Measures of a Friend:

Or a Crush… Toph introspection, kind of one-sided Tokka

I think you can first tell that you're good friends, when you can be in one another's presence without saying anything. You know what I mean?

I'm talking sitting side by side, not saying anything, but not feeling awkward either. Feeling just fine, and comfortable with each other, whereas you feel that the conversation doesn't need to continue because nothing's feeling weird.

And then of course, there's that feeling that you know your best friend would always stick up for you. Even though you're totally kick-ass on your own, and could mow down 20 guys in 10 seconds even they even dared to mess with you (which they wouldn't). But at the same time, it's a contenting feeling, knowing that there'll always be someone on your side to take over if you're ever feeling hurt or bullied. If someone calls a name or throws a punch, your best friend will always be at your right hand side to call a name and throw a punch back, though you're totally capable of doing the above yourself.

Oh and don't forget he's always looking out for you. You stand hopping between feet, freezing cold, and what does he… er, your best friend do? Asks… tells you to go inside and stop being stubborn. Though he, dammit, your FRIEND, knows you'll stick your stubborn guns… and then eventually know he's right and give in.

Having a best friend is like having a built-in support system. Before something serious (Of course I'm talking a COMPETITION!) you'll be there for your friend, and he'll be there for you. Telling you how to prepare, how to handle your crushing defeat (Of course, You never lose, but YOUR FRIEND has dealt with that before) and to give you a GIMOUNGOUS high-five when you do something remarkable. Or to tell you it's all right when you totally mess-up and SUCK. (-Cough-… The friend, not you)

Another measure of a best friend, while you're fine not talking, you can also talk about absolute randomness forever. I'm talking hours upon hours. And THEN realize how long you spent talking and laugh it away.

And, then while you're talking about nothing, serious things manage to squirm their way into the conversations, and some how you end up learning so much about your friend in the process. Learn about siblings, about things they've never told anyone, learn middle names, learn past, goals, learn feelings and regrets.

And somewhere along the lines, when all this happens, you begin to realize …maybe he's become more than your friend, dare I say your best friend?

And maybe you begin to realize that when you're not with him, he's all you can think about, that he clouds your thoughts, that everything reminds you of him. And maybe you think that he possibly MIGHT mean more to you than just a friend, and you might think… or hope, you mean more to him than just a friend. But you'll never know because you don't have the guts to tell him, now do you?

But this is all hypothetical of course.


Dude, this came so easy, and I LOOOOOOOOOVE it.

-Mandi (Toruh)