Author's notes:Apparently it's Tieria's birthday. Plus with all that happened in the latest episode, made me write this short and random thing XD Timeline-wise, not sure, up to you to decide XD
A present? for Me?
Tieria Erde stared suspiciously at the package in his hands.
"What is this?" he asked the Meister who gave him the package with narrowed eyes.
Allelujah Haptism smiled innocently. "It's a present of course!"
"Present? What for?"
"For your birthday of course. Which I heard is today."
"Because people usually give you presents on your birthday."
"Hmm..." Tieria was still unconvinced. The package in his hands was a light, flat, and square box, wrapped in fancy paper with a bow on the top. He started flipping the box over to examine it, when Allelujah quickly stopped him.
"W-Wait, don't do that."
"Why?" Tieria stopped, even more suspicious.
"Just open it will you?" Was it just Tieria, or did Allelujah sound a little.. strange?
Tieria sighed mentally. If he opened it, maybe Allelujah will go away and leave him be. "Fine."
He carefully undid the bow, and started to take the wrapping paper off carefully.
"No no, you're supposed to rip it off," Allelujah told him impatiently, making gesturing motions with his hands.
Tieria gave him a strange look, but did as told, so Allelujah would shut up.
As Allelujah watched with eager eyes, Tieria ripped the wrapping paper off, revealing a brown cardboard box.
"What am I supposed to do with this?" Tieria asked, unamused.
"Open it of course!" Allelujah sounded as if he couldn't contain his excitement any longer. "And open the lid quickly," he added, knowing that Tieria will probably pry it open slowly.
Tieria took a hold of the lid of the box, not noticing the mischievous grin on Allelujah's face. He popped it open, and--
Before Tieria could register what was going on, something flew toward him and slapped him right in the face. Then all he could feel was something wet and sticky sliding down his face. For the moment, he was too shocked to feel anything else, like anger.
He heard a maniacal laughter coming from Allelujah, as he doubled over at Tieria's expense. Of course, Tieria couldn't see that, since his glasses were covered with whipped cream, bits of pie crust, jam, and other gooey stuff he couldn't name.
"Pffttt!" he spat out the cream that got into his mouth. Calmly, almost too calmly, he off his glasses, cleaned them on his shirt, and wiped his face with his sleeve. Someone was going to do his laundry for him later.
Allelujah was laughing hard, and one finger was pointed at Tieria.
"I...can't... believe you... fell" he gasped out in between laughter.
Tieria looked at him in disgust for a second, before grabbing his outstretched arm. Allelujah stopped laughing.
"Allelujah Haptism, what is the meaning of this?"
"Oops, time to run," whispered Allelujah, before wrenching his arm out of Tieria's grip and making a run for it down the hall of the Ptolomaios. He heard footsteps behind him, and Tieria yelling "Get back here!" He ran faster, still laughing maniacally.
Oh Great, Now look what you've done Hallelujah!
What? You thought it was funny too.
Yeah, but I'm going to be the one getting blamed for it...