Duty, Dragons and Dabo.

Disclaimer: Paramount owns 'em; The Blue Goo, Dr Megalomania and Elvis own the Dragons. We're just seeing what happens when you mix Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and our sick twisted minds.

We'd also like to include various TV series and feature films for inspiration.

Author Note's: We'd also like it noted that we own the various red shirted ensigns and would like to assure the reader that *no ensigns were killed in the writing of this story, horribly maimed or transported to another time and place maybe but killed? No!*

//the dragon's thinking/speaking//

Part 1: When It's A Little Too Quiet . . .

Odo sighed heavily, so much to do, so little time to do it in. He looked up out of the windows of his office doors and contemplated stretching, not your average stretch, but a full elastic band impression stretch. Despite wanting to he decided against it. He was a private man and did not like the idea of stretching like that in full public view, especially when the public included . . .

Quark stormed in. Odo was gals he had refrained from stretching.

"Someone has fixed my Dabo table!"

"Really? Oh my! How terrible!" Odo replied dryly.

"Yes!" Quark struck a pose that said 'what are you stupid or something?'

"And they fixed it to do . . . What?"

"To cheat at Dabo of course!"

"How can you tell?" Odo was intrigued now.

"How can I tell, how can I tell? I'll tell you, its fixed so the house loses!"

"Isn't that supposed to happen?" Asked a new voice from the doorway. Odo permitted himself a small smile as Quark whipped his entire body around to face Major Kira.

"No!" Quark caught himself, "Well . . . not all the time." Odo stood and led Quark to the door.

"Quark, stop wasting my time."

The little Ferengi bustled, "I demand to know what you are going to do." Odo pushed him out of his office. "I . . . am utterly . . . stunned, you call yourself a security officer? I'll . . . " His voice was cut off as the doors slid closed in front of him. Kira smiled and waved goodbye mockingly through the glass door as Quark gathered himself up and stormed across the promenade to his bar.

Odo laughed, his unique monosyllabic "Ha!" He turned to the pretty Bajoran and felt the familiar fluttering of his . . . heart? No, he didn't have one, did he? Perhaps it was his stomach? Nada on that front too, . . . oh well, he'd figure it out later.

"What can I do for you Major?"

Kira instantly dropped the playful manner and became business like. While she launched into her report, Odo sighed, sat and listened carefully.as well as admiring that beautiful Bajoran nose.

Stars were so beautiful. He turned and contemplated the people milling in the area. People were not so beautiful, but varied so much more than stars . . . then again stars were so much more graceful, as he watched a Bolian bump into a Bajoran woman, her arms loaded with shopping that went sprawling all over the promenade beneath him.

"What exactly are you doing?" a familiar voice said behind him. Jake Sisko jumped to see his good friend Nog, standing there in full star fleet garb.

"Nog?!" he exclaimed.

Nog drew himself up to his full height, (which was still somewhat shorter than Jake) "you were maybe expecting someone else?"

Jake made to cuff his ear but Nog deftly ducked out of the way. "Not someone else; just thought you'd be too busy to see me."

Nog grinned, a full Ferengi grin complete with pointed teeth. "Hey, us Starfleet Personnel have gotta keep tabs on all you unrulely civilians somehow . . . So what are you doing?"

"Well, whilst you 'Starfleet Personnel' are busy keeping tabs, us civilians have to stay busy some other way. I was just looking and contemplating on the stars out there, and people down there. Us creative types have to keep a look out for inspiration." He gestured down to the promenade. It was then that they watched Odo shove a very blustered Quark out of his office. As per usual Quark made a big show of patting himself off and yelled something which Jake and Nog only caught the end of.

". . . Call yourself a security officer . . . I'll sue . . . you'll . . . I'll . . ." Nog turned and grimaced as his uncle stomped of in frustration to his bar.

Jake laughed and patted him on the back. "Don't worry, I'm sure it's nothing big."

"Jake . . . " Nog adapted his 'my uncle/father is so stupid! Why me?', exasperated tone of voice. "My uncle's problem could be as small as a proton. . . yet he is still capable of making it into a super nova. . . AND he makes a spectacle of himself!" Nog covered his eyes in an attempt to block out his uncle's behaviour.

"Nog, it's Ok." Jake had long gotten into the habit of reassuring Nog over his family's mistakes. "The only person he's showing up . . . is. . . " Jake trailed off as he looked through the view port.

Oblivious to Jake's movement towards the view port Nog continued the dried up sentence. "Who? Himself, me, the entire Ferengi race. It's reputation. . . who?. . . Jake? Jake?" Nog stormed off towards his friend. "Jake, my life is getting worse by the minute, my uncle just embarrassed himself in front of the whole promenade and all you can do is gawp out of the window!"

Jake grabbed Nog's shoulders and spun him round so he was forced to look out of the window.

"What am I looking at? The stars are nice and all, really they are, but this. . . isn't. . .the. . . " Nog trailed off as his mind tried to register what he was seeing. There was what could only be described as . . . a . . . thing. With scales. And claws. And Wings. It was outside looking in at them.

It's face contorted, Jake stammered, "I think . . . It's grinning at us?"

The thing spread its scaled wings, moved back, and rammed itself into the view port. The two friends jumped a good meter back as the thing slid downwards, its grin replaced in favour of a squashed cheek.

Having recovered the thing moved back from the view port and with one clawed limb, knocked on the glass while pretending to choke.

I think . . . it wants to get in." said Jake slowly as both he and Nog recovered from their shock. Nog panicked, his mind was having trouble reconciling the image before him. "Wha . . . What are we supposed to do?"

"Call Ops?" Jake ventured, both were unable to take their eyes off the apparition.

Nog slapped the right side of his chest, completely missing his commbadge, he tried again, this time his left shoulder, again, stomach, forehead, everywhere except the left hemisphere that was his chest. The creature ceased its little show and proceeded slowly to bang its forehead against the glass.

Jake stumbled backwards, grabbed Nog, (who was still trying to locate his elusive commbadge) and motioned to the thing "wait there, wait there!"

Dragging Nog by the arm, Jake made a mad dash down promenade's top level, down the spiralled stairs, through Quarks, swiftly ducking the loaded trays of the waitresses. Ignored Quarks yell of "Hey! What the . . . ?". Racing past Odo's office. The doors of which opened to reveal Constable Odo and Major Kira.

"Where do you think there're going?" Kira asked Odo.

"I don't know . . . but I'm pretty sure it's no good." Odo broke into a jog after the young writer and the young ensign. "Jake . . .Nog . . . Stop running!" They weren't listening; they stopped at a turbo lift. Odo and Kira came to a halt as Jake and Nog waited for the lift. "Now . . .Care to explain why you two were running around like a pair of headless Rigalian Sigher Chickens?" Odo struck his most intimidating pose.

Nog was still looking for his com badge, Jake tried to put what he saw into words. Both were breathless from their insane sprint.

"Must . . . Ops . . ." Nog managed.

"Fast, now, thing, help, Um." Jake pointed towards the viewpoint. To Odo and Kira, they might as well have been speaking gibberish. The lift arrived, Jake and Nog leapt into the car as if their lives depended on it. Kira and Odo joined the duo, who had ordered the computer to take them to ops.

"Now will you please calm down and tell us . . ." Kira began. The lift stopped at deck two to admit Dr Bashir and Chief O'Brien.

Before they could say or do anything, both Nog and Jake yanked the engineer and the doctor into the lift. "No time to explain . . . Ops or tough Cheese." Jake exclaimed breathlessly.

"Well, Um, We're on our way to ops." Bashir recovered "But why . . ."

"No time," Nog repeated, he looked up. "Computer, Ops now!!!!!!!"

Meanwhile in Ops . . .

Jadzia looked up from her console and observed the room around her. It was quiet, it was as if the founders had decided to take a break. 'Good' she thought. She found herself staring at her new husband. Complete with usual gruff expression, Worf moved around, checking everything and making notes on his pad.

"Well, old man, anything to report?" Her old friend clapped and rubbed his hands together, he looked happy. 'He's just enjoying the quiet' she thought and smiled at him, even though the part of her that was still Curzon Dax cursed him for surprising her like that.

"Aside from the deathly boredom that had descended, I'd say . . . " she adapted a serious tone, "RED ALERT!!! We're under attack!!".

Sisko laughed heartily, "Arrgh, save us all"

Worf looked up and raised an eyebrow. "Sir, we are not under attack . . ."

"I'm just joking Worf." Jadzia wiped away at her eyes.

"We are in a war situation, there is no time for joking."

"Lighten up Mr. Worf . . . That's an order." Sisko smiled over at the gruff tactical officer.

"Humm." Worf moved away.

". . .For the last time . . .what's wrong with you two?" Kira said as the turbo lift arrived at ops. Jadzia looked up to see Jake, Nog, Kira, Odo, Bashir and O'Brien bundle out of the car. Nog and Jake looked like they were possessed as they leapt across the deck to the transporter panel.

Captain Sisko recovered with trained ease from his shock. "Jake, Ensign, what are you doing? Get away from that panel!" Jake made some jumbled attempt to explain their insane behavior, while ensign Nog accesses the panel.

Odo took his duty into hand and used his most daunting voice. "Ensign, you will cease your activities at once." Lieutenant Dax tried to stop them by cutting Nog off.

"It's too late, what ever they are beaming aboard is in the buffer. We have to complete the transport."

Sisko turned to his son. "You have a lot of explaining to do."

Jake gulped visibly.

All attention turned to the center of ops. The middle main console on which the computer had chosen to deposited the apparently large amount of matter Nog had beamed aboard. As the glittering golden cascade of transporter cleared, a large form could be made out. It appeared to have strong muscled back legs, a tail, a long neck and things on its back that resembled wings, it had for-arms with claws that looked capable of acting like hands. Jadzia murmured something about it not being humanoid, Kira, like the rest of ops couldn't take her eyes off the thing in front of her; she muttered a prayer in Bajoran. The transport complete, the creature leant back on its hind legs, wobbled slightly, regained its balance, looked around, spotted Jake and Nog (whose mouths hung open) and grinned.

It opened its mouth to reveal several sharp teeth and a thin tongue, 'much like a Klingon Bach'mu'tach' Worf thought as he held back his sudden urge to pounce on the creature. He half expected it to breath the plasma fire that he'd seen in many creatures similar to this. What happened completely contradicted this thought. The creature cleared its throat and . . .

//So, how's the weather in here . . .//