You: -squabble squabble!-

Me: Hey! Don't give me crap! Be happy I put something up! I've been working on everything, ok? IBtSoE prequel, VRPoDtdw, WdwhPB, TaZimP, everything! Even stuff for the outside world! Calm down, be patient!!


x-x-x- Prologue -x-x-x

"Hey, kid. Daddy's gonna have a few friends over tonight, so you have to keep your little pie hole shut, mkay?" A man said, crouching down to look at his five year old son and grabbing his throat tightly so he'd look at him.

"K-kay!" The boy happily tried to say, through his choking.

"I don't know why the fuck you're so happy. Sometimes you are, sometimes you aren't. Hell, sometimes you're a little whore or a sadistic freak. I don't get it. I don't care, either. So just keep yourself fucking quiet while daddy's friends are here, got it?" He let go of the small boy's throat and thrust him back, to where he fell onto his bum.

"Mkay, daddy, I gots it! Imma make you a drawing when you come visit, kaaaay?" The boy giggled.

"Shut up!" His father snapped quickly, kicking him.

After that, he quickly walked out, locking the door from the outside.


" Seattle police department, how can I help you?"

"Mhm. Ok. And the address is?" There was some scribbling on a piece of notepad paper.

" 4136… East Nibelheim Blvd ? Ok, got it. Thank you, we'll send someone over shortly to check it out," A phone was then hung back on the receiver. A chair was pushed out and footsteps began walking towards the back room.

"Hey, Strife, Leonheart. Stop making out, we just got a call in for suspicion of child abuse, and they'd like us to check it out. Get movin!" The cop snaps, impatiently tapping her boot tip on the floor.

"Oh, and it's only a suspicion. So if it's just nothing then go home and screw there, because Willard (the janitor) is tired of having to clean to locker room." She added.

When officers Strife and Leonheart finish their business, they grab the address from their higher up and leave.

"Will do!" Strife salutes, playfully.


"Child abuse… That's not something we see every day," Leonheart said, as Strife drove them towards the address.

"Well yea, but remember it's just a-"Suspicion, yea. But still, you never kn-"Just shut up, I want sex," Strife told him, smiling slightly. Leonheart chuckled. "Damn straight,"

"Oh, hey, we're here," Strife said, just as Leonheart was coming on to him.

"You're just saying-"Take note of the kid in the window waving at us in case the guy says he's not home or something," They get out of the car, and gently wave back to the small child.

They see the boy what seems to be falling down for a moment, before probably getting whatever he was standing on and putting it back up. The window was pretty high.

"Whoa, this might be more serious than we though, look he's got a huge-ass bruise on his face," Leonheart says, taking a notepad out and writing random stuff down.

They see the boy turn his head behind him real fast, and then disappear.


The boy hears a car door slam as he's coloring a picture for his daddy.

He anxiously gets up and runs to the wall, where he gets a few boxes and stands on them so he can see out the window.

He can't tell daddy about the boxes though; he's not 'sposed to look out the window, daddy will hurt him if he finds him looking out the window.

He starts jumping up and down as he sees two big guys get out of their cool car in what looks like- gasp- are those Halloween costumes?

The boy doesn't know what month it was, or what day it was for that matter (he wasn't 'llowed to go to school yet, but this fall he was! He was really excited, he liked learning!), so he was pretty excited at the thought of Halloween.

His daddy told him about it once or twice, but he was never 'llowed to participate.

In fact, he was never 'llowed to leave his room, either.

Only unless he had to make a tinkle or his tummy was rumbling.

If he had a bad dream his daddy just told him to shut up and go back to bed, which was a mattress. Sometimes the others kept him awake though, but most of the time it wasn't him who was out to play. It was just whoever wanted their turn.

Sometimes, during the snow times, he got a small blankey too, and some hot cocoa.

It was usually just some old cereal or moldy bread and some water, his meals.

And when he gets sick, he never had to go the icky doctor or dentist. He always got these weird medicine things from some of his daddy's close buddies!

The cool Halloween dudes look up at him and wave. The boy grins and waves back.

A second later, his boxes cave in and he falls, causing a loud crash to sound throughout the house, oops!

He quickly stacks them back up and gets back up to the window. He begins to wave again, but he hears his daddy come into the room.

He turns around to say hi, but his daddy just hits him in the head again to make him come down. "I thought I told you to shut the fuck up! Why are you looking out the window, you little shit?" He yells, kicking the fallen boy out of the way to look.

When daddy sees the Halloween people, he turns white, like the boy's crayon. He has a white crayon like that. When he realizes that the boy was waving at them, he turns red, like another one of the boy's crayons.

"Daddy! I made you another drawing, do you want to see it?" The boy asks, slowly getting up and limping to his drawing table; he hurt his leg when he fell.

"No, I don't!" The man growls, kicking the boy in the head so he falls to the ground unconscious. Daddy then goes downstairs to get the Halloween buddies out of his hair.


Hearing a few crashes come from the room where the boy was, the officers decide to go check it out.

They walk up to the front door, but before they can even ring the bell or anything, the door is already open.

"What do you want?" The father asks.

"We received a call about a neighbor thinking that you have possibly been abusing your child and or children. We would just like to ask if this is true-"No, it's not." Strife is interrupted by the father, who seems impatient.

"We heard a few crashed coming from the boy's room, would you mind explaining that?" Asks Leonheart.

"He's clumsy; his boxes fell while he was trying to wave at you, no doubt."

"Mhm. Well, would you mind if we had a quick look around to make sure everything is ok?" He then asks.

"Yes, I would mind. Do you even have a warrant?"

"Yes, sir, we in fact do have a warrant. Are you currently having a get together, sir?"

"Yes, a small party, nothing to get concerned about," The father says in a bit of a rush.

"Sir, why don't you just let us have a real quick glance around your home. We won't bug any of your guests or-"Fine! Just hurry it up!" The officers are a bit taken back by this comment, but nonetheless they nod and enter the home.

"Here, you check down stairs to see if there are any other kids, I'll go check on the boy," Cloud says in his naturally soft voice. Leonheart nods and goes off to check other rooms.

Strife goes upstairs and checks all the rooms, finally finding the boy's last. What he sees inside nearly makes him have a heart attack.

"S-squall, you'd better get in here, pronto," Cloud stutters into a walkie talkie, examining the room silently as his partner charges upstairs.

"What is it?" He asks, before seeing anything. When he does, he takes a step back from shock.

Well, the first thing they see is the unconscious boy on the ground (The father does not know he knocked the boy unconscious). The next thing is the walls and carpet. They are all decorated in blood stains, some of them being fake and made of red crayon scribbles.

The boy's… bed, per say, is even covered in blood stains.

What they don't know was that the father was not the one to cause the blood to spill. (You'll learn later on!)

They walk over to examine a drawing on his small table.

It has two small stick figures on it, one with a scribble of periwinkle on the head, no doubt the small boy.

The other is taller and has pointy teeth and is grinning evilly, but there is a heart between the two stick figures.

"Hmm… Take for evidence or whatever?" Squall asks, folding it up and putting it in a pocket.

Cloud sighs and carefully picks the small boy up. The two then quickly rush out of the house with him and to the hospital.

There, his wounds are treated. When he wakes, his personality was completely different than what it had been previously. He acts way too smart for his age, and wears glasses with no lenses.


The doctors take him in afterwards to check out his mental state.

"Son, what is your name?"

A small, bored sigh. "Beau."

"These nice officers say you were acting completely different earl-"

"That must've been Gilbert. He kept bugging us about wanting to get out and play today…"


"There's more than just me, duh. The main is Ienzo, but Father helped create us, so we could keep Ienzo company… and sane."


After that conversation, he is deemed insane, diagnosed with Multiple Personality Syndrome.

They take him in a rather fancy truck over to the asylum, in which he becomes confused.

"Are we going back to Father's? He won't be happy about us leaving. We're not allowed to leave our room, nonetheless his house. He's going to really punish us this time," Beau says, looking at the officers.

"You're never going back, Beau. We're taking you somewhere much safer. We're taking you home," Cloud tells him, smiling a bit.


When they arrive, the first new people he meets are two interesting looking men; both have red hair in wild styles, and facial tattoos.

"Hey there, little buddy!" One says, as both bend down to pet him.

"I'm Reno ," The one with the longer hair says, pointing to himself with his thumb.

"And that's Lae, my baby bro," He then informs, pointing to the hedgehog looking one.

Beau nods. "Beau. Ienzo, Gilbert, Lucius, and Malachi." He introduces himself, finding nothing strange at all about having several other friends in his head.

The men chuckle before one picks him up and carry him to his new room.

"This is where your new room is," He, Reno , says, gently placing him on the bed.

"You're going to be-"How long will I be staying here?" If you had let me finish, you would know. You're going to be here a very long time. We're not really sure though…" Lae explains.

"You'll be seeing a lot of us, by the way. Your therapist is a dude named Elaeus; he's cool." Reno adds, before beginning to list other important things off.

"For your meals, one of us will escort you to the cafeteria. If you need something, press this button here, and your bathroom is over there… You will also be getting medication every day too,"

"Medication? What for?" He asks. "We all want to know,"

Both Lae and Reno chuckle. "Well, we gotta go tend to our other patients. All we have left to say is… Well, welcome home, bud. See ya around," And with that, they leave, leaving Beau to contemplate things.