So this idea came to me in two stories Then after trying to decide what story to do first, I had the idea to combine them. I talked to a dear friend of mine and she liked the idea and agree to be me go to Amber much love! Umm I hope you all enjoy it. I'll be positng the first chapter in a day or two, I'm touching it up as we speak.

So now for the regular stuff...I do not own any recognizable characters. In this chapter they all belong to the glorious mind that belongs to Stephanie Meyer. I mean no ahrm and I don't want to get sued. :) Thanks!

This is a Prolouge...hence the chapter being named There is a LOT to this story so I hope you all stay tuned. It is very complicated but I'm trying my As you will see it has a narrator and some of it is like a journal...the centered peices are journal peices from our narrator.

So here it is. :)

Time stood still as I watched her in all her menacing, evil glory.

I didn't want to but I couldn't look away. I couldn't peel my horrified eyes off the scene in front of me.

I had two strong cold hands on each of my arms, trying desperately to drag me away. To take me to safety. How I managed to put up the fight I did in my condition was beyond me. Hell, how I managed to put up the tiniest fight against them was far beyond that. I knew for a fact that they could have me out of there in a flash but like me, they couldn't look away.

We just couldn't look away.

I was looking at the woman, if I must, that had now abolished my already painful life. The woman that had haunted me for almost two years. The woman that desperately wanted me dead. The woman that everyone had tried to protect and hide me from.

The woman that now stood over the man that I loved.

The man that gone out of his way to help me. To care for me. To heal me and to love me. The man that I was so deathly afraid of at first. The one that I, so easily, fell in love with. The one that held me through the nights that I cried. The one that could kiss away my pain. He was the only one who really understood me.

The man, that was now, giving his life to save me. He was on his knees in front of his maker offering his life and his death to her on a silver platter.

"Get her out of here." he yelled without looking back, most likely afraid to take his eyes off of the woman in front of him in case she decided to take back her offer and take me instead. Or maybe, maybe it was because he didn't want to look at me. Maybe that would be more torture for him. After all, this was possibly the last time he would see me. Did he really want to close his eyes remember me like this?


If he wanted to remember me, he'd remember the snow ball fight we had just one week ago. Or the last night that we were alone together. He'd remember my hands shaking as we slowly pushed his limits and the way I, not so gently, bit my lip when he finally extended his love to me in the most intimate way.

He'd remember the feelings. He'd feel the love that I had for him. The trust. Not the fear and agony I was feeling now.

Now I didn't blame him for not looking back.

I felt the hands pull harder and I jerked forward. I knew it was a lost cause to fight against them but I had to try. I had to show him and everyone in that opening that I was willing to fight the impossible to be with him. I would give up everything I had to keep him from her. To keep him from being hurt again.

"We have to go." the voice hissed in my ear. I looked to my left and stared at the tall, muscular man holding me and frowned.

"I can't leave him. We cannot leave him." I whispered almost inaudibly. His eyes mirrored my pain but he pursed his lips before yanking me out of the other set of hands and effortlessly throwing me over his shoulders. I let out a loud, ear piercing scream and hit his back as hard I could.

Why was he giving up? I didn't understand.

And it was there, looking over the shoulder of the man that I now saw as a traitor, that I saw the most frightening thing of my existence.

I saw my life slip away. And as he went, he didn't look back.

Everyone has a story.

And sadly, this is I saw mine end.

It wasn't what I hoped for but then again, I didn't know what to hope for. All my life I had no hope, no choice. I was destined to be in pain until the day I died. I was expected to succumb to the demands of others and not fight back.

It is a sad story. It did not begin with Once Upon A Time and it didn't end with Happily Ever After. I wasn't that fortunate. Poor Cinderella's past had nothing on mine. I would have gladly traded spaces with Dorothy and faced the Wicked Witch myself. And when it came down to it, I would have begged my true love to let me sleep forever instead of kissing me to life if I knew it would come to this.

The beginning of my story is hell, complete and utter hell. And the ending is...well, the ending is complicated.

Luckily, I'm here now to tell you this story and everything that came between the hell and the complicated and painful finale.

So you saw how it ended. Now let me show you how it started and how it came to be. But remember one thing as we go...

In my world, something is always in disguise.

Yours truly.

Time is gonna take my mind,

and carry it far away where I can fly

The depth of life will dim my temptation to live for you

If I were to be alone silence would rock my tears

'cause it's all about love and I know better

How life is a waving feather

-Dancing by Elise