistletoe? You couldn't do better than that?" she teased. "Admit it. You were hoping for a little Christmas kiss, weren't you?"
"Weeellll," he said, taking her other hand. He at least had the good grace to look a little embarrassed. "It's such a nice little tradition."
She squeezed his hand again. "Yes, it is," she replied, surprised to find herself a little breathless. He let go of her hands, reaching up to cup her face in his hands, and he leaned toward her, his eyes on her lips. She just had time to think Oh God, he's going to kiss me before he was kissing her, his lips cool and soft on hers. She felt off balance, so she slid her arms around him and he responded by sliding closer to her on the bed. She parted her lips and he deepened the kiss, stealing her breath as she clutched at his shirt. He finally pulled back, and she opened her eyes to see him smiling at her. "There wasn't even any mistletoe," she said.
"Oh, my mistake," he said, standing and taking her hand again, leading her to the doorway with a twinkle in his eye. He stopped under the mistletoe there and pulled her closer. He pushed a lock of her hair behind her ear, cupping the back of her neck as he leaned down to kiss her again. She sighed and leaned into him, her hands coming up to tangle in his hair. This time when he broke the kiss they were both breathless.
Donna swallowed. "Well, that was..."
"What?" he asked, his eyes on hers.
"Shut up and kiss me again," she said, pulling him down to her.
One Year Later
"Are you going to put up the lights in the garden again?" Donna asked from her seat by the console.
"Hmm? Lights?" He looked up at her.
"You remember - last year, lights, Christmas?" she prodded.
"Oh, is that tradition now? I do it once in an attempt to seduce you, and now I have to do it every year?"
She laughed. "An attempt to seduce me? I thought that was just the mistletoe hanging from every available surface. I didn't know the lights were as well."
"Of course they were. The lights, the dancing, the mistletoe. All of it part of my plan to get what I wanted for Christmas."
"Which was?"
"You, of course," he said, moving to stand in front of her. "Best Christmas ever."
"Yes, it was," she agreed, taking his hand. "So, lights?"
He laughed. "Yes, I'll put up the lights again." He leaned down to give her a kiss. "Meet me in the garden in ten minutes."
"Ten minutes?" she was confused. "Oh, you sneaky devil. I'll be there. Don't forget the Christmas carols," she called after him as he left the room.
Ten minutes later, she pushed open the door to the garden, to be greeted by the familiar sight of lights in every possible tree and plant in the garden, centering around a large Christmas tree in the center. She heard the familiar Christmas music, and saw the Doctor standing by the tree, a grin on his face.
"Stay there," he said, and he walked to meet her in the doorway, pointing up at the mistletoe.
"Mistletoe," she said, just before he pulled her into a leisurely kiss. After long moments, she pulled back, smiling at him. "Just like the first time," she said.
"It always is with you," he agreed. He took her hand, leading her into the room. "Dance with me?"
"Always," she said, as they moved with the music.